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<img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK <img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK

12-17-2015 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
I'm not saying odds are that kookies doesn't have her beat. I'm saying why would she call more than $60 on top otr with KQ? I guess I lose value here.
A good adjustment you can make is starting those thin value raise/bets.

The one things that matters is we will have the best hand 90% of the time with this action, even if she doesn't call, it builds up frustration to not see our hand. When I am 90% sure I have the best hand, I put more money in the pot. I really disagree with the saying you need to value bet only when 51% of villains range calls you. Because even if she folds KQ here this time, it is a huge win for us, overtime frustration builds up and just because she folded KQ this time, won't mean she will fold again the second time. She might fold KQ now and call with KTo in 30min because of our thin river raise.

Depending on villains I could see a massive raise or a small one here, those are obvious blocking bets so 100 is really good. She just put 40, now she only has to put 60 to see your cards and her hand might be good...

I hate a turn raise because the K is a spade, punishing her donk bets OTR is always funny, best feeling ever.

Well played.
<img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK Quote
12-17-2015 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by philepistemer
The one hand she could have that beats us is lol played aces.
You're right. She can't have 44, because this deck only contains 2 fours.

If she has 66, well in that case, we could just steal her chips when she's away from the table. We smart.
<img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK Quote
12-17-2015 , 07:55 AM
You're right those hands absolutely are possible. I just think AA is less unlikely for Bayesian reasons.

Edit: this is probably wrong, but I think the type of player who would play any hand that beats us in this fashion is way more likely to have a worse hand that will call, which is what matters.
<img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK Quote
12-17-2015 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by kekeeke

I hate a turn raise because the K is a spade
In game this is exactly what I was thinking. But actually I don't think it changes very much. Maybe the equity of her range OTT goes from like 8.5% to 9.5%.

I'm starting to think I should be slowplaying a lot more.
<img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK Quote
12-17-2015 , 07:27 PM
wtf kookie! I was expecting to see the long awaited results!
<img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK Quote
12-17-2015 , 07:47 PM
seems fine.

you *possibly could have done this on the turn and maybe got 100 on the turn and a shove on the river.

but no problem with a value raise on the river
<img /2 I get blocker bet OTT w. TPTK Quote
