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1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack 1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack

02-05-2012 , 12:10 AM
30-45 minutes at the table So not much by way of reads,

Villain has been fairly tight , but only about 20-30 minutes of play so somewhat irrelevant

Other two have 200ish behind

Hero has. 260ish and 9 9

Loose player limps , mp1 (villain) who is playing about 65$ makes it 12 , I flat in the hj , bb flats , limper flats.

Flop 853 , 2 clubs

Bb check , utg check , villain hesitates a bit and shoves about 45 for a pot sized bet.

Thoughts on pre & now what? Weird stack size for opener and now terrible position to face the shove.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 12:42 AM
If I get a sense that he's at all willing to do this light I'll call. Especially with hesitation. Usually, that's a bad player realizing he has no good options.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by spikeraw22
If I get a sense that he's at all willing to do this light I'll call. Especially with hesitation. Usually, that's a bad player realizing he has no good options.
Agreed. Hesitation from a bad player usually means they don't know what to do. If he had a big pair I'd expect a fairly confident flop shove. I'm calling this. If he had any less behind I'd consider raising to try and price out the other two with a vulnerable hand, but I think given his bet size a call is correct.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 01:05 AM
Ok so call but get away if bb/limper c/r?
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 01:11 AM
Typically yes. My standard line at 1/2 is to run for the hills when I get c/r because most of the people I play against won't do it with less than 2-pair.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 01:21 AM
Get it in against the short stack. He's most likely got a flush draw or a pair on the board. You have most of his range dominated.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 01:27 AM
A fairly tight player does not have any pair on that board. I would expect more confidence if he did flop something like nut flush draw + 2 overs. Still a call though. Two big cards are likely.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 03:06 AM
ok i called and bb folded but utg limper shipped all in , so i folded. Just real akward having 2 left to act ,
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by th1986
ok i called and bb folded but utg limper shipped all in , so i folded. Just real akward having 2 left to act ,
that's why you have to decide if you are going crazy here. i mean, if you call as you did and someone senses you aren't in love with your hand, they can easily raise you off by shoving.

this is where you need to be looking around the table and getting reads on your villains left to act. maybe you pick up something and save yourself $45.

i had a hand tonight that i misplayed ... I had 88 and check folded a 234 rainbow flop. I mean, I am being results oriented as I hit the 8 on the turn and would have tripled up, but if I bet the flop and get minraised, I can easily call. Instead, I check and I am facing a $35 bet and a minraise to $70. I can not cold-call $70 there.

I think your mistake is the flop call...It puts you in a bad spot
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 07:21 AM
anyone like a 3b pre to iso the short stack? make it 30 and call/push any non AK flop if you get him headsup. If it still goes 4ways, play for the set.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 08:59 AM
3bet preflop. You can't setmine and yoo don't want to play it MW. No need to raise big, just get everyone out and commit the SS.
As played don't fold flop.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by ibelieveinkolb

I think your mistake is the flop call...It puts you in a bad spot
Mistake is a pre call. 99 Is not a hand you want to play MW w/o odds to set mine.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 12:28 PM
Don't fold the flop the first time around , or still don't fold after it gets c/shoved?

I called pre because i was pretty confident UTG was not going to limp/fold as he hadn't up to this point , though sample size is obv very small. Not to mention it wasn't uncommon for raised pots to end up 4way so another call or two behind wouldn't be surprising & most of the table was playing full stacks.

Is 3bet/get it in really profitable with 30 bigs vs a UTG open? If he started the hand with like $40 , 3bet/call is the play i would have made but seems a tad light vs 30bb stack unless villian is loose with his opens.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 02:31 PM
First, you need to ask yourself if he would know what you were talking about if yourself if it you uttered the phrase, "Under the gun." Then you need to ask yourself if it would change anything for him if he did.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
02-05-2012 , 02:52 PM
Don't fold is, for sure, regarding the OP only, w/o info on a re raise. It ment call or raise.

Villain is opening mp, according to your post. You do have FE. UTG limp is rarely continuing after a 3bet.

Calling is bad, because short stack will easily commit for 25BB otf, and the more ppl are otf the less liklely you will like your otf.

As played i guess a fold is correct.
1/2 goofy spot vs 30bb stack Quote
