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1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players 1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players

03-21-2012 , 05:08 PM
Villain 1 (~$300) - Hasn't seen him make any plays yet after around 3 hours, usually c-bets flop whenever he is pfr.

Villain 2 (~$180) - Likes to l/c and float flop and turn. Usually c/c flop and/or turn before folding river.

Hero (~$800) Loose aggressive image, went in with TP+OESD and lost against TPTK, table thinks he calls down loose.

Villain 1 raised in MP to $12, Villain 2 calls, hero calls with Q8hh OTB, and BB completes.

Flop ($49) - 6 9 10
Villain 1 c-bets $20, villain 2 thinks for a moment before flatting. Hero flats.

Turn ($109) - J
Villain 1 fires another $30, villain 2 thinks for a long time before folding, probably has Ah or Kh with no pair. Hero ??? Should I raise here or allow villain 1 to continue firing?
1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
03-21-2012 , 05:31 PM
First of all, I would raise the flop. You're going to get called by worse hands (sets, 2P) and get action from the A and sometimes the K.

I would raise the flop with just the bare A, so raising with the flush balances this play nicely.

As played, I could go either way. He might have a hand like KK, in which case you want to keep him in and he probably would have bet stronger with a hand like AA

You're going to hate life if he has a set and the river pairs, or if he has KK and he gets there OTR, but that's a slim chance.

Raising turn is fine, but it announces your hand. Raise the flop instead.
1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
03-21-2012 , 06:01 PM
Even though we're 150 BBs deep against V1 and in position, I think calling a raise with Q8s is just too loose. Could also get us in a heckuva lotta trouble on JT9 flops. I fold preflop.

I think we absolutely must raise this flop. First, we have an aggro push-a-draw image, so we get paid off by big hands here. Second, this board is very drawy and there are a bunch of turn cards that could kill the action. I probably go $120ish so that I can shove the turn. I'm going broke to a bigger flush.

As played, definitely have to raise the turn. Again, there are just so many scare cards that completely kill our action.

1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
03-21-2012 , 06:39 PM
definitely raise the flop instead of the turn. turn looks like a slow played hand
1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
03-22-2012 , 12:19 AM
on the turn I'd easily make a Pot sized bet...... if the villian calls, he probably made a straight or two pair?? or has a smaller flush.... which is good ! And on the river, I probably over bet, like your bluffing......
1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
03-22-2012 , 01:27 AM
Raisy daisy
1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
03-22-2012 , 06:30 AM
I also raise flop for value v 2pr, sets and A, but we risk getting 4bet by a bigger flush. Can we raise fold the flop confidently thinking we're beat by a higher flush or just get it in with outs? (7 or J).
1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
03-22-2012 , 10:25 AM
With 150bb effective stacks, I also fold pre with Q8s (i might 3bet squeeze if this guy had a wider pfr range).
Flop, I like a raise for the reason we previous posters mentoined
Turn, As played u gotta raise here but it kinda looks like what u have (ie: slowplayed monster) but he still very well might call u with alot of worse hands.
1/2 - Flopped Flush vs 2 Tight players Quote
