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1/2 Flop top pair 300 bbs effective, villian takes interesting line on turn and river 1/2 Flop top pair 300 bbs effective, villian takes interesting line on turn and river

05-10-2014 , 09:55 AM
V1550) Younger guy, prolly in his mid-late 20's. Plays pretty straightforward, wont bluff or do anything crazy.
V2: (650)Guy who is in his mid 30's or thereabout, plays a very interesting game that I couldnt figure out was good or not. Flatted a $40 3! pre with J8 and only $60 back and then stacked off when he hit top pair, but also was very good at thin value betting. Bet QQ on K876Ksss and got called by worse in a fairly big pot. Was way too loose pre flop, calling raises too wide with easily dominated hands but played pretty well post flop.
Hero: (700) 22 year old white guy, got hit in the face with the deck for the hour that I had been there and got paid every time. Have raised in position a couple times and taken the pot down with a c bet also. Pretty standard tag image


Hero is BTN with J9

2 limpers to V1 in the CO including V2 who is in MP. V1 raises to 10. Hero calls, both limpers call.

Could fold pre here but against a raiser who is really straightforward and wont give me any trouble post flop I decided to call. His range definitely isnt QQ+ by any means and we are really deep so my implied odds are huge

Flop: 962 pot: $43

Checked to hero who bets $23, only V2 calls

I bet for value here when checked to me. His range here is 9x, 6x, flush draws, 78, and some sets. Definitely doesnt have 99 because he would raise that hand pre, 66 is questionable but 22 is a definitely possible

Turn: K Pot: $89

V2 leads for $45, hero calls

Interesting lead here, didnt really know what to make of it. Definitely could still have the sets I mentioned before, as well as 9x and the same draws. Not sure he does this with 6x. Kxhh is also possible but unlikely.

River: 8 Pot: $179

V2 thinks for 10 seconds and bets $100, hero?

Villians tendency to bet thin is what gave me trouble here. Feel like that 8 is a fairly safe card that doesnt improve his range as I dont know if he is good enough to turn 78 into a bluff. I am getting 2.79/1 on a call. Thoughts?
1/2 Flop top pair 300 bbs effective, villian takes interesting line on turn and river Quote
05-10-2014 , 11:25 AM
Bet $35 on flop.
Fold turn.
AP: Fold river.
1/2 Flop top pair 300 bbs effective, villian takes interesting line on turn and river Quote
05-10-2014 , 11:52 AM
I am eh with pre, you are getting above 30x the bet size but you need to keep in mind that you are looking to hit straights/flushes/2 pair with these type of hands and not lose money on top pairish hands (which usually I need suited close cards here)

On the flop checked to you, I am fine with the bet for value as you said V1 is tighter and V2 is a lot wider pre so he could be peeling fairly light, when he calls though I would highly discount a set and put him on basically the range you did besides the sets IMO.

Turn comes in and he leads into you, it would really depend on how light he could be peeling (would he call your flop with 2 overcards that are not hearts? as that leads really only KQ,KJ, and maybe K10hh) You also need to look at your 9 in this spot though and realize what you do and don't beat, you lose to A9,K9,Q9,96, and really only beat 910, since I don't think he is really calling pre with 95,94, or 93 while the others that beat you could easily be in his range.

Him betting close to half pot on the turn is so enticing for a call but you need to have think about if you call this what river cards do you really want here? I think I could manage a fold here on my A/B game but when you call and he fires out again this should be a definite fold.
1/2 Flop top pair 300 bbs effective, villian takes interesting line on turn and river Quote
05-11-2014 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by MackCorl
I am eh with pre, you are getting above 30x the bet size but you need to keep in mind that you are looking to hit straights/flushes/2 pair with these type of hands and not lose money on top pairish hands (which usually I need suited close cards here)

On the flop checked to you, I am fine with the bet for value as you said V1 is tighter and V2 is a lot wider pre so he could be peeling fairly light, when he calls though I would highly discount a set and put him on basically the range you did besides the sets IMO.

Turn comes in and he leads into you, it would really depend on how light he could be peeling (would he call your flop with 2 overcards that are not hearts? as that leads really only KQ,KJ, and maybe K10hh) You also need to look at your 9 in this spot though and realize what you do and don't beat, you lose to A9,K9,Q9,96, and really only beat 910, since I don't think he is really calling pre with 95,94, or 93 while the others that beat you could easily be in his range.

Him betting close to half pot on the turn is so enticing for a call but you need to have think about if you call this what river cards do you really want here? I think I could manage a fold here on my A/B game but when you call and he fires out again this should be a definite fold.
Interesting thought about folding the turn, I figured there were enough draws that I was ahead of in his range to call, but there are a lot more value hands in his range compared to draws. Would be tough to get away from it on the turn even on my A game.
1/2 Flop top pair 300 bbs effective, villian takes interesting line on turn and river Quote
