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1/2 flop NFD n pair in straddle 1/2 flop NFD n pair in straddle

08-19-2011 , 07:33 AM
effective stacks are 200

utg1 has folded to my cbets like 3 times in a row seems to just let hand go that he doesnt connect with.

btn is a kid who just seems stoned and out of it all the time, hes fired at many pots and folded to my raises, just seems to bet at pots randomly when on the button.

utg1 limps, folds to button limps, bb folds, i check the straddle a As2d

POT 14$

10s 4s 2s

hero checks
utg1 bets 30$
btn calls
hero ????
1/2 flop NFD n pair in straddle Quote
08-19-2011 , 08:03 AM
There's something ironic about a hand strat post from a guy who straddled

Preflop: Don't straddle.

Flop: This is a great time to semi-bluff for $10 or so. Once you check, the massive overbet likely signals that the bettor is trying to protect something. It may be top pair, but it could also be something like a baby flush or 44. It gets worse when the button calls, he is showing strength by flat calling such a large bet. Your flush draw is, of course, live, but it's so likely that a few of your outs are in your opponents' hands that I would just ditch the hand now.

Just my opinion...
1/2 flop NFD n pair in straddle Quote
08-19-2011 , 08:12 AM
Just call. We obviously don't have any FE here, besides we're not playing for 9 flush outs. Btn probably has a FD too, so we expect to win his entire stack once he hits. Utg1 may have two pair, a set of 44s, TPFD (KsTx, QsTx). I guess we're playing for our two pair/ 3ofkind a decent amount of times and obviously our flush. We should be playing for 12 outs here.

I'm not pretty sure actually, jamming flop seems too spewy for me. And isn't it too weak folding turn if aggression continues?

Maybe a $65 raise OTF to make Btn stay in the hand.
1/2 flop NFD n pair in straddle Quote
08-19-2011 , 08:17 AM
Oh, and I agree with Moneyline, I'm always betting like $10 or a lil' bit more OTF, always. I want to extract value from weaker FDs and if an Ace or a deuce hit we have a really nice disguised hand.

About the straddling thing, I think it's OK to straddle only to create a more gambling image to the table. It's not cool to be called the tight guy and sometimes we lack action by having this image. Just straddle and mumble something like "Oh, let's see if my luck changes".
1/2 flop NFD n pair in straddle Quote
08-19-2011 , 08:43 AM
I take it you put up a $5 straddle and there was a $4 drop.

It sounds like utg1 flopped a flush and the button hit a pair (or better), or a high FD.

Now your descriptions are a bit vague (no info on overbets, or turn bets), however, it looks like utg1 probably wanted the pot right then and is unhappy with btn's call. Which means he is very likely to bet 100% of all turn cards (with the possible exception of the cards that hit Hero). The btn, however, seems like the type that would bet the flush card if it hits, preserving your relative position.

On the other hand, if both players called a shove, you would be getting the right odds to draw. Given the hand I think utg1 has, he would probably call as he is probably sick of you. From there, what I call "BPS" (Big pot syndrome), will probably kick in, bring the button along for the ride.

If you choose to call and reevaluate on the turn, you're getting the right odds, but could easily be forced off the hand is you miss (I can't see a turn bet by utg1 being less than $50, which only gives you 4:1).

If you shove, you have little (if any) FE against utg1 and will probably force the btn out. However, you will again have correct drawing odds. Better, if btn tags along.

So, if you're willing to embrace the variance, shove. If not, call and fold to a turn brick and decent bet.

Personally, I shove.
1/2 flop NFD n pair in straddle Quote
