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1/2 Is flop a check? 1/2 Is flop a check?

08-12-2018 , 11:58 PM
Hero($675): 20 year old WM, look younger. Transferred to this table about an hour ago, have been card dead, until I got AA and got a full double up of my $150 adn the very next hand got KK, and more than doubled up. Played both hands standard, and since my only hands in the last hour have been AA and KK, no one at table has any reason to believe I'm anything but a tight player.

V($194) just sat down recently, no reads.


Crazy MAA mega fish with 300 stack opens to 15 from UTG+1, V flats in UTG+2
Hero 3-bets JJ to 55 from MP. Folds to V who says: "I guess I'll call".

V checks, hero bets 80

My thought process is, deny equity from AK, AQ, which make up a huge portion of his call open/call 3-bet range.
At the same time though, JJ is near the bottom of my value range here.
I'm gonna have 18 combos of better over pairs, 2 combos of trips(A5s), and then 16 combos of AK and 8 combos of AQs and AJs which would all check flop.

Is flop a check?

Anyway, V raises all in for 59 more, hero calls
Turn: A
River: 5
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
08-13-2018 , 12:55 AM
I would check or bet small here. Practically the same. Small bet leaning towards.

As played you have to call the 59 more and hope he shows you 99-TT
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
08-13-2018 , 01:01 AM
In a vacuum you should be ahead of his range. Really JJ should be ahead of the range of any donkey who calls a 3-bet for a quarter of his stack OOP. The speech, however, is indicative of strength like he’s trapping with AA or KK. I think you’re destined to get it in no matter what. If he has AA or KK and the turn comes a deuce, you’re in the same position anyway.
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
08-13-2018 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Matt98
I'm gonna have 18 combos of better over pairs, 2 combos of trips(A5s), and then 16 combos of AK and 8 combos of AQs and AJs which would all check flop.
The hand seems fine, we should be betting to protect against AQ, KQ but also hoping to get value from 99 or TT. No reason to think villain has an 8 or a 5 in this spot. I would assume AK is a 3bet pre so ruling that hand out.

I wanted to highlight what you said though about checking flop with all those hands, just curious what your reasoning behind that is.
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
08-13-2018 , 01:13 AM
Oh that sentence is a bit confusing because it is long. I was saying I'd check AJ+ here since villain's range is going to consist of two overcards and overpairs. So betting AJ+ on this flop wouldn't accomplish must I don't think.
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
08-13-2018 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Matt98
Oh that sentence is a bit confusing because it is long. I was saying I'd check AJ+ here since villain's range is going to consist of two overcards and overpairs. So betting AJ+ on this flop wouldn't accomplish must I don't think.
I would disagree, villain's range is capped since he just called pre. All the overpairs are in your range. You should be cbetting here with almost your entire 3bet range.
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
08-13-2018 , 07:09 AM
V has called a raise then cold called 3b for 25%+ of his stack pre. You would think if he was being tricky initially with AA and KK he just 4b over your $55 for $196 total, but maybe not.

Leaves about AK and QQ left. Maybe 99 and TT as suggested but pretty awfully played if so. If we think he can have 99 then cant discount 88.

When you bet $80 V (you would think) knows you're not folding, which I think strengthens his range when he jams here and will see AK/AQ less. Betting $50 might encourage V to CRAI with some combination of AK, AQ in addition to 99+.

Never folding here AP though
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
08-13-2018 , 07:32 AM
you definitely need to bet flop. you have a position and a clear range advantage on a dry board. and your hand is likely best, but fairly vulnerable. with the stack sizes (140 remaining) and the pot size (125), you can consider betting your entire range for about 1/4 to 1/3 pot (30-35 would do).

this gets calls from lower pairs, puts overcards in a difficult choice between folding all equity vs. calling at not quite a good enough price. it also gives you an attractive bluffing price for your overcards. plus, it sets up about a half pot turn shove.
1/2 Is flop a check? Quote
