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1/2 A Few Hands 1/2 A Few Hands

01-04-2021 , 10:03 AM
1/2 Over the weekend, early afternoon. All six-handed

Hand #1

V1 (300ish) - Older Italian/Middle-Eastern man? who bets pot sized bets on streets with 2nd pair+ or draws. Limps a wide range and does not usually open.

V2 (300ish)- White guy in his thirties. H has history with V. V used to be LAG (pre-covid) but in the few hours H has played with V since , he has tightened up quite a bit but is aggressive and thinking player. We both try to avoid eachother.

H - young white kid with a stack of 350ish. Prob viewed as fit or fold and tight.


V1 is SB and V2 is Button, H is in CU and looks down at AJdd and with no limpers yet elects to make it 8

Both V's call

Flop (24ish)


SB x, H x, V2 makes it 11, V1 calls, H xr to 40, V2 calls, V1 folds

Turn (115ish)


H x, V leads out for 65. Easy fold? Is this more of a x/c spot, or b/f spot. In hindsight this seems like a b/f spot.

H elects to make the call



Hero checks, V shoves all in ~200ish (essentially putting H all in). Easy fold? Either has a straight, flush, or worse two pair. Should have not even made it to river?

Hand #2

Same V2 from hand #1 (400 stack)

New V is overweight guy who is friendly, and running hot. (600)

H (240)


H looks down Utg+1 with KdKs and makes it 8
V2 raises to 25, New V calls, H reraises to 65, both call.

Flop (195ish)


New V checks, Hero rips it in for 180. Thoughts? How would you play this differently. Maybe reraise more pre closer to 100?
1/2 A Few Hands Quote
01-04-2021 , 10:12 AM
H2 I’m 4bet jamming pre. Especially if V is overweight
1/2 A Few Hands Quote
01-04-2021 , 11:28 AM
Hand 1: More pre, bet flop, bet turn, probably just fold river

Hand 2: More pre, just jam over the 3 bet, shove flop as played
1/2 A Few Hands Quote
01-04-2021 , 07:58 PM
Hand 1: Opening to $8 is unusually small for 1/2. It's rare that I open anything smaller then $10 and at a lot I start at $15.

On the flop you should generally just bet. As played raise somewhat bigger and bet turn yourself. Your flop check raise range should include a lot of flopped draws so you want to bet scary cards. River is a messy situation. Your action is hard to read so it's hard to judge what villain's action means. Villain may think you have some sort of missed draw or a pair worse then AX that you can be bluffed off. Villain might also have a draw that got there and is hoping you have a worse good hand. There isn't much to do but make a read and go with it.

Hand 2: 4 bet should be bigger. After a 3 bet and call on the 3 bet I would start at $75 here and scale up. Given you have around $245 left in your stack either $100 or go ahead and shove preflop.

On the flop you have an SPR < 1 and an over pair on an OK board. Shove is the best move.
1/2 A Few Hands Quote
01-06-2021 , 02:05 PM
H1 I raise bigger pre, but if $8 is the norm for your game, I get it.

Bet flop yourself. Bet/fold turn. As played, call on turn is OK, but fold river.

H2, as stated, go to $100 or just shove pre. Otherwise fine.
1/2 A Few Hands Quote
01-08-2021 , 09:29 AM
Results - Hand #1

Hero folds to the river shove. V a few hour later says he had 107hh for the turned flush/straight. I think the major point of the hand was the turn. Should have either x/f or b/f. A bet of 40 or so would have most likely caused a substantial raise and I could have gotten out of there for 25 less dollars.

Hand #2

H rips it and gets called by a set of 10s. Oh well. Maybe a 4b to 80-100 would have been better.
1/2 A Few Hands Quote
01-08-2021 , 12:22 PM
I like a shove pre, they’ll always put you on AK ��
1/2 A Few Hands Quote
