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09-07-2011 , 04:31 AM
Villain ($750)
Hero ($500)

Reads: Villain is crazy ****** asian who is very prone to spew and make big bluffs. I've played a lot with him in the past. However, he has been playing a little on the conservative side this session for some reason. I think it mainly had to do that besides me and him nobody was really deep. A lot of people with like $150 in front.

3 limps, villain limps, Hero limps 4x4x from HJ, everyone else limps (Family pot)

Flop: Kh2cJd [Pot: $20]
Everyone checks

Turn: 4s
UTG bets $20, UTG+1 calls $20, Villain raises to 65, Hero calls, everyone folds

River: 2s [Pot: $190]
Villain bets $50, Hero makes it $165, Villain calls

Total Pot: $520
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09-07-2011 , 04:53 AM
nh, IMO.
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09-07-2011 , 06:14 AM
nice hand
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09-07-2011 , 06:43 AM
250 OTR. His calling range is probably pretty static
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09-07-2011 , 08:30 AM
Grunch: Why not lead flop? I probs bet $10-$15, you're seeing this 10 way and you have bottom set, what do you do if another broadway or 9 hits and same villain gets aggro? With that many in the pot people will be much more inclined to call than lead out, and if 1 calls you get the fish thinking they're getting good odds to call behind with gutshots or A2 etc. Also makes easier to get stack in on later streets. As played if villain is spewey he's folding his bluffs to anything but probably over-valuing his percieved value range, so I pot it to $240 to get max out of this part of his range.
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09-07-2011 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Conzy91
Grunch: Why not lead flop? I probs bet $10-$15, you're seeing this 10 way and you have bottom set, what do you do if another broadway or 9 hits and same villain gets aggro? With that many in the pot people will be much more inclined to call than lead out, and if 1 calls you get the fish thinking they're getting good odds to call behind with gutshots or A2 etc. Also makes easier to get stack in on later streets. As played if villain is spewey he's folding his bluffs to anything but probably over-valuing his percieved value range, so I pot it to $240 to get max out of this part of his range.
He hit his set on the turn.
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09-07-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by BokBokBok
He hit his set on the turn.
my bad, misread hand, thought he had 2's.
In that case obv check flop, lead for pot is good, but still making it more OTR, think $250ish should get called by a lot of this guys value range.
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09-07-2011 , 10:28 AM
I am assuming your question is whether or not you lost value by not raising the turn?

my answer would be no. By flatting the turn you give the other two opponents a chance to come along or even 3bet themsleves so i think your call on the turn was correct.
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09-07-2011 , 10:38 AM
^ +1
turn call looks fine to me.
river should be 200+ .. 115 raise isnt enough imo
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09-07-2011 , 10:39 AM
Why are we not 3betting the turn? I mean if he folds KJ to a 3bet then fine, flat, but ******ed asians don't fold top 2 (or 2 pair for that matter)..
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09-07-2011 , 01:22 PM
Well the issue i was having (and i guess i should have post this in the OP) was that my image at the table was a little bit on the tight side.

I felt like my hand looks pretty obvious to be better than one or even two pair here. I wanted to raise OTR an amount that i knew he would call if he did have just a lone King or Jack. I really didn't expect him to slowplay a KJ type hand OTF he's not a player who slowplays much.
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09-07-2011 , 01:39 PM
Villian has shown interest in the pot, and he is "very prone to spew and make big bluffs."

I probably 3 bet the turn while giving him a "I know you're bluffing so I'm playing sheriff look" with the hopes of either a reraise or a loose call (and hopefully) donk river bet.

Yes, you can call to try to get value from the other players on the turn, but they are short stacked. To me, that sounds like there's more value to be had by getting all of deepstacked "crazy ****** asian's" chips in the middle before showdown. Plus, the shortstackers very well could fold to the raise even if you call, so they may already be out of the hand no matter what you do.

Cliffs: Give the spewtard a chance to spew all his chips not just some of them.
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09-07-2011 , 02:19 PM
Hero should raise turn to 150...
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09-07-2011 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by livegrinder
Why are we not 3betting the turn? I mean if he folds KJ to a 3bet then fine, flat, but ******ed asians don't fold top 2 (or 2 pair for that matter)..
because he bluffs alot and we want to let him bluff again. He doesnt spew when he is betting for value, he spews when he bluffs according to OP.

Call turn and let him spew.

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09-07-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bagzzz
because he bluffs alot and we want to let him bluff again. He doesnt spew when he is betting for value, he spews when he bluffs according to OP.

Call turn and let him spew.

I agree with livegrinder and others who say to raise turn. The reason is you are giving nearly expressed odds for UTG and UTG+1 to come along with any FDs.
Also, a spewy villain ( as described) isn't likely folding to any raise if he has a hand he likes.
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09-07-2011 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by endodocdc
I agree with livegrinder and others who say to raise turn. The reason is you are giving nearly expressed odds for UTG and UTG+1 to come along with any FDs.

Also, a spewy villain ( as described) isn't likely folding to any raise if he has a hand he likes.
There are no flush draws, total rainbow on the turn. so unless someone is slowplaying the crap out of JJ or KK we have the stone cold nuts.
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09-07-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Superman1
There are no flush draws, total rainbow on the turn. so unless someone is slowplaying the crap out of JJ or KK we have the stone cold nuts.
my bad...I thought there were two diamonds on the flop. In that case, flatting is fine
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