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1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot 1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot

01-18-2014 , 03:02 AM
Hero $420 - early 20's tag image, has been at the able for about 2-3 hours. Towards the last hour of the session hero has been card dead

V1 $650 - TAG late 20s Asian. Has been playing pretty snug since about the first 2 hours hero has sat down at the table, but has been recently active and limping a decent amount of hands. Not much history with hero

V2 $550 - mid 20s loose passive, has been at the table for an hour. Has limp called a lot of pots. Has been involved in a HU pot against hero where hero had J9 on a J52QK board where V2 c/c all the way down to the river with J6.

random MP limps
V2 (MP): limps
V1 (HJ): limps
Hero (CO): KK raises to $14

random MP calls, V2 calls, V1 calls

Flop 4-ways ($59)


random MP checks
V2 checks
V1 bets $27


What's the best course of action and why?

I'll post what happens after the flop bet after I get some responses
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:08 AM
Easy flat. Flop sucks and we could easily be drawing, but we're obviously not folding overpair + OESD to one bet. Raising is bad because it will just fold out hands we beat.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:23 AM
We don't exactly want to fold here, drawing to the nuts, but it is a bad spot to go crazy with one pair when it's a donk bet from a tag.

Raising isn't getting you a fold from many hands that a tag is leading out with. The Vs' limping ranges can be anything like 89/k9/tj/qj/jt to kq/kj/kt (but you block a lot of kx hands). I don't know if anyone has ak/aq/qq/jj/tt here as they probably wouldn't have limped.

If you raise and you get re-raised, equity calculator says you are ~48% against all the hands as ranged above. So it might be a gii spot. I might fold though because I don't like playing for stacks with one pair and no combo draw.

When you raise and get called, you are committed to bet again ott on a brick card, but you are essentially turning kk into a bluff - you are repping a set or ak and hoping to fold out worse 2ps - and I don't know how well that works in llsnl. And if V has a straight draw (less likely because of your blockers, and I doubt he's doing that with a 9x), you are still betting because you don't want to chop and you are still ahead. However, betting ott commits your stack.

Personally, I would just call and re-eval ott.

EDIT: nevermind, redid equity calculation. you aren't actually 48% because I doubt a pair and straight draw type hands is going to reraise your raise all in. I narrowed V's range to just straights and two pairs, and you are actually now only 36%. So gii on the flop is a bad idea. I'm even more strongly leaning towards call now.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Easy flat. Flop sucks and we could easily be drawing, but we're obviously not folding overpair + OESD to one bet. Raising is bad because it will just fold out hands we beat.
This. If the other villain is that loose passive, then you should've raise pre to $18 to $20 with that many limps
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 03:42 AM
We do have a combo draw but our draw isn't as strong as it seems since a K could easily give someone a straight, our outs are too obvious, and someone could've flopped a straight. At the same time raisin flop is unlikely to push out a better hand
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 09:12 AM
i'm happy to call, raising with a view to shoving isn't bad though, we're very strong here and have two blockers to the nuts as well as nut redraws vs. the broadway hands that got lucky and flopped two
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 12:07 PM
Don't like pre, 14 is not enough. Now that it's 4 way, I'm just calling this flop
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 12:10 PM
Raise to 20 pre and flat the donk lead otf.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-18-2014 , 01:26 PM
Raising to the donk bet here is just spew?
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 01:49 AM


checks all the way around to hero

Reasons for checking vs. betting in this spot?
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 02:47 AM
Snap check with the described turn.

There's little to no value to be had anymore by worse hands.
Sets might even find a fold if you bet.

Hope the river boats you.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 02:56 AM
U must have said to youraelf after u saw flap ...oh great i am ****ed....and on the turn r u ***** kidding me?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using 2+2 Forums
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 05:31 AM
If you GII on flop against leading villain you're not going to have a good time. Just flat and proceed from there. Let the donk villain call with J9 or something.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Snap check with the described turn.

There's little to no value to be had anymore by worse hands.
Sets might even find a fold if you bet.

Hope the river boats you.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 06:03 AM
Since you have position, I'ma bet the turn for thin value.

Pretty unlikely HJ has a straight, imo.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Ray Horton
If you have TT here and that is the turn card, and someone bets, you're not thinking about folding?
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 02:15 PM
It would have to be a pretty large bet given effective stack sizes.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
If you have TT here and that is the turn card, and someone bets, you're not thinking about folding?
Muck. No doubt.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 04:59 PM
action for the turn:

Hero bets $55, random MP limper folds, V2 calls , V1 folds.
Bad bet here ott here? The main reason I bet is that I wanted to build up a pot incase I hit a boat cos V2 is loose and probably will stack off with broadway. Thoughts?
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 07:06 PM
Betting to get called by better is bad, yes. Check turn and you can probably go for thin value on a blank river.
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
01-19-2014 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by J_tacular
action for the turn:

Hero bets $55, random MP limper folds, V2 calls , V1 folds.
Bad bet here ott here? The main reason I bet is that I wanted to build up a pot incase I hit a boat cos V2 is loose and probably will stack off with broadway. Thoughts?
Well, let's see what betting ott accomplishes:

Betting into an ace will get you raised or smoothed and you'll have to fold ott or check/fold an unpaired river.

Betting into a lower straight 9, two pairs, or a set, they will smooth you and fold river unimproved. If you boat up otr, chances are, you are coolering someone with a bigger fh.

I would check on the turn and value river if checked back (obv sizing it differently depending on river card). You are more likely to get value from hands you beat and avoid spewing into hands that beat you
1/2 deep KK 4 way multi pot Quote
