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1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? 1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in?

05-27-2019 , 11:33 PM
Playing a 1/2 Live NL in local Poker Room.

-Main Villian (500) is on the BB. He has been loose passive, and limp-calls a raise from any position. He over values top pair, and is willing to get it in even when deep.

-UTG+1 (60) player limps. He is a tilted, loose passive player, who regularly buys-in for 60-100 and likes to limp call. He had just been stacked, and re-bought in for his 4th or 5th time since I sat down. He buys in for 60.

-Hero (500) on the button, with AJs. I raise it up to 15. This is pretty standard for the table.

BB calls. UTG+1 shoves for 58 more.

I call, and BB also calls.

-In this situation, should I have put-in a re-raise here to ISO UTG+1?

Hero calls, BB calls.

Flop (181) is 552 with 2 clubs. I can visually see UTG+1 grimacing, and audibly sighing in the background.

BB checks. I check behind.

Turn (181) is an off-suit 3. BB checks. I bet 75, BB folds.

-Should I have bet this flop instead? Or is a turn bet here fine?

Looking for general advice on how this hand was played. Thanks!

Last edited by pokerno07; 05-27-2019 at 11:46 PM.
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-27-2019 , 11:42 PM
You say your raise 15 becasue the standard is 15. Why does it matter what the table standard is? Is the table terrible? If so, why are you trying to follow the terrible plays of the table?

Also, just for clarity you say the BB called and the SB called. Is it both or just one?

Beyond that, either fold or raise the short stack when they shove pre. I'd probably min-raise to ~$120.
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-27-2019 , 11:50 PM
Fixed the mistake - should have said BB not SB.

You might be right, I had been making it 8-10 in the past but would typically get 4-5 callers. Started making it 15 to get more limpers to fold. Most the the players are pretty deep, and just here to gamble. Average stacks are 200-600bb.
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-28-2019 , 02:42 PM
I think raising the table standard is fine and good. It's what I usually do -- or somewhere close to it depending on how the players are reacting. Definitely a good place to start, though.

I would have raised over the shorty shove to isolate.

Otherwise it's fine.
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-28-2019 , 10:32 PM
The stacks and your hand make this a weird spot. Shorty limp-jams aren't quite as strong as when a deep stack does it, but it still could be a trap play. If he was deeper I'd probably fold. Any shallower and it's much more clear we should continue. This spot feels like a coin flip.

Assuming we continue, raise vs. fold depends on a few things. If we think we're ahead of UTG+1 and can knock out a lot of BB's range, especially mid to small pairs, we should absolutely do it. It's a self-own if BB has a strong range, but given the read, I'd isolate. If it were much more than $60 then call becomes practical because BB will still fold a lot of his junk and we don't own ourselves when he's ahead.

As played, I'd bet the flop. Getting BB to fold his equity, especially if he has AK/AQ, is a massive win. Plus we want to try and stack him if we hit clubs. We can check back the turn if we get called.
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-29-2019 , 10:56 AM
Thank you all for the feedback. General consensus seems to be that I should have re-raised after UTG+1 went all-in. @Koss - I wasn't clear in my initial post, but Hero's AJs was not clubs (spades). Hero did not have a flush draw on the flop.


-UTG+1: Tables J9o.

-BB complains that he knew I had 2 high cards, and should have check-raised my bet. Claimed to have had 2 broadway cards (no A).
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-29-2019 , 11:10 AM
As someone mentioned early - "table standard" is flawed logic. We should be basing our decision on what is optimal, not what others are doing.

In your position I raise to $10 pre, and then happily fold to their jam.

As played - I flat the jam and c/c all the way to showdown. Vs BB player type - they can get sticky with basically any type of hand/draw and the fact he flat the AI shows he likes his hand at the very least (which gives insight into the relative strength).
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-29-2019 , 11:29 AM
Raising the norm for the table is not flawed logic at all. Until you've been there a while and know what is optimal vs. different players, "table standard" is spot-on.

Raising to $10 vs. a "tilted, loose passive player, who regularly buys-in for 60-100 and likes to limp call," is terrible. If you don't want to use the table standard, you should go to $20. You want as much money in vs. this type of player as possible. And raise/folding for $60 to this type of player is losing easy money -- you might as well just hand him $10 and rack up.
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
05-30-2019 , 01:42 AM
This shallow, I would raise to ~$150 vs. the shove to iso. Deeper I just fold.
1/2 Check-raise with SS all-in? Quote
