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1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check 1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check

12-29-2013 , 07:19 PM
Table: So table is full of limp/call and general passivity. 10-handed and there have been lots of weird hands.

Hero: After flopping a set of Aces and felting a guy with KK, I'm table captain. I'm raising wide now because after that hand literally nobody wants to play with me lol. Even my $8 bets are stealing blinds. Sitting on 380.

V1: His lagfish style puts me to shame, but he is running like God. We're talking every trash hand flopping stone cold nuts. J8? Flop 9T7. K2s? Flop a nut flush to the A. And he believes hes good. Anyways, sitting on about 200.

Hero gets dealt 57s in the HJ. 1 limper, given my image I decide to steal and make it 12. V calls OTB all else fold.

Flop (29) : 5J7
Hero cbets 17
V calls

Turn (63) : 2
Hero bets 20
V calls

River (103) : K
Hero bets 30
V calls

Ok so a few things:
1 Save the fold pre speeches and reread my image at the table.
2. I bet on the smaller side the whole way because even though he's terrilolbad, he's running like Jesus and calls but rarely raises, I want to be able to find a fold should he give me a reason. But I think I still could have sized my bets better, especially the flop and turn.
3. I really have no range for him and by the time the river K hits I'm actually worried he might have a better 2P but I don't think I can check to him.

Thoughts on Postflop play appreciated.
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12-29-2013 , 08:19 PM
Flop. OK. Turn. Bet 50. River. Check.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 08:29 PM
Dont lose value by betting smaller just because someone is running well. Thats ridiculous logic. Its tough to range villain now after all these tiny bets.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 08:31 PM
Don't like your bet sizing on flop or turn.

Flop just make it $20. $17 is.. fine.. just a little FPSy.. and no reason he won't also call $20. And $20 > $17, mathematically.

On the turn, you need to go at least $40. The fact that he often calls but doesn't raise means you should bet the turn larger - not smaller. He's going to call with a worse hand often, and he won't bluff you out of the pot. Yes, you lose less when he does raise, but that's not a good reason to bet smaller - that's a bad trade-off to make given that he's almost never raising, and you're just losing out on a ton of value with a smaller bet. Since his range contains a lot of Jx top pair hands and he's never folding on the turn, betting $20 is just way too small. Get in a larger bet that he's going to call a ton with a worse made hand.

River is definitely a value bet. I think $30 is in the range of OK sizing, but at the very low end. Think you can go $30-$50 against this opponent, and I'd probably make it $50. On the river, his range contains a ton of Jx hands, and you're way way ahead of that range. You make him sound like a station and that he's calling a lot. So a $50 value bet seems good.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 08:47 PM
Flop (rainbow?): 20
Turn: 45 (as played)
River: 50 (as played)

If you are afraid of being floated, that's one thing, and no problem adjusting your play based on that.

If you are afraid that Villain is "running good" and adjusting your play based on it, that's ridiculous and is a massive leak. That is exactly what he wants you to do.

Don't play scared.
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12-29-2013 , 08:56 PM
1.Won't save it: with described V OTG I just fold pre here
2. suits would be helpful here

Bet more OTT, more like 2/3 pot. You said he calls a lot, so why not make him pay his Jx ?
I like the river bet (as long as it is a b/f)
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 09:03 PM
Don't like raising so wide on a passive/sticky table, esp with lagfishy villain on my left--is he truly LAG? How much is he 3-betting pre?

You say save the speeches on preflop and note your image. Um, your image is raising a lot and stealing blinds on a passive table--how many times has this happened? And your image is better for raising/playing big hands fast--not 7 high. You basically need to flop as hard as you did in order to profitably get a sticky table where you're likely to be OOP to what you describe as a "lagfish".

Pre's not terrible, but what is terrible is your stubbornness.

Anyway, your bet sizing is bad on turn and river and explanation is worse. He calls often but raises rarely and your betting is induce-raise small on turn and river. Really burning value. Bet 35-40 on turn and 55-65 on river. Your fear of him two pair with Kx is extremely lol.

Basically your entire play and reasoning are pretty poor. Nice table tho.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 09:06 PM
Also, you should be able to range him to a broadway J/draws pretty easily given pre and flop and your blockers to the lower pairs. A sticky fish is calling pot on turn with J10 and probably calling pot again on river.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 09:39 PM
Well played although betting a little bigger would probably have been more optimal
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
Flop (rainbow?): 20
Turn: 45 (as played)
River: 50 (as played)

If you are afraid of being floated, that's one thing, and no problem adjusting your play based on that.

If you are afraid that Villain is "running good" and adjusting your play based on it, that's ridiculous and is a massive leak. That is exactly what he wants you to do.

Don't play scared.
It's moreso I don't want to get floated by this terrible guy who can and will draw to the river with nearly ATC.

Fair points.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Horton
Don't like raising so wide on a passive/sticky table, esp with lagfishy villain on my left--is he truly LAG? How much is he 3-betting pre?

You say save the speeches on preflop and note your image. Um, your image is raising a lot and stealing blinds on a passive table--how many times has this happened? And your image is better for raising/playing big hands fast--not 7 high. You basically need to flop as hard as you did in order to profitably get a sticky table where you're likely to be OOP to what you describe as a "lagfish".

Pre's not terrible, but what is terrible is your stubbornness.

Anyway, your bet sizing is bad on turn and river and explanation is worse. He calls often but raises rarely and your betting is induce-raise small on turn and river. Really burning value. Bet 35-40 on turn and 55-65 on river. Your fear of him two pair with Kx is extremely lol.

Basically your entire play and reasoning are pretty poor. Nice table tho.
It's a sticky table but I am table Captain. I'd say I'm stealing 2x per orbit. He's also 2-3 seats to my left not immediately to my left, dunno if that changes much.

Thanks for the bet sizing advice.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Horton
Also, you should be able to range him to a broadway J/draws pretty easily given pre and flop and your blockers to the lower pairs. A sticky fish is calling pot on turn with J10 and probably calling pot again on river.
Fair point. I literally just couldn't figure out a range for him. Even for hands I just witnessed and wasn't in.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 10:54 PM
I think you got to take more chips from him on the river. the turn bet is one thing but he's not folding t he river to a bigger bet after flatting all streets so far
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-29-2013 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by trucdouf
It's moreso I don't want to get floated by this terrible guy who can and will draw to the river with nearly ATC.

Fair points.
Actually, that's exactly what you should want.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-30-2013 , 12:19 AM
Pot flop. 3/4 pot turn. Shove river. I always raise this hand from LP. It's not "stealing"
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-30-2013 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by chopstick
Actually, that's exactly what you should want.
At least when you have disguised two pair.
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
12-30-2013 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by wj94
Pot flop. 3/4 pot turn. Shove river. I always raise this hand from LP. It's not "stealing"
1/2 Bottom 2P Line Check Quote
