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1/2 bluff raising river? 1/2 bluff raising river?

06-06-2018 , 09:44 AM
Hero tight image. 280€
V1 MAWG doing random shyte. Really bad and has no clue. Donks every flop. Sometimes with the goods, sometimes with nothing. Stack 170€
V2 sitting at the table for 30min. A buddy told me he is a huge fish. Up 200€. Stack 400€

V2 limps utg, hero raises to 10€ utg+1 with AK , V1 calls in bb, V2 also calls.

Flop (31€) KQ9
V1 leads 15€, V2 calls, hero calls.

Turn (76€) KQ97
V1 15€, V2 calls, hero calls.

River (121€) KQ976
V1 doesnt know what to do, looks confused (no acting) and bets 10€, V2 seems disgusted but calls, hero raises to 73€

Should i raise flop?
Most 1/2 players would even fold the K otr to aggression what i have seen so far.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-06-2018 , 10:36 AM
Really hard to judge live read situation. Depends entirely on what V1 and V2 have and that is really hard to tell. V1 type villains are hard to range and hard to tell what they will fold in this sort of situation. He probably has something but could have anything from a weak pair to the nuts, making anything from a blocking bet to a suck bet. V2 has something but doesn't need much to call that small of a bet. They shouldn't have Ad but will turn up with it sometimes. If they will call with Jd/Td/9d depends on villain.

If V1 is donking with anything I would have raised flop. He is likely to have a draw to something on this flop and V2 could have something also. You would like to end this hand before one of the many draws comes in.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-06-2018 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by SUYAPA
Hero tight image. 280€
Flop (31€) KQ9
V1 leads 15€, V2 calls, hero calls.

Turn (76€) KQ97
V1 15€, V2 calls, hero calls.

River (121€) KQ976
V1 doesnt know what to do, looks confused (no acting) and bets 10€, V2 seems disgusted but calls, hero raises to 73€

Should i raise flop?
Most 1/2 players would even fold the K otr to aggression what i have seen so far.
I think anyone smart would fold K, lest be accused of cheating given the board.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-06-2018 , 12:39 PM
Lol i meant J
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-06-2018 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by SUYAPA
Hero tight image. 280€
V1 MAWG doing random shyte. Really bad and has no clue. Donks every flop. Sometimes with the goods, sometimes with nothing. Stack 170€
V2 sitting at the table for 30min. A buddy told me he is a huge fish. Up 200€. Stack 400€

V2 limps utg, hero raises to 10€ utg+1 with AK , V1 calls in bb, V2 also calls.

Flop (31€) KQ9
V1 leads 15€, V2 calls, hero calls.

Turn (76€) KQ97
V1 15€, V2 calls, hero calls.

River (121€) KQ976
V1 doesnt know what to do, looks confused (no acting) and bets 10€, V2 seems disgusted but calls, hero raises to 73€

Should i raise flop?
Most 1/2 players would even fold the K otr to aggression what i have seen so far.
I would raise the flop to say 55ish. Will help define the hand and let you play the remaining streets better. Also, we don't have any diamonds so we shouldn't be worried about getting blown off of any BD equity.

I hate the river raise without a very good read, especially vs more than one player. HU I can get there maybe...I just dont think many V's are folding flushes here.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-07-2018 , 01:38 AM
I think this works a lot. You have plenty of Ad combos and they are obviously weak. It only needs to work 1/3 times.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-07-2018 , 02:02 AM
Looks good.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-08-2018 , 12:01 AM
I like the play more if you were heads up. I don’t feel Villian 1 is likely to fold most rivers after betting here. Also Villian 2’s look of disgust for a river bet could be that he’s annoyed the first Villian didn’t bet more. Lastly, you don’t hold any diamonds, And I would prefer having some blockers to your opponents having flushes.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
06-08-2018 , 08:03 AM
I just thought me having an ace makes it a little less likely for them to have an ace. I represent a strong range raising utg and could easily have the A . Although im sure they dont care which position i raise from XD
There are only 7 possible Ax of diamonds combos and i think V2 would raise AT or AT with only the A of because he also raised KJo in ep.
I wasnt worried about V1 because he was doing his random shyte. And V2 would raise for sure with the A otr.
1/2 bluff raising river? Quote
