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<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card <img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card

09-03-2011 , 01:02 PM
I call the flop bet, call his turn bet, and then reeval river. As played fold.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-03-2011 , 03:24 PM
thanks for responses

Reads and History

Hero: perceived by villain as good TAG

Villain: ~40 years old, good TAG, have played 8 or 9 hours with him total, hasn't shown down too much but have not seen him get outta line (small sample though). probably has well above-average hand reading abilities.

The Hand

$1/$2 - $300 max - 8 players

Villain (UTG) $645
Hero (UTG+1) covers

Pre Flop: ($3) Hero is UTG+1 with A A
Villain limps, Hero raises $15, folds, Villain calls $13

Flop: ($32) 8 5 2 (2 players)
Villain donks $20, Hero raises $60, Villain calls $40

Turn: ($148) 7 (2 players)
Villain checks, Hero bets $75, Villain check-raises to $330, Hero tank folds

Villain shows K 5
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-03-2011 , 03:25 PM
V got a little outta line...

so he either took a 50/50 chance he shows a K and I go all-in, or he knew which card was on top. he did show me the bottom card when i asked to see the top, so maybe he knew?
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-03-2011 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by 8o8
thanks for responses

Reads and History

Hero: perceived by villain as good TAG

Villain: ~40 years old, good TAG, have played 8 or 9 hours with him total, hasn't shown down too much but have not seen him get outta line (small sample though). probably has well above-average hand reading abilities.

The Hand

$1/$2 - $300 max - 8 players

Villain (UTG) $645
Hero (UTG+1) covers

Pre Flop: ($3) Hero is UTG+1 with A A
Villain limps, Hero raises $15, folds, Villain calls $13

Flop: ($32) 8 5 2 (2 players)
Villain donks $20, Hero raises $60, Villain calls $40

Turn: ($148) 7 (2 players)
Villain checks, Hero bets $75, Villain check-raises to $330, Hero tanks folds

Villain shows K 5
You found the exception, I think. I wouldn't let this bother me too much.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-03-2011 , 03:40 PM
btw i folded because i put him on 85, 55, or 52. so i agree with most of you guys, i was playing devil's advocate a bit ITT...
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-03-2011 , 03:49 PM
You know what would have been a super sick line by the villain. If he knew you would notice he didn't check which card he shows, prearranges the cards before talking and then counts how many times he shuffles the cards. If he shows the King Hearts he is dead so in a way this is an amazing play by villian...super sick level if this is what he wanted...too bad this probably wasn't the case...
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-03-2011 , 03:51 PM
Fold all day. Way to big of a bet to call. 40 year old TAG is not gonna bluff here for THAT much. Its easy to put you on the high overpair given the action so far. For all he knows you'll call with the Ace of spades in your hand. This looks like the classic protect your monster against the draws.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-03-2011 , 07:12 PM
i think this proves that he must have known which card was which when shuffling them so he could show you the 5.

aside from that yeah, way out of line wdf limp/call k5s for a big raise hu oop vs utg+1
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-04-2011 , 12:18 AM
Results make this thread so sick.
I'm insta-moving from this guys table if you think he's a solid tag cause the line he took this hand hahahaha. He had to have known he was going to show the 5.
Oh man, a level 3 thinker at 1/2? (he knew you would know that he didn't look at his cards when he showed you the 5) haha.
I wanna know if this guy was just spazzing or if this was intentional.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-04-2011 , 12:27 AM
So this inexperienced tag called your 7.5x raise from UTG+1 w/ As5h.

If you're right that's one sick read but 5h5d makes more sense to everyone on this forum.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by 8o8

h: "why so much?"
v: "i'm happy to take it down right here"
v: "your redraw is good"
[pause - hero is watching villain's neck - he's breathing a bit fast/big, but i don't read much into it since it's a big pot]
v: "your pocket kings are good"
v: "i've basically told you what i have, so"

hero action?
Just an observation; he "Jamie Gold"ed you. that is, he answered all of your questions truthfully, knowing that you couldn't/wouldn't believe him. If you did, you would have concluded that he had a hand that couldn't beat KK and had at best a low spade.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 01:39 AM
Turn IMO is spew. Easy fold as played not really that close
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:03 AM
Why did you raise flop?
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:32 AM
sick play by villain
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 11:54 AM
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by 8o8
v: "your pocket kings are good"
I like the fact that he purposely called your hand, as the hand you were least likely to have (he had a king).
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 12:11 PM
Go back a step...You describe him as tag...
Whats his UTG limp calling range that includes the 5h...

well your deep so maybe...55, 6h5h, 7h5h, and Ah5h...

the only hand here that makes sense on his play is 55...

On the flop one would assume he would get it in but mid set deep on mono boared many players want to weight for a safe turn....
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by quesuerte
Why did you raise flop?
See below

Originally Posted by 8o8
maybe i didn't communicate my read too well, but his flop donk/calling range has a LOT of single- hands in it. he's not TAG like super-nitty TAG where he never semi-bluffs or leads draws. his donking range on this flop HU is composed of good made hands, XYx, and some overpairs.

furthermore, once he calls the raise OTF, his range is even further shifted towards FDs, so i bet 1/2 pot to try and get him to call without the correct odds, and then i can easily fold to a river bet if a peels.

he's a good TAG, so he has the ability to play aggressively against players he perceives as good/aware.

at least that was my read.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 03:55 PM
can you compose an actual range for him since I dont see that many single spade hands he can have :S

id also think he b/3bs flop a lot with flushes since you likely have either the As or an overpair with a fd a lot of the time and this is the best street for him to rep an unmade hand.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 09:54 PM
Maybe you might want to rethink ur read on villain. I don't see a tag limp/calling pre w/K5hh.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
09-05-2011 , 10:24 PM
Seriously how has this thread gotten this much attention? Folding Aces doesn't get any easier or more obvious than this spot. Just click the fold button......Fwiw after he donks into a flop like that I'm flatting him down/re-evaluating based on bet sizing. Raising the flop isn't horrible but after he calls leading the turn is pretty bad. Check behind turn as played, why do you want to play a big pot against a reg on one of the worst possible boards for two red aces? Pot control is your friend in these situations

Last edited by DoubleR90; 09-05-2011 at 10:32 PM.
<img /2 - Bizarre spot 300bb deep against reg - AA on monotone flop - villain shows 1 card Quote
