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1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions 1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions

08-24-2015 , 03:41 AM
hero early 30s white guy, LAG, covers

V1 (MP $200) mid 20s white guy, seems tightish preflop but aggro post, earlier in session i check called flop/turn after raising JJ in EP on TT9r multiway vs him and he bet every street besides river IP (checked behind when i riv top boat) so he knows i can play passive multiway.

V2 (BTN $220) mid 40s white guy seems loose passive pre and post haven't been playing too long with him tho


hero is EP with AQss and ISO loose passive limper to $12, both villains call, BB calls, limper calls

flop ($61) Qh8h4d
checks to me, i check, V1 bets $40, V2 calls, folds to me, i?
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
08-24-2015 , 03:48 AM
Raise to $15 pre. Cbet close to PSB on the flop.

AP, just c/r to $140-160 and GII. You're only worried about 44/88.
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
09-01-2015 , 08:06 PM
You should be betting this flop. Now you are in a weird spot where villain controls betting and if you raise here it makes it very easy for him to fold worse.
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
09-01-2015 , 08:38 PM
Why would you ever check this flop here? Doesn't seem very LAG or at least not taking advantage of a LAG image if when you flop TPTK you don't bet.

I'm not pot controlling on the flop, maaaaybe turn/river.

As played I'm raising to gii vs a FD or a worse Q but I don't love it.
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
09-01-2015 , 08:57 PM
As played I would call and donk shove non heart/non K turns.

Not cbetting here is weird.
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
09-01-2015 , 10:38 PM
I think if you check raise in this spot any decent player would fold top pair hands with middling kickers like QJ and below, obviously excluding Q8 which has you crushed. So youd raise to get value from KQ sometimes and flush draws/combo draws. And you described the villain as a decent tightish player who was aggro post flop. So i think A he is prob good enough to fold bad queens and B - If he has a draw I think given the aggression shown in this hand so far, stack sizes, and the position of villain he is likely to bet the turn and give you the opportunity to get plenty of value out of him. Therefore, id say calling is better. A call doesn't narrow your range for the villain to find a fold, and allows him to value own himself if he does have a draw or a worse queen. Then you just make your decision whether to commit the rest of stack on turn based on turn, probably c/f a heart but check/r most non hearts if he bets. At that point I'd he bets turn a reasonable amount your shove will basically have to called by any Q and all his draws that have that much money in and want to see river.
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
09-01-2015 , 10:52 PM
12 pre is fine, very game dependent, agree with everyone else that you should c-bet this flop, I would go 45-50 and shove most turns.

AP, shove
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
09-01-2015 , 11:45 PM
The best hand from your description I can put V1 on is two hearts that he is very happy with now that he has seen the flop. His bet keeps him in the hand if you both call.

I bet $100 and maybe take it down. It is a lot better than dragging the hand out imo.
1/2 AQs multiway TPTK floptions Quote
