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1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question 1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question

07-13-2014 , 04:52 PM
V1 (UTG, $500) - Plays a lot of hands, raises frequently preflop. Calls flop with any piece of the board.

V2 (MP, $300) - Very passive, flatcalls a lot. We have some history and he has floated several of my cbet bluffs.

Hero (BTN, $300) - Pretty aggressive and raising/cbetting a decent amount during this session. Have been losing a lot of small pots without showdown.

V1 raises to 15 pre. Folds to Hero who has AKo (no club). Hero 3bets to 50. V1 and V2 call.

Flop: T23 all clubs (Pot: ~$150)

Checks to Hero. Cbet?

Should I have just flatted pre?
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
07-13-2014 , 05:24 PM
I don't mind the 3bet but this is a bad flop to c-bet with the descriptions of villains. Any PP and any club is likely to call you here. If you c-bet $100 here you are pretty much obligated to shove any turn so you are effectively turning your hand into a bluff. Take the free card and see what happens.
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
07-13-2014 , 05:41 PM
This is the sort of toss-up flop where you can go either way. If you had the over pair your going to bet, so it's good for c-betting with nothing. However, you have two villains, the pot is big already and it's a good flop for a villain with a pair to put you on AK. Optimal play here is all about judging how much FE you have. Given the villain descriptions and history, I would check here most of the time.
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
07-13-2014 , 05:43 PM
Sounds like you've been cbetting alot with air and getting called. Your image is probably FoS. Time to tighten up and value bet. Check here imo. They will put you on AK, which sucks when they're correct and they're ahead.

3-betting AK is very good imo, for fat value. And when we have a non-FOS image we can always rep aces. When our image is FOS though it's great to see four cards instead of three.
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
07-13-2014 , 06:15 PM
3betting is fine pf if the UTG has a wide range to raise. Note that is a big if.

I'd check the flop. If no one bets the turn, then make a cbet.
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
07-14-2014 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
3betting is fine pf if the UTG has a wide range to raise. Note that is a big if.

I'd check the flop. If no one bets the turn, then make a cbet.
Agree with check flop, and that's what I did.

Would your delayed c-bet line be too obviously FOS in this situation? Delayed cbetting is something I'm having issues with. I find that I get called down lighter when I delay cbet a scare card. Obviously villain dependent though...
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
07-14-2014 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by HH2010
Agree with check flop, and that's what I did.

Would your delayed c-bet line be too obviously FOS in this situation? Delayed cbetting is something I'm having issues with. I find that I get called down lighter when I delay cbet a scare card. Obviously villain dependent though...
Depends on your read on v1. He calls with any piece -- for 1 street or every street? The latter is no bluff obviously. Assuming calls-1-bet, which is more common, I like a delayed double barrel on a Q. The bets need to be pot turn and 75% river though, to generate the folds (and turn $$) we want from a sticky player imo. I also like the delayed cbet because our hand gains equity and it sounds like neither of these villains check-raise bluff.

Generally I like delayed cbets on scare cards. In my experience, villains give a lot of credit to it. The line is the opposite of fos. For me it works okay with queens but badly with jacks or tens.

It's weird that you're get called lighter. Try upping your bet sizes, noting players who call one bet with a marginal hand, and noting players who fold to double barrels.

Mostly though we don't get our 4-outer-to-a-bluff, and we end up checking behind on a blank, folding to a bet, or binking.
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
07-14-2014 , 04:28 AM
3 betting all day against these Vs. Check, and give up. This is a terrible board for us. With both V's being described as sticky, concede this hand.
1/2 AKo - 3bet/cbet question Quote
