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1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? 1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop?

03-18-2014 , 08:55 AM
There's a button straddle for 4 and I'm in the SB with AA. I limp in with the intention to reraise if someone opens but it limps around.. 7 handed.


J94r. Plans?

Do I lead out here or check call anyone down who is betting TPGK since my hand is massively underrepped? Need some feedback in situations like this. It's a bone dry flop so I'm not very concerned with draws getting there.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
03-18-2014 , 09:00 AM
That's what you get for limping with AA.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
03-18-2014 , 09:21 AM
I like limp/reraising AA, if the game conditions make a reason to do it. In games with aggro players or heavy preflop action, i think limp/reraise with KK/AA is the nutz. When people dont have a fold button: exploit it with limp/reraising with monsters.

When you go 7 handed to the flop you got to be careful. At this dry flop i would think getting fat value from a strong jack is very possible like QJ or KJ, so i would lead out here with my AA- setting the price myself. If i get raised or facing heavy action behind me, i fold without much hesitation. Around half pot should do the work, as most people tend to play very honest in multiway pots.

Thats why we indeed can limp/reraise AA with profit: because we (should) have the skills to not get in love with the hand when our plan doesent work and we go multiway to the flop in a limped pot.

Last edited by Gilmour; 03-18-2014 at 09:27 AM.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
03-18-2014 , 09:30 AM
I'd make a b/f of 2/3 pot. Probably b/f the turn and river for 2/5-1/2 pot depending on the runout.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
03-18-2014 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by wck117
I'd make a b/f of 2/3 pot. Probably b/f the turn and river for 2/5-1/2 pot depending on the runout.

If raised, give up pretty fast.
If you get 3+ callers only bet turn cards that are really safe.

There's a bunch of bad turn cards. And we don't love and K/Q/J/T/9/8. So, tread carefully.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
03-18-2014 , 11:06 AM
B/F line is good. Only hand you beat that is likely to raise is that idiot that limped KK preflop.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
03-18-2014 , 11:32 AM
Thanks guys. I completely murdered this hand when I check raised a $30 lead and call to $85 and then jammed the turn on the original bettor. Guy flopped top two with J9s and river did not counterfeit him. But yes I should have went with a b/f line. Check raising on that flop is just godawful.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
03-18-2014 , 11:55 AM
Yeah, agree w the b/f 3 streets.

You probably rep a lot more strength limping in the sb in a button straddle pot.
1/2 AA Limp Raise plans fall through. Plan of attack on the flop? Quote
