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1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop 1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop

09-13-2010 , 12:30 PM
I've got a pretty standard TAG image, possibly a tiny bit LAGgy as I've had good hands lately and have been raising consistently with them.

I'm in Seat 2 and Villain is in Seat 4. The only recent history either of us has is actually with each other - a few hands ago I raised with AT in the HJ and he called on the button. Flop came AA6. I bet, he called. Turn was 4, we both checked (bad?). River was an 8. I bet about 1/2 pot, he raised, I called and he shows A4o for a turned boat.

On to the hand in question:

I've got $185 in MP and look down at AA. I raise to $12 (standard open for the table). Villain (who covers me) calls, all others fold.

Flop ($25): Q53
I bet $15, hoping to get called by a queen or some midrange pocket pair. Villain raises to $85.

My initial thought is "he flopped a set." But would a set really be trying to chase me out of the hand here? Seems like very few turns or rivers would scare him, wouldn't he want to string me along?

I could see AQ or KK making this move, maybe KQ. Maybe my weak flop bet inspired him to test the waters with JJ or TT?
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-13-2010 , 12:56 PM
Hand 1 seems terrible. You decide to check the turn then bet/call the river??????

Hand 2. $12 is fine, but don't do things because everybody else at the table is doing them!

Given villain showed up with a4o in last hand I'm betting bigger cause a Q is not folding and smaller pocket pairs will probably give you one street of value, so make it a bit bigger.

Now I get it in because i do think he does this with worse for value as well as sets. It si close though.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-13-2010 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by quesuerte
Hand 1 seems terrible. You decide to check the turn then bet/call the river??????
Yeah, looking back, I think i actually check/called the river as opposed to bet/call. That was my attempt at pot control with my medium strength kicker - how should I have played it?

Originally Posted by quesuerte
Hand 2. $12 is fine, but don't do things because everybody else at the table is doing them!
$12 seemed to be thinning the field effectively and getting it heads up or 3 way, which is what I was looking for.

Originally Posted by quesuerte
Given villain showed up with a4o in last hand I'm betting bigger cause a Q is not folding
Good point.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:07 PM
H1 is a classic bet fold river, you're not beating anything.

H2 is never a fold, a set seems so unlikely, i like a call and check/shove all non Q turns, let him barrel off with TP. If V checks back turn bomb the river barring a Q again, if he plays sets that good he deserves it.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-13-2010 , 07:13 PM
Bet turn and bet/fold river as played first first hand, simple, but AT is a strong hand and you're top of your range sort of, so it's not that awful.

Second hand, you are top of your range again, but I would just call because there are no draws and he can have air. Call to pot control, disguise, and to induce bluffs.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-14-2010 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by EekyJoolie
I've got a pretty standard TAG image, possibly a tiny bit LAGgy as I've had good hands lately and have been raising consistently with them.

I'm in Seat 2 and Villain is in Seat 4. The only recent history either of us has is actually with each other - a few hands ago I raised with AT in the HJ and he called on the button. Flop came AA6. I bet, he called. Turn was 4, we both checked (bad?). River was an 8. I bet about 1/2 pot, he raised, I called and he shows A4o for a turned boat.

On to the hand in question:

I've got $185 in MP and look down at AA. I raise to $12 (standard open for the table). Villain (who covers me) calls, all others fold.

Flop ($25): Q53
I bet $15, hoping to get called by a queen or some midrange pocket pair. Villain raises to $85.

My initial thought is "he flopped a set." But would a set really be trying to chase me out of the hand here? Seems like very few turns or rivers would scare him, wouldn't he want to string me along?

I could see AQ or KK making this move, maybe KQ. Maybe my weak flop bet inspired him to test the waters with JJ or TT?
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-14-2010 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by VvsKing
Reverse Yeti Theorem ITT.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-14-2010 , 04:04 PM
I'd shove, because flatting commits us to the pot and it gets nasty if a K or even a J show up in the turn. The pot is already big enough due to this huge raise, so get it in and let him worry about tough decisions..

I def. don't see a set here...
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-14-2010 , 04:27 PM
I think it is less likely that villain has a set here, given that he slowplayed his boat in hand 1; however, his range is super narrow on this board. There are no real draws, and no likely two pair combos. His most likely hand is a big queen, but can also have a set, pocket pair, or air some non-zero % of the time. At this point, I would take the line that allows me to get it in with his weakest holdings. That means flatting the flop, check/shoving the turn, or shoving the river if he checks back the turn.

Also, I'm not putting any more money in the pot if a queen peels off.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-14-2010 , 06:09 PM
Would be bizarre to make it $85 here with a set, it's an insane overbet. It's possible he could do it, but less likely than Qx.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-14-2010 , 08:39 PM
Does villain shove anything on turn he is not calling our flop shove with?
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
09-15-2010 , 11:47 AM
Well, after reading all the comments, I think that a call-flop/check-shove-turn would've been the most reliable way to get the money in.

What actually happened was I shoved the flop and he snap called with AQ. So my line worked, but I'll probably see more folds in the longrun than I would with the call/check-shove approach.
1/2 - AA facing big raise on dry flop Quote
