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1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board 1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board

01-24-2015 , 04:48 PM
Villain 1-$140-is super loose passive, playing roughly 90/5, likes to play spread like it's his usual 3-6 game, Latino gentleman mid 40's, doesn't show much aggression pre or post unless he has what he thinks is the top of his range
Villain 2- $250- tighter pre, raises a range of 88+, a-10+, and all broadways, likes to check call flops,knows shes beat often but "has to see it" and pays off,gets sticky with big pairs when the board changes, white early 20's female
Villain 3-$1000+-megawhale, has shown down q5 off,2-3 off etc in 3 bet pots when he limped in early position, running very well, check calls 3 streets with any pair
Me-$220-30 year old male, in for $500, seen as very aggressive by regs (2&3), one of the top two winners at this game.
On to the hand...
Villain 1 limps in cutoff for $2
Villain 2 makes it $10 straight OTB
Villain 3 flats the $10
Hero flats the $10 with Jd9d
Villain 1 flats
Villain 1 checks
Villain 2 bets $20
Villain 3 flats
Hero flats
Thoughts-I thought if an offsuit 8 or K came on the turn I could get it in with villain 3, I thought I could also turn more equity with a diamond and Villain 2 would play her hand pretty faceup.
Villain 2-flats
Villain 3 checks
Hero checks (mistake?)
Villain 1-leads for $35
Villain 2- Instantly makes it $100 on top
Villain 3- tank folds
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-24-2015 , 06:20 PM
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-24-2015 , 06:57 PM
Great minds think alike.
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-24-2015 , 07:08 PM
Fold the flop. Your draw has reverse implied odds because of the 2 hearts and the paired board.
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-24-2015 , 07:16 PM
I agree,I think my eyes got big,when trying to get action from the pre standard?
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-24-2015 , 07:17 PM
I think it's borderline but don't really mind calling preflop for $8.

Where did this hand take place by the way?
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-24-2015 , 07:29 PM
In Northern Arizona.
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-26-2015 , 09:40 PM
I folded,villian 1 snap called with qk( no heart) and villain 2 showed down,a-10 with the ace of hearts.I think I'm just being results oriented and one or both will have me beat most of the time.
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
01-26-2015 , 10:04 PM
folding is correct
1-2-100 spread limit, straight on super connected board Quote
