Originally Posted by spikeraw22
I'm basing the call on the fact that there' a chance others will call based on game description and unknown nature of villain which means he could be doing it with worse Ax. If none of those are true, then fold. I don't see how shoving is any good. If your read is right you're crushed. If it's wrong, you'd be better served flatting.
The thing is AK plays way better when you get to see all 5 cards. Calling to fold flop when we miss is suboptimal IMO. I think shoving is better than calling because we know zero about him and he may fold a better or the same hand (probably not, but maybe), we get to see all 5 cards, and we haz the blockers, which is not to say he doesn't have AA/KK here just that combo wise we are more likely to be flipping/slight dog.
That is my argument for shoving > calling. Shoving vs folding.... Welllllll... I've seen just about enough hands to know that folding here is not the worst option in the world until he proves otherwise. How many times have we justified an action based on make believe info where really the info is pretty obvious? This feels like one of those spots. I think it's still pretty close between the two though.
Calling puts us in a weird spot. For those calling are you auto stacking off on King and Ace high boards where v cbets into us? I think the answer has got to be yes, and I think that sucks because until we know if he is a cbet aggro monkey we have to feel like we hate life when doing so. That's not to say that is the only reason I hate calling pre, just one of the reasons (probably the smallest reason).