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0.5$/0.5$ + straddle livegame | pretty deep | DID I LEAVE VALUE HERE?? - AA flops 2x trips 0.5$/0.5$ + straddle livegame | pretty deep | DID I LEAVE VALUE HERE?? - AA flops 2x trips

06-01-2017 , 09:48 AM
It's a 0.50/0.50€ cashgame with occasional straddles of 1x (Hand 2) or 2x (Hand 1). Quite juicy game with bad players, I have super LAG image
and we are quite deep for a 0.50€ game.


Villain is a bad, nitty reg, his UTG opening on a double-straddle must be pretty strong, my 3bet to 26 looks also pretty strong, although i have a super LAG image.

Flop is pretty favourable, but pretty dry. Decided to check this one.

Turn is pretty much a blank, there will never be a 2 in villains range here, although it enables a flushdraw. I decided to bet small to get value from Hands like KJs+ fd and force him to call also with his TT, JJ, QQ, KK.

Once the flush hits on the river I don't see much hands that would call here. I block AJ, other twopairs seem very unlikely. Any flush like KQs would raise a riverbet, JJ would call. But it's also a pretty good bluff spot.

Is it a big mistake to check the river? How much to bet? What else do we bet here? What if he c-r river, do we bf here anytime?


Villain is a quite good reg, quite loose preflop, wouldn't fold on the straddle most of his hands. Board gives some flushdraws, straights and straigh draws, and is quite wet.
Obviously betting the flop.
Turn cut's down the action.
River enables the action.

did I leave value here with my riverbetsize? Should I raise smaller to induce a repush or should I push directly.

I think i protect with the actual betsize lots of my bluffs here, nevertheless because my bet is super polarized I probably should jam all my bluffs and value cards right? When Villain calls he has only 70$ left when he calls the 95$ bet.
Still - we block Ax for toptwo or full house, so we wanna have calls from 5trips and flush.

Feeling like I left some value those spots, but thought it was the right play.

Thanks a lot for your evaluations!

||||HAND 1||||

Hand Information
, 0.5 BB (9 handed).
Hand History converter courtesy of

Table Information
Seat: 1 seat 1 ($249.5) Small Blind
Seat: 2 seat 2 ($89.5) Big Blind
Seat: 3 seat 3 ($99)
Seat: 4 seat 4 ($48)
Seat: 5 seat 5 ($450)
Seat: 6 hero ($223)
Seat: 7 seat 7 ($150)
Seat: 8 seat 8 ($150)
Seat: 9 seat 9 ($50) Dealer
Dealt to hero

Preflop (Pot:1)
seat 3 STRADDLE $1
seat 4 STRADDLE $2
seat 5 RAISE $7
hero RAISE $27
seat 7 FOLD
seat 8 FOLD
seat 9 FOLD
seat 1 FOLD
seat 2 FOLD
seat 3 FOLD
seat 4 FOLD
seat 5 CALL

Flop(Pot: $65)

seat 5 CHECK
hero CHECK

Turn(Pot: $65)

seat 5 CHECK
hero BET $25
seat 5 CALL

River(Pot: $115)

seat 5 CHECK
hero CHECK

Mod Edit: Don't include results please.

__________________________________________________ ___


||||HAND 2||||

Hand Information
, 0.5 BB (9 handed).
Hand History converter courtesy of

Table Information
Seat: 1 seat 1 ($99.5) Small Blind
Seat: 2 seat 2 ($129) Big Blind
Seat: 3 reg ($185)
Seat: 4 seat 4 ($100)
Seat: 5 seat 5 ($450)
Seat: 6 hero ($350)
Seat: 7 seat 7 ($90)
Seat: 8 seat 8 ($110)
Seat: 9 seat 9 ($50) Dealer
Dealt to hero

Preflop (Pot:1)
reg****STRADDLE $1
seat 4****FOLD
seat 5****FOLD
hero****RAISE $4
seat 7****FOLD
seat 8****CALL $4
seat 9****FOLD
seat 1****FOLD
seat 2****CALL $4

Flop(Pot: $16)

seat 2****CHECK
hero****BET $12
seat 8****FOLD
seat 2****FOLD

Turn(Pot: $40)


River(Pot: $40)

reg****BET $26
hero****RAISE $95

Mod Edit: Don't include results please.

Last edited by iraisetoomuch; 06-01-2017 at 10:02 AM.
0.5$/0.5$ + straddle livegame | pretty deep | DID I LEAVE VALUE HERE?? - AA flops 2x trips Quote
06-01-2017 , 10:04 AM
First off, please don't include the results in your original post (OP). This will generally lead to worse responses from people, even if they don't realize it.

Why are we betting the turn in the hand 1 and checking the river?
River changed nothing, and villain has shown no strength so we have every reason to think that our hand is still the best.
Bet for value here.

Hand 2:
Def bet the turn, lots of value from pair+straight draws, pair+flush, straight+flush hands. If we bet the turn, the river is an easy jam given the stack sizes that would be left over.
0.5$/0.5$ + straddle livegame | pretty deep | DID I LEAVE VALUE HERE?? - AA flops 2x trips Quote
06-01-2017 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
First off, please don't include the results in your original post (OP). This will generally lead to worse responses from people, even if they don't realize it.

Why are we betting the turn in the hand 1 and checking the river?
River changed nothing, and villain has shown no strength so we have every reason to think that our hand is still the best.
Bet for value here.

Hand 2:
Def bet the turn, lots of value from pair+straight draws, pair+flush, straight+flush hands. If we bet the turn, the river is an easy jam given the stack sizes that would be left over.

Thanks very much for that!

Hand1: Do we bet/f on river or always bet/c if he raises?

Hand2: I agree for missing the turn-bet. As played what size for the river bet?
0.5$/0.5$ + straddle livegame | pretty deep | DID I LEAVE VALUE HERE?? - AA flops 2x trips Quote
06-01-2017 , 10:14 AM
Given that it's a 3bet pot, I'm normally going to bet/call since he should have almost no 2x in his range.
But, he really shouldn't be raising the river with just about anything so it's kind of a weird spot. I'd prolly have to make a live read and just sort of go with my gut tending towards calling.
0.5$/0.5$ + straddle livegame | pretty deep | DID I LEAVE VALUE HERE?? - AA flops 2x trips Quote
