Originally Posted by lawdude
You have a set. The pot is big. You are heads up and closing the action.
Originally Posted by lawdude
Bear in mind, while paying off when you are never good is a LHE leak, paying off when you are almost never good (or even where you legitimately don't know that you are never good) in a big pot is not one.
Originally Posted by lawdude
Really phunk? You routinely raise-fold sets on only semi-scary boards in huge pots?
If you are a brilliant exploitation genius with perfect reads, fine, do it. For 99 percent of players, my advice is correct. And for the 1 percent of players who think they have those perfect reads, my advice is ALSO correct, because most of them won't be as perfect as they think they are (which is the whole point of Izmet's fur coat story).
As leo doc says, tilt insurance. And bear in mind, while I'm a very mediocre strategist, leo doc is an extremely good player. You probably shouldn't believe me, but you should believe him.
I've made a fair amount of money over the years at limit hold 'em while basically almost never folding anything really good for one more bet closing the action in a very big pot. Guess I'm an idiot who gives terrible advice.
I dislike the generalization that "Pot is big, must call". That is poor analysis. You are putting too much emphasis on the size of the pot. Consider the strength of your hand, and where it fits in your range. Put your opponent on a range. Sometimes, you beat literally 0% of that range.
Say we have 44 in a 6way pot that was capped PF. Board comes A25-T-9. PF capper bets river, and its folded to you, last to act, getting 20-1.
This is my interpretation of your advice: "The pot is so big! we might be good, call."
The proper solution is to put your opponent on a range, compare it to your hand, and consider the price. The same thing you do with any river spot. You should not be swayed into irrational decisions just because the pot is really big.
In the actual hand, we have a set. That is really strong. Villain's line doesn't make sense, doesn't rep much. That is why we call. Not because "pot is so big, closing the action"