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Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live

04-04-2012 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
I'm just tilted by the fact that what is actually a pretty interesting postflop spot that comes up a lot has been turned into a giant nitfest about the merits of playing KJo UTG in a 7-handed game.
I also don't see what the big deal is. I can argue folding, limping, OR raising KJo 5 off the button. I advocate raising in this particular situation. If you think it's going to be a limpfest OR coldcallfest, limp. If you're going to get punished by good players behind you, fold.

Originally Posted by asmitty
would c/f this specific turn card but probably barrel a lot of others.
This, IMO, is a gem of truth that has not received nearly the love it deserves, if it's received any love at all. (I'll admit I glossed over a bunch of stuff that seemed to be directed solely at preflop.)

The 5 here is actually a terrible card in the sense that a whole bunch of hands that you beat on the flop - 65, 53 - just pulled ahead of you. A lot of hands better than you on the flop - 76, 54, 87 - now cannot be pried from their owners' cold, dead hands for a million bets.

The number of worse hands which call is dwarfed by the number of better hands that will call. The number of better hands which fold (note ace highs now have a gutshot and are in the "never fold" category) is also dwarfed by the number of better hands which call. Thus, do not bet the turn.

As for check-folding vs. check-calling, I think there's a legitimate debate. KJo isn't reverse-dominated by many hands on this board (as opposed to a T75 board where JT, J7, and KT are common hands which now reverse-dominate you). If someone were aggressive enough to bet one pair on this board, we have a legitimate case for thinking we have 6 outs and 1-2 BB in implied odds. As presented, we're actually just shy of what we need, so it's check-fold, but we're a stone's throw from check-call here.
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
04-04-2012 , 07:19 PM
Check the flop, and call for one bet.

As played, bet the river.

Why is everyone going nuts about preflop?
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
04-04-2012 , 07:20 PM
Cali- say we get to see the turn here. 5 is, as you say, a very bad card. C/f.

What would be a good card other than a KJ?

A 2?

If you raised pre and checked the flop, then you could bet a Q?

8,9,T are not good.

Looks like the turn is a c/f most cards.
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
04-05-2012 , 02:48 PM
lol @ folding KJ 7 handed in what is likely a super soft game. 9 handed, I def fold in majority of games.
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
04-05-2012 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
everyone is talking about preflop in a spot where it doesn't realy matter much.
This. On to the next thread...
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
04-05-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by DoISuck?
This. On to the next thread...
I agree. The question was post flop.
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
04-07-2012 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by apaugust
This hand came up towards the end of my session at a limit only casino I go to every now and again in Washington.

3/6 Live

I think 7 handed...

Villain is in CO and just sat down a couple orbits ago. Seems like a regular, 40ish, larger white male. Has sunglasses on.

Button plays a lot of hand passively preflop, and is pretty straight forward postflop.

BB is younger white male, "bluffs" way too much in strange situations... it hasn't worked out well for him. Has been passive with some strong hands.

Hero has KJo UTG
Hero Opens, Fold, Fold, Villain Calls, Button Calls, SB Folds, BB Calls.

Flop (8sb) 247r
Hero bets, villain calls, button folds, BB calls.

Turn (5bb) 5r
Hero bets, villain calls, BB folds.

River (7bb) 7
Hero checks...

I don't know...

How often do you bet here? Does the 7 on the river pairing the board make a difference for our action compared to other cards?
late grunch

pf good
flop c/c
turn c/f
as played bet the river (a lot of ppl in these games call to the river hoping to spike their ace. if you check back you loose to his ace high so your FE is good here in that regards and he might even fold - but rarely - a deuce, 4 or 5, 33 or even 66)
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
04-07-2012 , 12:36 AM
asmitty owns this thread
Umm were you going anywhere? 3/6 Live Quote
