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TT in MP facing raise, call. TT in MP facing raise, call.

03-29-2008 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Jeff x9
UTG+1 raises, UTG+2 cold-calls, Hero is in MP with TT. There is one poster in the hand in the CO. BB is loose-passive (calling one bet 90% of the time).

4/8 live game, usual bad players. Table is not cap-happy Preflop w/o QQ+/AKs.

What's your pre-flop play?
Do you have any reads on UTG+1? Are they the standard loose passive who raises maybe 3% of their range something like JJ+AKs AKos AQs? Or is this someone whos capable of raising a bit looser than that.

If the cold caller is average your hand is usually ahead of him.

I personally like to 3b this hand unless the raiser is really tight with raising. The 3b may get it down to 3 handed but you may be seeing the flop w up 5-6 people as well. If it ends up being 5-6 ways your probably going to have to hit a set to win.

So anyways it depends is this spot, I usually 3b but sometimes would cold call and play for set value (assuming we think many will bite for 2bets).
TT in MP facing raise, call. Quote
03-29-2008 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Jeff x9
This is a 4/8 live game, usual bad players. Hero has TT in MP.


Hero 3-bets, CO (poster) calls 2 cold, BB calls 2 cold, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 calls.

So, I rule out QQ+ here.

Flop comes 678 rainbow.

BB bets, UTG+1 raises, UTG+2 3-bets, Hero?...

Heh this is a **** spot right here. your getting 21-3 or 7:1 immediate odds to make a call and you have somewhere between 4-6 outs. Its hard to count it as even four outs here though based on the action. Even if you hit your nine you may be chpping a lot here as most players wont get this aggro on the flop wo a set or straight. Some may 3b 2pair but in most live games I play this means set or straight.

Personally I just give up on the hand here. Id rather pick a better spot to get my money in that drawing to a possible chop on a gutshot. Set outs might be good but might make somone a straight.

Save your money for a higher EV situation.
TT in MP facing raise, call. Quote
03-29-2008 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by James.
i never said that. go back and look at what the statement i quoted says.

you said that if there was a raise you're folding. not a raise and a reraise. that's entirely different(though given the pot size its conceivable you still have the odds to call against some players). you haven't included the pot size anywhere in your thread so i never bothered to calculate because it's a pain in the butt.
James, I simply asked a question since you were not clear in your post. Have a beer on me, man.
TT in MP facing raise, call. Quote
