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SSH Hand Chart SSH Hand Chart

10-16-2008 , 04:22 PM
I'm at the casino and would like to double check my preflop hand selections as I make them. Does anyone have a link to an online chart or summary I can read on my blackberry browser?

For example I just called a raise in the BB with 54o getting 7-1. Bad, marginal, good?
SSH Hand Chart Quote
10-16-2008 , 04:33 PM
You runnin' bad?
SSH Hand Chart Quote
10-16-2008 , 04:43 PM
Bad implies I occasionally win a pot, I died a week ago and turns out hell is losing rąck after rack every single day.

So how bad is my 54o question, a sign of utter cluelessness?
SSH Hand Chart Quote
10-16-2008 , 05:48 PM
I think the SSH hand chart basically says to call a raise in the BB with anything you would play on the button for one bet.

I generally would not play 54o in any situation, although if I was bored and it was only raised by the opener (so no chance of a reraise) and there were about a million people in who had cold called, I might consider calling with it from the BB.
SSH Hand Chart Quote
10-16-2008 , 07:17 PM
DC-If I were you (since you are running so bad as of late), I would really be tightening up my entire game, esp in the blinds and esp the SB. Just become a blind nit for now and see what happens. Same goes for Early Postitions. Just nit it up for a while.

Feel free to abuse the Button though

Let me know how it goes.
SSH Hand Chart Quote
10-16-2008 , 07:57 PM
if running bad makes you play bad it can be a good idea to decrease variance. the highest variance producing hands are also often the most marginal. so in a way i agree with Frondy.
SSH Hand Chart Quote
10-17-2008 , 02:20 AM
I made a chart similar to the following based more-or-less on HEFAP.
Maybe it can be useful. I would study at stoplights ...

1   AA KK QQ    AKs                              
2   JJ TT       AQs AJs KQs                 AK 
3   99          ATs KJs QJs JTs             AQ 
4   88          KTs QTs J9s T9s 98s         AJ KQ
5   77          AXs Q9s T8s 97s 87s 76s     KJ QJ JT
SSH Hand Chart Quote
