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Set Monsters Set Monsters

07-23-2009 , 12:15 PM
8/16 Live. Just made a table change so nothing much on da players

UTG limps, HJ calls, Button raises, Hero is SB with 3 3 and calls, BB calls, rest call. 5 ways

(10 SBs) Flop is A 3 4 Hero bets, UTG folds, rest all call. 4 ways

(7 BBs) Turn is the 5. What a loverly card eh? Maybe bedda than the 2s

Flop-In this case as the PFR was on my imm right, I was hoping to B/3B instead of C/Ring. Not sure which is preferrable line in this spot. Players in this game are very shy about calling after you C/R.

Turn-anyone ever like checking here or just plow ahead?
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 12:33 PM
I call preflop in what looks like a 5 way pot brewing, plus great position on button to build a pot if we hit.

Flop I bet/3bet and hope to build a big pot, trapping the limpers in a raising war with the button. Unlucky that didn't happen.

Please try to turn better. Meh, we's got a set, I bet. If raised, I call and hope to hit one of my 10 outs on the river. We can't 3bet this, right? ETA: Actually, if button 2bets I might consider 3betting...

Tricky part is river, do we pay off if we whiff? I usually do, especially if it's against the button who's more likely to have an Ax type hand than a flush/straight.

Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Frond
Flop-In this case as the PFR was on my imm right, I was hoping to B/3B instead of C/Ring. Not sure which is preferrable line in this spot.
I think it depends on your opponents. If the guys in the middle are aware that a flop donk could trap them for three bets, then I'm not sure it makes much difference what you do 'cause they'll likely fold hopeless hands anyway. Absent reads, I think b/3! is hands-down the best play.

Turn-anyone ever like checking here or just plow ahead?
Don't check for a couple of reasons. First, it could get checked through causing you to miss too much value. Second, you've got 10 outs against a raise.

Also, fold pf. Seriously.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 01:26 PM
What's the saying? If you don't lose a lot of chips with a set, you played it wrong?

I'm 50/50 on the call preflop. I guess I'm fine with it if you're sure BB is going to come along, and less comfortable if you think he'd fold. Since you're new to the table, his default image suggests he'd call, so I suppose this is ok.

I want to be able to charge people at least two bets to see the turn on this super drawy flop. But you'd have to know the preflop raiser was going to bet, and again, you're new. I think because of that betting out is acceptable; you absolutely cannot let this flop check through. To me the ideal situation is to c/r because betting out lets the preflop raiser play against us perfectly, and there's an outside chance you can cap if he decides to 3!. But since we're not sure, betting out with the hope of 3! is fine.

Turn obviously sucks, but I'd b/c and hope to boat up on the river.

Unimproved on the river, some part of me would want to fold if I got raised on the turn, but honestly I'm never laying this down unless a fourth comes. If no one raises you on the turn betting the river is obviously the play absent the fourth
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Also, fold pf. Seriously.
i hope you're joking.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
I think it depends on your opponents. If the guys in the middle are aware that a flop donk could trap them for three bets, then I'm not sure it makes much difference what you do 'cause they'll likely fold hopeless hands anyway. Absent reads, I think b/3! is hands-down the best play.
no way, this is small stakes poker. the "guys in the middle" are never thinking that far ahead. plus they don't know what a flop donk into the field from a good player means. i can't ever think of a spot where checkraising this flop might be best at 8/16.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 02:40 PM
in what's going to be at least a 4way pot and maybe more i think the pf call is okay. depends on the chip structure to me. i like the flop as played and the turn is an easy bet.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 02:42 PM
You are getting 6:1 to come in the hand. Pre-flop is fine IMO.

I agree with flop donk. Board is drawy so Button may bet with a strong hand.
You are such a set-magnate. How do you do that?

Turn. I think you have to bet and hope you are good here. AX and any spades are paying off.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by vankuver
i hope you're joking.
I'll admit that I can sometimes be obtuse. However, you may understand from this point forward that when I say "seriously", I'm not joking.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by vankuver
i can't ever think of a spot where checkraising this flop might be best at 8/16.
Absent reads, I think b/3! is hands-down the best play.
I'm pretty sure we're in agreement here... given that it's 8/16 and OP has no reads.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 03:33 PM
Well played and I hope you continued after the ugly turn (not sure the duece is worse). Giving a free card is way worse than leading and getting raised. Vs a table of unknowns I am going to chk call ui on the river but I will probably not overcall or call more than 1 bet.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 05:35 PM
If the button raises, I say we 3!.

Its unlikely for him to have a 2, and more likely he is raising 2 pair or AxXs.
Set Monsters Quote
07-23-2009 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by BubbleMint
If the button raises, I say we 3!.

Its unlikely for him to have a 2, and more likely he is raising 2 pair or AxXs.
The problem is that BTN will never raise here unless he has a flush; even with 2 pair he will probably just call.

I bet the turn but won't 3bet if anyone raises me.

The river will be hardest, assuming it's a blank (which in this case is a non-spade higher than 7). If noone raises the turn I will probably bet again on the river for value, hoping that noone has a 2. If someone raises the turn I will call single bet on the river, even if it's an overcall.
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