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SB KK against solid EP and weak MP SB KK against solid EP and weak MP

10-04-2023 , 01:27 PM
4/8 8 handed

EP is solid reg who usually plays bigger games. MP is typical LP plays ok but weak PF. I am in SB with KsKx.

EP opens, MP call, call, call, I call. I did not see a benefit to 3 betting and bloating the pot oop. wrong think?

Flop is something like T64 one spade. I check, planning to CR EP.

EP checks, MP bets, fold fold, I call not wanting to scare MP off. EP folds.

Turn 2s. I bet fearing MP will check behind. MP calls.

River is Qs. I value bet, MP calls.

SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
10-04-2023 , 02:14 PM
EP opens, MP call, call, call, I call. I did not see a benefit to 3 betting and bloating the pot oop. wrong think?
There is literally no reason not to three bet the second best hand in poker in a multiway pot against random trash. Not trying to be harsh but this is awful.

The flop I would just check raise personally.

Turn lead is meh. There’s no reason to think they won’t bet again. I would just check raise the turn if I got there like this.
SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
10-04-2023 , 02:57 PM
Preflop flat is awful.
SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
10-04-2023 , 03:50 PM
Yeah preflop is real bad. You want to bloat the pot when you have the most equity. Even if kk only has 40 percent equity 6 ways, it’s still the equity hog.

On the flop, c/r and make money. If they fold equity, that’s great. They could check behind turn.

Rest is fine.
SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
10-05-2023 , 11:05 AM
Thanks for feedback. I pretty much knew but want to remind myself I play scared sometimes.

SB Hands like this are killing me so I am misplaying them lately. I use PokerTracker for online play and it helps me immensely. I wish I had this tool for live play. Would love to see how much I am losing with my SB play.

After she flatted turn and river I confidently tabled my hand, she said, "wow I thought you had spades" and showed me her set of 6s.

If you thought I had spades wtf didn't you raise the turn? I think and not say as I say 'nice hand'.

Same lady called a 3 bet cold later from the SB with 95o and won with 2 pair and said she wouldn't have played it if she 'wasn't in the blinds.' The poker gods are so cruel lately.
SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
11-03-2023 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by killians3
Thanks for feedback. I pretty much knew but want to remind myself I play scared sometimes.
All you can do is try to make good decisions at every decision point. Playing scared is going to prevent you from making good decisions. What are you scared of when you have Kings? Getting beaten by a random Ace or some random two-pair hand. Well, the big blind might have one of those hands. Raise to try to knock him out. Or raise in the hope that the original raiser will cap it and the other cold callers will now decide to fold. You want to raise because you're an equity favorite, but you also want to raise to try to thin the field. Even if you can get just one player to fold, that increases your equity.

Originally Posted by killians3
SB Hands like this are killing me so I am misplaying them lately.
This is the definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think this hand is going to kill you, you're going to misplay it, and it's going to kill you.

Also, what do you mean "hands like this"? KK is a great starting hand; you should be happy to get it in any position. A negative mindset is just going to cloud your thinking and prevent you from making good decisions.

Originally Posted by killians3
After she flatted turn and river I confidently tabled my hand, she said, "wow I thought you had spades" and showed me her set of 6s.

If you thought I had spades wtf didn't you raise the turn? I think and not say as I say 'nice hand'.
Sometimes a big pocket pair is going to lose to a smaller pocket pair that flops a set. This happens, and you will sometimes find yourself on both sides of this situation. But there's no need to be upset by her comment or by her failure to get maximum value from her set on either the turn or the river. If anything, you should be grateful she misplayed her hand—it saved you at least one big bet, right? And you should learn from her mistake to be a better hand reader yourself and not play scared when a back-door flush gets there.

Originally Posted by killians3
Same lady called a 3 bet cold later from the SB with 95o and won with 2 pair …
This is why you need to reraise KK preflop every time—because people are going to cold-call with random crap like 95o. KK is a huge equity favorite against this hand. Punish them.

Originally Posted by killians3
… and said she wouldn't have played it if she 'wasn't in the blinds.' The poker gods are so cruel lately.
There are no poker gods. You're looking for patterns or meaning where there is none. And you're expressing another self-fulfilling prophecy—the poker gods have been cruel to me, so I have to play passively/cautiously, thus increasing the likelihood that I lose again with my premium starting hand, thus reinforcing the cycle of playing scared and not winning.

Every hand is unique. I don't care if I lost with Kings the last 5 times I was dealt them; I'm still going to raise and reraise with them preflop because that's the correct decision. You can't be results-oriented; all you can do is make the best decision you can at the moment you're faced with it.
SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
11-03-2023 , 03:53 PM
I think he may know what he means by 'hands like this', or at least what I would have been thinking in this hand. I would probably be frustrated that I value bet someone else's hand.

Her passive play didn't save him money, or at least it wouldn't have saved me money if it had been my hand, because I would have folded if raised on the turn. You can see here how passive many players are even with a very good hand. Unless it is against someone who never bluffs, you should not be seeing a showdown every time you have an overpair.
SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
11-14-2023 , 08:02 PM
Always 3 bet here!! BB fold is significant and you just can not sacrifice EV in a game with such high a rake esp OOP. there are some flops you can check and then raise flop or or check raise turn. even multiway. and many many you get to double Barrell. Plus making the pot large reduces the chances of not realizing EQ by getting bluffed off psartially becaise the pot will be protected in a manner where multi street bluffs will be necessary and possibly very expensive..
SB KK against solid EP and weak MP Quote
