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Post in CO with KdTc Post in CO with KdTc

07-14-2009 , 10:15 PM
4/8 game with half kill. This is not a kill pot. Game is laggish. One person (villain) who might be good but the jury is still out. She seems to play too many hands and overplay them. But I've only logged a couple of hours with her yesterday and a half hour today before this hand comes up.

I make a seat change and post in the CO with KT. 3 limpers to me including the villain who is on my immediate right. I limp and the blinds come along.

6 to a flop of 38T

Checked to villain who bets. I raise. Folded to villain who re-raises. I call - heads up.

Turn: J

Villain checks, I check.

River: 7

Villain bets, I call.

Should I have played any street differently or is this just pretty standard? Could villain be looking for a check-raise on the turn? Is it right for me to take the free card on the turn with the second nut flush draw and second pair?
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-14-2009 , 10:35 PM
i think that i raise the river. otherwise this is a nice hand.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-14-2009 , 11:30 PM
You limp or check preflop? I would raise this if I had posted.

Given your read, I would also 4-bet the flop.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:04 AM
put me in the cap the flop camp based on villain overplaying her hands. we have great equity here.

as played i raise the river and fold to a 3bet, because even villains who overplay their hands aren't 3betting the river with the 2nd nut flush unless they're absolute spazztards, and that doesn't seem to be the case here.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:18 AM
i think folding to a 3bet is probably correct given that:
a) you have a 1-card K-hi flush. he is not going to 3bet with the Q
b) there are 1 or 2 plausible straight flush combinations

i also think raising sucks with 3 limpers, but with 1 or 2 limpers or with KTs i would raise.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 01:26 AM
i would bet the turn for value. river is fine imo this really looks like some Ad+pair hand

i am indifferent to raising pf although its probably very slightly bad. its probably nothing that will matter during all the hands of live poker you play in your lifetime.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 03:38 AM
Am I the only guy who bets the turn?

EDIT: Oh missed Kit's post.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 06:30 AM
If I forego a flop cap vs this villain it is to raise her on the turn. Indeed knowing she overplays hands, I call the 3 and raise the turn a majority of the time.

I dont understand not betting the turn. She has to have Ad10x to have us crushed (excluding the flopped nuts), and if he is not betting the nuts or Ad10x, then LOL at her. Sure sometimes this is a taRp but not often and if it is, it is badly executed.

River, she has played her hand like a flush draw, I like the suggestions of raise/fold as I doubt she is doing this with Qd or worse.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 07:19 AM
I bet turn. On river, I want 1-2 BB's going in. Hence, if villain leads, I'll just call; if villain checks, I'll bet and call a c/raise. For my sanity, I hate 3betting lags and folding to a 4 bet. I'd rather forgo some value there to prevent some rare exploitation by villain. (and yes, I've been 3bet bluffed at by villains on river boards with 4 flush showing, though definitely rare). I think it's close between capping the flop and smooth calling a 3bet. I like smooth calling in that we can let villain keep initiative and allow him to better define his hand. Also, by capping, villain would be more willing to go for a turn c/raise with his monsters, thinking that we will bet more turns.

So after smooth calling, he checks turn, which I think polarizes his range toward flush draws. I wouldn't be as worried about villain c/raising me here, because from his perspective, he can't depend on me to bet the turn all the time. Against a naked A hi flush draw, our equity is like 65%, and even against stuff like pair + A hi flush draw, we are a favorite on the turn. So I bet, planning to call a c/raise and get to showdown.

I like betting turn, and if led into on river, just smooth calling. Even LAGs don't 3bet the flop with Qx of diamonds.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:58 AM
wow, bet the turn.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:05 PM
Is there a reason we would raise a LP post with a junky hand like this? There's three limpers who aren't going anywhere, a blind might come along, playing KTo in a multi-way pot for multiple bets isn't my idea of a good time. I don't understand why we would even consider raising this, but maybe there is some "protecting our post" concept I'm not aware of.

TPGK with 2nd nut flush draw against an aggressive player; I'm with bubbleminty, I'm either capping flop or raising turn, and leaning towards capping flop cuz there are some cards that come on the turn that could be scary plus villain might not lead turn.

I'm betting turn 100% of the time here as we probably have the best hand. If villian is setting a trap, we've got lottsa outs to redraw. River probably plays differently after that.

Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 12:09 PM
on second thought i think i like betting the turn. i check this turn a lot against tough, aggressive players in OL games, but in a 4/8 game i think betting probably has some value. i check behind if he calls the turn and i don't improve.
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
07-15-2009 , 05:08 PM
yeah the turn checking through is pretty horrible. when i said cap flop, i meant cap flop and then keep betting from there...
Post in CO with KdTc Quote
