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Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn

03-12-2016 , 07:35 PM
Just griping about a common scenario that I encounter in Limit Hold'em

I have AA in middle position. Player on my right raises and I re-raise. Everyone folds except button who cold calls and the original raiser.

Flop is:


Player on my right checks, I raise, button calls, and guy on my right folds.


I bet, button calls.


I bet again, button re-raises. I figure that I probably just got screwed but I call only to find that he held:

Ironically, my wife played at another table, raised with JJ, called a reraise and called into someone on every street with AA (no overcards on the board) and got her third jack on the river sucking down a $100 dollar pot. I'm like, seriously?
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-12-2016 , 07:59 PM
It's a crazy game.

I'd note that the button is particularly bad at limit holdem because of his preflop play with nine high facing a raise and a reraise.

After you bet the flop and turn, I think you should call the river raise, noting that the guy just called the turn with what I consider a solid raising hand.
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-12-2016 , 08:27 PM
welcome to the forum! LHE is fun
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-13-2016 , 09:11 AM
Red AA versus 97hh is nearly an 80/20 favorite. Even with a third player, you are probably going to win around 2/3 of the time. OK, so you didn't win this one - no big deal. You also learned that the button will call 3 bets preflop with 97s, which is a poor strategy. Just keep focusing on making good decisions, and in the long run the players who make more good decisions (hopefully you) will come out ahead.
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:07 PM
You know, back in the day when LHE was shiny and new to me and yes I had read the key books, I willingly bought into the premise that 9-7 suited had some magical powers. Especially 9-7 of hearts! In one hand, I raised and capped with it, 5-ways and chased a backdoor draw to beat a player with A-K who had flopped top pair. He stormed off. I was entertained by my winnings.
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:14 PM
interesting stuff
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-13-2016 , 02:23 PM
Good thing our brains are wired to forget all the money we lost all the times we capped the 97hh and didn't win. We do remember that one time we won very well.

That's one of the main reasons we have profitable games.
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-13-2016 , 04:57 PM
because i've become a grumpy old man at the ripe age of 33, i have to correct your terminology:

1) the first bet in a round of betting is called a "bet" not a "raise." you can't "raise" if there has only been checking

2) if someone bets, the next bet is called a "raise," and not a "reraise"
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
03-13-2016 , 08:39 PM
Fold the river
Pocket Rockets Crash and Burn Quote
