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PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds

06-01-2014 , 11:29 AM
Playing my regular 10/20 game. Game is fantastic, regularly 5-7 players to the flop for 2-3 bets pre.

I just returned from a walk an post my blinds and look down at Ks2d. Good laggy player (V1) who respects my play just won a big pot so kill is on (15/30).

Another laggy guy limps (V2) and he's playing any pair and almost any 2 suited cards. V1 raises his kill which he will do with K+suited and any pair and suited 1 gappers. We have position (on the button).

It's 20 to us and the we will likely go 4 handed to the flop for @120.

PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 11:37 AM
snap fold
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 11:48 AM
I snap fold twice because anything else should not even be a consideration.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 12:00 PM
as a note i think cally posted the math or just his feelings on posting dead small blinds. I've stopped doing it because you pretty much can't win money that lap it's that bad.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 12:13 PM
I'm posting behind so my BB of 10 and my sb of 5 is in the centre.

Just in case there was any confusion about this. Only reason I am thinking of calling is because both their ranges are so wide and if I should be 3-betting. My image is pretty tight.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by KingThor
I'm posting behind so my BB of 10 and my sb of 5 is in the centre.
This is what Jesse is referring to as a dead small blind in his post above.
Just in case there was any confusion about this. Only reason I am thinking of calling is because both their ranges are so wide and if I should be 3-betting. My image is pretty tight.
How wide is "so wide". Even if he's raising top 50% and the other guy is 60%, you're still a dog. Most players that are playing this loose and/or aggro don't care about your image. And if they are, they're going to be thinking.. LOL, I can bluff this guy off his TP/MP type hands with a turn raise. The loose and LAGgy guys give you there money when they either call down too light or try ridiculous aggro things on the big streets. They don't give you there money by respecting your raises and making good folds.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:05 PM
I would never consider anything but folding.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by jesse9999
as a note i think cally posted the math or just his feelings on posting dead small blinds. I've stopped doing it because you pretty much can't win money that lap it's that bad.
I think if the game is soft enough you can def post dead behind and major it a profitable round. You'll likely win enough other hands to offset what you lose posting.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jon_locke
I think if the game is soft enough you can def post dead behind and major it a profitable round. You'll likely win enough other hands to offset what you lose posting.
Lol if the game is soft enough I can open the gun with 62o profitability also
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-01-2014 , 06:28 PM
Okay so I decide to call. I believe we get a blind to come along and V2 calls.
Pot $135
Flop is Kd8d3s.

We have Ks2d. Blind and V2 check. V1 bets.

PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-02-2014 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by jesse9999
as a note i think cally posted the math or just his feelings on posting dead small blinds. I've stopped doing it because you pretty much can't win money that lap it's that bad.
I think if you're paying time, where there is a consideration of missing 7 or 8 minutes of a down makes it worth it to post immediately behind if the game is full. Or if you can buy the button.

A rake game where there is no consequence to missing a few minutes of a down, leans it to just waiting.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-02-2014 , 05:59 AM
Session fee of $6. So yes this absolutely impacts my decision to post my blinds behind the button right away.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-02-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by KingThor
Okay so I decide to call. I believe we get a blind to come along and V2 calls.
Pot $135
Flop is Kd8d3s.

We have Ks2d. Blind and V2 check. V1 bets.

PF snap fold.

V1 raises his kill which he will do with K+suited and any pair and suited 1 gappers.
Flop check. With V1 range with the kill on, probably little chance we are ahead here. Get to showdown cheap if possible. I'm folding to a turn lead here as well.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-02-2014 , 03:23 PM
Call is probably fine
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-02-2014 , 03:24 PM
On flop I mean.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-02-2014 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Call is probably fine
Originally Posted by jesse8888
On flop I mean.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-02-2014 , 11:40 PM
I'm wondering if I should raise. Is this the standard way ahead way behind? Do I want to get this pot heads up and charge a diamond draw the max?

Anyway, I call, blind folds and V2 calls.

Pot is now $125 + $90 = $215.

Turn is a 5c. V2 checks and V1 fires $30.

PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-03-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Ron
I missed we were 4 handed not 3 bombs away on the flop
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-03-2014 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by KingThor
I'm wondering if I should raise. Is this the standard way ahead way behind? Do I want to get this pot heads up and charge a diamond draw the max?

Anyway, I call, blind folds and V2 calls.

Pot is now $125 + $90 = $215.

Turn is a 5c. V2 checks and V1 fires $30.

PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-04-2014 , 12:02 PM
I call as does V2. River is the 6d. V2 checks and now V1 checks.

PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-04-2014 , 03:11 PM
Probably bet
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-04-2014 , 04:34 PM
Wow Jesse you are pretty sick.
V2 didn't show, V1 had JJ.

I pretty much misplayed the hand every street.

2 questions:
1) if we raise on the flop or turn aren't we getting worse hands to fold and better hands to call? Are we okay to keep in his entire range and let him barrel every street?

2) is the river pretty much a bet/fold?
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-04-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by KingThor
Wow Jesse you are pretty sick.
V2 didn't show, V1 had JJ.

I pretty much misplayed the hand every street.

2 questions:
1) if we raise on the flop or turn aren't we getting worse hands to fold and better hands to call? Are we okay to keep in his entire range and let him barrel every street?

2) is the river pretty much a bet/fold?
On the flop its a big pot with 4 live hands. You need to fight for it and make people fold their equity since you'll capture a lot of it. Yes you lose sometimes but top pair is strong. If it was somehow heads up I'd be fine letting him barrel off.

And yes I'd bet fold the river. Remember on the river that you've grossly under repped your hand and that's why I think you can v bet
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-05-2014 , 02:45 AM
I think you should check the river if you raised the turn, villains would have to be pretty terrible to pay off with < K here when the flush comes in.

Edit: ugh, I missed that hero did not raise flop or turn. As played, yes, I think you should v-bet the river.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
06-05-2014 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by KingThor
Playing my regular 10/20 game. Game is fantastic, regularly 5-7 players to the flop for 2-3 bets pre.

I just returned from a walk an post my blinds and look down at Ks2d. Good laggy player (V1) who respects my play just won a big pot so kill is on (15/30).

Another laggy guy limps (V2) and he's playing any pair and almost any 2 suited cards. V1 raises his kill which he will do with K+suited and any pair and suited 1 gappers. We have position (on the button).

It's 20 to us and the we will likely go 4 handed to the flop for @120.

If I were jon_locke, I would say that this is not worth answering, because we are rarely, if ever, going to be posting dead blind money in any event, and doing so in a kill pot is braindead.

But yadda yadda, jailhouse phonecall conjecture yadda yadda, so I will say simply, having posted the dead SB and live BB and with the action coming back to us raised, and it's more than a bet for us to call...

Fold preflop.
PAHWM: K2o after posting missed blinds Quote
