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One villain, two heads-up hands One villain, two heads-up hands

02-08-2009 , 04:48 PM
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate coping with steal situations that go to the flop and beyond? Comments on all streets welcomed.

Here are two 2/4 hands against the same villain. He is 29/14/1.9 over 300 hands. (19% fold BB to steal and 57% fold SB to steal, but obv these are very small samples)

Hero has A J in the small blind.

It folds around. Hero raises, villain calls.

Flop K Q 4. (4SB)

Hero bets, villain raises.

What's my plan from here?

(I decided, at the time, that I didn't want to chase 7 outs OOP vs a SLAG, and folded it on the flop. Perhaps weak-tight, but I have been very spewy lately...)

Two orbits later, here we go again:

Hero has K Q on the button.

Folds to me, hero raises, villain reraises from the SB, BB folds. Hero calls since repops are usually aces or pairs?

Flop: J 6 2 (6SB)

Villain bets, hero calls.

I expect to be behind, but this time I am in position getting 7:1 on my 6 outs, plus several backdoor chances.

Turn: 9 (4BB)

Villain bets. Hero...

I now have, assuming the "ace or pair" read is right, 12 good outs plus 5 probably-still-good overcard outs -- unless villain has the A in which case it's real bad. How does the "make him fold unimproved aces" vs "get 3bet if he has any part of the board" ratio look?
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-08-2009 , 05:09 PM
Hand 1:

We are never folding this on the flop ever. We have 4 100%
outs and in most cases another 3 to the ace. We are at least
calling the flop, probably the turn and rethink things on the river.

Hand 2.

Flop is fine. I dont hate raising the turn as we can put the last
bet in the times he also has a draw and wiffs, he may sometimes just have a naked ace with no heart/underpair and lay it down there, and the times he has a strong hand which will be seeing a showdown we still have a ton of equity.

Also I dont think we can "assume the "ace or pair" read is right".
You are on the button so because your range is pretty wide, his range can be that much wider also to include hands like QJ, KJ, KQ, KT etc.
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-08-2009 , 07:11 PM
Couple of generic comments. (These are based on the assumption that this is fr.) Villian is very lag and a tenacious blind defender (at least to the extent that this sample size indicates).

I am curious, has he able to run you out of steal situations before by being over aggro?

Hand 1: call down w/o improvement

Hand 2: I would cap pf against this guy; but, will caution you that I'm generally not seen as "spewy" so that may not work as well for you. As played, semi-bluff raise the turn.
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-08-2009 , 09:57 PM
Yes, full-ring (well, 8-handed at the time this happened.) These are the first direct confrontations over the blinds with this villain that I recall (we've not been sitting adjacent in previous sessions.)

I was acutely aware of how timidly I played hand 1, which is no doubt going to affect how eager he is to try to run me over on hand 2.
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-08-2009 , 10:27 PM
This caught my attention...

Folds to me, hero raises, villain reraises from the SB, BB folds. Hero calls since repops are usually aces or pairs?
Against a SLAG you are getting re-popped by a LOT more than aces or pairs in a blind re-steal situation. The standard SB defence is to always 3! if you decide you are going to play the hand. This serves several ends:
1) you get the initiative for the rest of the hand and put the onus on the stealer to hit the flop
2) you get the dead money from BB folding

If SB is a SLAG you could be 3!'ed by anything playable - SCs, PPs, aces, kings, even suited queens and jacks. Hand 2 is a perfect candidate for a semi-bluff on the turn. You have 2 overs, a gutter and the 2FD and the board has missed a lot of hands vil could have. Even if you get 3!ed you have a ton of outs to improve and it will also slow vil down in future if he knows he will get played back at lightly.
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-08-2009 , 11:19 PM
On the tenuous assumption that this spl is representative of his blind defense,

19% fold BB to steal and 57% fold SB to steal
then this statement is not true with this villain:

repops are usually aces or pairs
Denks is right. His steal defense is very broad.

I think the biggest problem you're gonna have with this guy- if, in fact, he sees you as "spewwy"- is that these contests are gonna turn into a lag v. lag contest to determine who's "laggier." You've got premium holdings against this guy. Maybe it's time to take him to school.
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-09-2009 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Hand 1: call down w/o improvement
What is your range for villian when he raises here?
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-09-2009 , 06:30 AM
His range is like the top 40%

Show down an A-high in Hand 1, even if you lose he will not try to overrun you next time with nothing. Some players (maybe 30% or less) go to blindwars very aggro in 2/4 and this one seems to be one of them. Make a note on that after the hand is over and you can profit in future.
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-09-2009 , 06:21 PM
Definitely agree 3! from small could be a much wider range than you'd expect.
Last night I 3'ed from SB against a steal with K8o.
Bet flop bet turn and showed my K8 high. Dude on the button was so heated at me that he moved several seats away from me 10 minutes later.

Stay aggressive, you probably have the best hand pf and on the flop in these situations. Thought it would be nice to actually spike the flop once in a while here, amirite?
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
02-09-2009 , 07:45 PM
Spiking the flop wasn't part of your plan?
One villain, two heads-up hands Quote
