well it happens, hit the bigest downswing of my career for couple weeks now
i was not using pokertracker for the last 2 years minimum , close to 3.
i was going ok until the latest days...
so i download pokertracker trial for 30 days and put some hands in there, well the last 160k hands.
i know it is not 1 million but i guess even tho small, some conclusion could be extract from it.
first off !
money won without SD is like - 6800$ while money won with SD is like + 6600$.
is this normal and what does it means ?
for the other stats i wonder ,
am i really too loose or not enough aggro , SD monkey , etc.
what should i focus on to get better or am i standard and just accept my downswing will pass...
32.2 vpip
21 pfr
1.35 total af
46.8 total afq
43.25 WTSD%
54.4 WSD
those are stats from .1/.2 to 3$/6$ table.
now where it does hurt the most for losing money ( and the stats are changing a bit) from a 25k hands ( those are the downswing from couple weeks now...)
29.4 vpip
18.9 PFR
1.29 total AF
45.8 total afq
42.9 WTSD%
55 WSD
oh yeah... for overall result coming from the blinds, seem i do ok below.
what do you think because this is the most challenging for me and where my play differ the most day to day, not having yet a definite hand range for blind defense and postflop strategy...
SB 35k hands
41 vpip
28.5 pfr
1.75 total AF
52.7 total afq
42.5 WtSD%
54.2 WSD
running at -0.08 bb/hand
BB 35k hands
43.7 vpip
8 pfr ( i never 3 bet from BB unless SB open raise...)
1.10 total AF
40.3 total afq
39.7 WTSD
54.6 WSD
runing at -0.16 bb/hand
sorry if this is a bit long and since i am really not a know user for pokertraker, maybe some stats are missing but i really need some feedback to know if im ok and where m,y numbers seem off ?
i shall take a break from playing because i just do not know what to do anymore and i am asking to myself how to play poker because i do not how anymore, thinking about quitting for some big time lenght...
i forgot BU stats as well...
38.85 vpip
34.7 pfr
1.32 total af
48 total afq
45.78 WTSD ( maybe this is too high ?)
53.6 WSD
running at 0.13 bb/hand , is this too low ?
ty again all!