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Official June NC/LC Thread sponsored by Captain R. Official June NC/LC Thread sponsored by Captain R.

06-03-2009 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
My opinion is that any dietary change that isn't long-term sustainable isn't worth making. Enjoy the occasional hamburger IMO.

leo doc will back me up on this, and if he doesn't, he's wrong.
Ya, almost all the diet changes I made were long-term sustainable. I made room for hamburgers/etc. (which I'd have to have to keep sane), but I'm thinking one a day ain't too good...

GmynameisGGandit'sbeen16hourssinceI'veeatenahambur gerG
06-03-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I made room for hamburgers/etc.
I'd like to know some more about the "etc."
06-03-2009 , 05:15 PM
I think it goes something like this, Doc.

It took six hamburgers and scotch all night
Nicotine for breakfast just to put me right
Makes me want to go out and buy the few Dire Straits/Mark K albums I don't own. There must be one or two.
06-03-2009 , 06:48 PM
ZOMG! that beef sammich looks even better than flopping a set! Well maybe not cuz I am a setaholic and all, but a very close second indeed.

Wife and I lost weight by just simply counting our calories. Writing down everthing we eat throughout the day. Can be a bit tedious but it works. Figure out roughly how many cals you should be devouring each day. Keep working out etc.

Also, we split lots of meals when we dine out. Meal portions are so hugemongous. Plus one can save Frond Bucks by splitting and sharing a beverage
06-03-2009 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Frond
Wife and I lost weight by just simply counting our calories. Writing down everthing we eat throughout the day. Can be a bit tedious but it works. Figure out roughly how many cals you should be devouring each day. Keep working out etc.
When I started to get up in pounds and wanted to lose 10-15, this is what I did. helped with the tracking. May be worthwhile to check out...
06-03-2009 , 08:17 PM
Counting calories for me was a little easier because my grad school-related weight gain leveled off as I started wrapping up. Basically at that point whatever **** I was overeating was offset by the extra exercise I was getting by having to lug around an extra 30-40 pounds.

Basically from there it was a game of slowly cutting stuff out one at a time to reach a new equilibrium. Instead of a Coke every day, I'd have a diet Coke, and I started bringing rice cakes and stuff instead of buying chips from the vending machine. Dropped 10-15 lbs pretty quickly. After I graduated, I could afford to buy meats other than the $0.99/lb, greasy-as-hell chicken I had lived on (partially offset by the $9.99/lb greasy-as-hell beef that I discovered I loved ... mmm ribeye), and started drifting down another 10 lbs, albeit far more slowly.

I still would like to cut down some of the crappier parts of my diet, eat more whole grains, etc, but Sourdough Jacks and processed flour are way too yummy to give up completely.
06-03-2009 , 09:26 PM
Meh I lost about 60 pounds in a year starting right after my junior year in college (when I was quite huge and fat and had been for most of my life) and was pretty fit by the time I graduated. Didn't do any calorie counting, but I did diet a little... by which I mean 4 pieces of pizza instead of 5, more water/diet soda instead of pumping through regular coke.. etc. I lost it all through working out 6 days a week.. and to this day (about 3 years now since I've graduated) I work out every day unless I'm sick or hurt or something.

So exercise> diet, and if you want to diet just drop desert (or replace it with something that's actually filling and not as bad for you) and eat one less handful of chips a day and weight will eventually come off. I actually can't imagine taking any extended time off from working out (after like never voluntarily working out for 21 years)... it makes me feel soooo much better everytime I do it, any stress/anxiety just melts away and it totally puts my mind/body at ease.

I'm sure diet probably matters a little more if you're older even if you do work out daily, but I'll worry about that then.
06-03-2009 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Nchabazam
I'm sure diet probably matters a little more if you're older even if you do work out daily, but I'll worry about that then.
I'm pretty sure of this too. leo doc will back me up, and if he doesn't, he's wrong.
06-03-2009 , 11:50 PM
I've actually always heard losing weight is 85% diet, and 15% exercise. This seems like too large a disparity, imo, but it was a trainer at my gym that told me. He has a vested interest in making it as heavily slanted towards exercise as possible.
06-04-2009 , 01:41 AM
Does this avatar make me look fat!
06-04-2009 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by Purgatory
I know not many play online on this forum..but...

Do any of you remember JC-theGuide on Stars. He was a massive limit grinder--basically a rakeback pro--6 months ago. We he disappeared and I haven't seen him in quite some time. I looked him up on ptr and found he switched over to 1/2 and 2/4NL and he is pretty good over a pretty big sample. Makes me want to go over to the dark side.
was wondering what happened to him
06-04-2009 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian
I'm pretty sure of this too. leo doc will back me up, and if he doesn't, he's wrong.
Here's the plain and simple truth. Weight loss can only be effected by burning more calories than are consumed. Short of liposuction or surgically removing body parts, there is no other way. The scale (pun intended) can be tipped by reducing caloric intake and/or increasing caloric utilization. It becomes a matter of personal preference as to how much of one or the other or both one choses.
06-04-2009 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Here's the plain and simple truth. Weight loss can only be effected by burning more calories than are consumed. Short of liposuction or surgically removing body parts, there is no other way. The scale (pun intended) can be tipped by reducing caloric intake and/or increasing caloric utilization. It becomes a matter of personal preference as to how much of one or the other or both one choses.
Wat, really? I was working on my new book "Take a load off" which focused on taking a crap more often as a ************ mechanism. Should I scrap the idea?
06-04-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by KitCloudkicker
those are the best movies imo. those types of films, and/or the ones i used to watch as a kid, i love to watch more than anything out there. that and nba/ncaa bball.

transformers this month wheeeee
06-04-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Here's the plain and simple truth. Weight loss can only be effected by burning more calories than are consumed. Short of liposuction or surgically removing body parts, there is no other way. The scale (pun intended) can be tipped by reducing caloric intake and/or increasing caloric utilization. It becomes a matter of personal preference as to how much of one or the other or both one choses.
06-04-2009 , 03:02 PM
shall I take the 160bucks from stars or shall I play the freaking SundayMillion with FPP?

or something completely different?
06-04-2009 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Wat, really? I was working on my new book "Take a load off" which focused on taking a crap more often as a ************ mechanism. Should I scrap the idea?
I think you should keep the same name and expand it to include weight loss by frequent ejaculation.
06-04-2009 , 05:16 PM
Should I scrap the idea? Time for another beef sammich!

You could scrapbook the idea instead
06-04-2009 , 05:33 PM
Wish I had something interesting to post in this thread.... Been taking shots at 15/30 lately, including a successful +43.5 bet win last night
06-04-2009 , 06:38 PM
Important weight loss tip. I'm just over 6 feet and weigh about 240. 20+ years ago when I was young and in good shape, I weighed 195. I have a red Nautica polo shirt with a small blue sailboat emblem on the breast. Every time I wear this shirt, at least 3 people that know me well ask me if I've lost weight recently. Macy's ~$30.
06-04-2009 , 07:08 PM
Playing in a $55 buy-in tournament Tuesday night at Pechanga Tuesday I got to watch the following. With the blinds at 50 -100 and 3700 behind, obnoxious middle aged woman limps from first position. 4 folds and Gray Hoodie raises to $1000. After thinking for almost a minute she calls and quickly checks the Q-x-x flop. He bets 2000 and after another minute or so of high level thought she calls leaving 700 behind. The turn card is another Queen and the hoodie bets enough to put her all-in. She turns up two black Kings and says she's folding because she knows he has the other 2 Queens. He shows Jacks.
06-04-2009 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Wat, really? I was working on my new book "Take a load off" which focused on taking a crap more often as a ************ mechanism. Should I scrap the idea?
No; but, I do think you should flush it.
06-04-2009 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
No; but, I do think you should flush it.
You realize that we're going to let the Captain sit on your left in Vegas? That's right, the whole trip he's going to have the Jesus seat on you.

Any word on Jesse in Vegas? I thought he was doing a recon mission to the 30 game at the B.
06-05-2009 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian
I think you should keep the same name and expand it to include weight loss by frequent ejaculation.
That's the new marketing campaign at the sperm bank I hear. Or is it "bring your wank to the bank"?
06-05-2009 , 12:41 AM
Quasi-Trip Report (xpost in B&M Hammond Horshoe thread, so certainly not worthy of its on thread)

Was visiting Chicago for a meeting last weekend and took the shuttle to the Horseshoe on Saturday. Arrived around 7 pm and was immediately seated at the 6/12 kill (goes to 5/10 when kill is on) game. Very good game with both weak-tight and loose passive players. The couple TAGs stayed out of the way. I liked when the kill was on, as the number of chips in play seemed to ensure that most played completely wrong at the new limit. With an n=1, this game seemed lower variance than the typical west coast table. Rare action pots, and when they occured the other players including the TAGs did not seem to know how to play in a big pot. Stayed at this table for 3 hours and was up 15 BB, when finally called to a new 10/20 must move. This table was completely different from the 6/12 and I have no idea where these guys came from given that only one came from the 6/12, and there was only one 6/12 going. The table was the most TAG cash game I've ever played. Mostly 2 or sometimes 3 to the flop raised 75% of the time preflop with 3 bets frequently preflop. Did pretty well on the must move, probably because I was lucky, and was called to the main table after an hour ahead 10 BB. The main table was actually better and less TAG, with a fair number of weak tight older guys, but I was less lucky and left for the return shuttle after 45 minutes with a couple of BB left. On a Saturday they had one 6/12, two 10/20, and one 40/80 LHE tables, but lots of NLHE and Omaha, too. Not really a limit paradise in the midwest.

Overall, when in Chicago I would return, but didn't like:
1. smoking, as I'm spoiled from being in California
2. table felt was strangely tacky and dirty
3. the tables on the lower level are distracting with all of the WSOP advertising
4. no complementary drinks even in the high level
5. drive to Casino is through some pretty industrial grundgy areas that make Commerce, the Bike, and HG look nice.

P.S. Played with a couple of nice old boys that had driven up from Kentucky for the weekend. Is that what playing with LeoDoc and James would be like
