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Official June NC/LC Thread sponsored by Captain R. Official June NC/LC Thread sponsored by Captain R.

06-30-2009 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by asmitty
after 5 consecutive losing sessions (around 100 BB total), i felt like sticking my head in a blender every time i played poker and i decided to take a month off.

today marked the end of that month and i decided to pop into ocean's 11 for a couple of hours to see if it helped. i cannot remember a session where i played as clear-headedly as i did today. i generally made intelligent decisions (i can think of 2.5 mistakes i made), didn't tilt, and instantly quit when i felt like i might start slipping out of my A-game. i booked a small win (9 BBs) and it really felt like a shot in the arm. i still have a while to go before i'm back into grinding mode (especially since i'm going to colorado for two weeks for work on saturday), but i feel like i'm back in a good place and am ready to play good poker again.
wb . I can honestly say the forum is better now that you've returned.
06-30-2009 , 01:04 PM
everyone should continue believing that games are best after 5pm.
06-30-2009 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by albacorela
So Friday wife and I leave the kids at home and head to vegas to make up for 20th anniversary we never celebrated. Major event was the Clapton/Winwood concert Sat night at MGM. The concert was great. They did a lot of acoustic and blues work, several Traffic tunes, couple Blind Faith tunes.

Played a little 2/4 and 3/6 at MGM (3/6 is their highest). Actually made $40 at 2/4. The 3/6 table ran more like 8/16 or better. The 3/6 table had like one soft spot; others were not terrible.
You got there just as I left MGM - see my TR in LV lifestyle. Agree on the 3/6 thing. The fish can be found at the 1/2NL tables.

Would have loved to see Winwood and Clapton together. Yes, I still have my Blind Faith RECORD, not a CD. Hope you had a good time and we'll see you at the tables back in LA.

And albacore season is almost here. Getting some small overnight counts out of SD.
06-30-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by fishyak
see my TR in LV lifestyle
06-30-2009 , 08:46 PM
Damnation. Just tried posting in the ol/live thread only to have my wife's post rejected by the heavy hand of our very own bbb closing the thread.

I'm getting concerned here. No James. Locked threads.

Glimmer of hope was that Doug and smitty posted today.

06-30-2009 , 09:05 PM

Here's a video of me skydiving 1.5 weeks ago if anyone is bored (or to see if you recognize me from foxwoods).
06-30-2009 , 09:14 PM
Babar rules with an iron fist IMO
06-30-2009 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Babar rules with an iron fist IMO
leo doc told me to tell you that he agrees.

Can I buy half of your action against him when we get to Vegas? (I don't want to ask him for more fun tickets for the slots 'cause he only gave me a paltry few and he told me you're a really nice guy and one damn fine poker player. )
06-30-2009 , 10:09 PM
Q1: +$103/hr.
Q2: -$9/hr.

I think I'm getting worse at poker. I think the government is putting chemicals in the water and slowly melting our brains. This is why I only drink bottled water at the casino.
06-30-2009 , 10:21 PM
Various things

Live Hand-Some very tight player opens UTG, folds to me in like the HJ with AJo, I fold but as I muck my cards, they hit the dealers hand and they flip over!!!!!!!!! Like half the table says stuff like "wow you fold AJ???" and "you fold Jackpot hand?" etc. I just shrug. Some garden implements call him and the flop is K high. Guy winsp ot with AKs. Everyone then says "wow....great lay down man". No joke

A question-The last 3 weeks or so when I play live it is if I can all of a sudden recall boards way better, hands with ease like never before. The flop comes out, I look at the players, glance at the board and boom, I recall it right away. Whereas before I could never do this on every hand. And I can now recall hands when I want to go over them, all suits etc. way bedda. Just repetition, better focus or??? Not sure really but I like it. Maybe it is just doing it a lot and all of a sudden things seem a lot more clear etc. Anyone get this at some certain point?
06-30-2009 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
I think I'm getting worse at poker. I think the government is putting chemicals in the water and slowly melting our brains. This is why I only drink bottled water at the casino.
I agree. Alcohol denatures those chemicals, though; and, I understand that the government has access to bottled water. Act accordingly.

First drink is on me.
06-30-2009 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Mrs Leo Doc
First drink is on me.
Hospitable AND wise. Nh, wp. You certainly don't want me buying a round...

Originally Posted by jesse8888
I remember my high point. After it Captain R bought me a drink. That was many weeks and racks ago.
07-01-2009 , 12:05 AM
Admission for 3 to the San Diego Zoo: $75.50

Lunch for 3 at the Zoo Safari Kitchen: $26.50

Getting to watch Dung Beetles Roll it with the family.......................Priceless

(Dont ask how my "roll " is doing lately)
