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10-21-2009 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by threeducks
I tried to edit out the dumb comment about folding ... as you can see I am a dummy - I had to ask my wife if she remembered the hand and we discussed it. She says I bet the flop which sounds good to me.

So, I should lead from the Big Blind when I hit a set on this type of a flop.

1) I do not want it checked around with a flush draw out there.
2) LP might take a free card with AK
3) If LP has JJ+ he will raise and I can go 3 bets thus making the players in the middle play more (he had AA and we went 5).
4) If I lead I put in the last raise per Tommy A.
if UTG had been the PFR, then a c/r is the plan... but since the PFR came from late position, betting out to 3bet if given the chance gets more people to put money into the pot.

It's all about relative position.
10-21-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1

It's all about relative position.
I have read that somewhere sir, oh yeah SSHE and WLLH - thanks.

Also, it was pointed out to me that you need to know what you want to accomplish in the hand; c/r if the likely bettor is LP to protect your hand. Donk if the likely bettor is EP.
10-21-2009 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by threeducks
I have read that somewhere sir, oh yeah SSHE and WLLH - thanks.

Also, it was pointed out to me that you need to know what you want to accomplish in the hand; c/r if the likely bettor is LP to protect your hand. Donk if the likely bettor is EP.
This is rarely ever the case. If your hand needs protecting and you donk it so the the PFR can raise, then typically if he does in fact raise, your hand is probably worse, hence you are drawing, thus you don't really want protection.

** If he would raise with UI overs or a worse hand then it would be great, but most of the time when this happens, our hand is not really that great.
10-21-2009 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
This is rarely ever the case. If your hand needs protecting and you donk it so the the PFR can raise, then typically if he does in fact raise, your hand is probably worse, hence you are drawing, thus you don't really want protection.

** If he would raise with UI overs or a worse hand then it would be great, but most of the time when this happens, our hand is not really that great.
Someone started a thread on what was a good check raise strategy -

Here I was glossing over the donk vs c/r vs the c/c - it is very complicated and I seldom get it right.

Situation is your are BIG BLIND with 44 and a player raised, you call as does 3 others plus the pfr - five to the flop.

You flop a set on 9-4-2 with 2 hearts. Your choices are:

Bet with then intent of raising.
Check with the intent of calling.
Check with the intent of raising.

What do you need to consider before you decide?

Simple choice is to just bet your hand.
10-21-2009 , 06:48 PM
Stop clogging the no content thread with content!

It's not that complicated:

1. What do you want to accomplish?
2. What's most likely the best way of getting that accomplished?

Here, the answer to (1) is make as many people as possible put in as many bets as possible. The answer to (2) depends on where you expect a bet and/or raise to come from and how you expect everyone else to react to the people driving action (you and the preflop raiser).
10-21-2009 , 07:21 PM
I can't believe that threeduck's hand is getting all this play and my GNR playlist for grinding has received none. This thread either needs a thread saver or a lolcat, imo.

Any thoughts about Rocket Queen as the finale?
10-21-2009 , 07:32 PM
i may let on too easily that i play poker. a former professor of mine:

alex, I'd be happy to write you a (strong!) letter.

Which programs you applying for?

We should talk, since I mainly sense you've been playing cards for the last year. Call me: xxx xxx xxxx

Last edited by asmitty; 10-21-2009 at 07:38 PM.
10-21-2009 , 07:36 PM
oh, and

10-21-2009 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
Stop clogging the no content thread with content!

It's not that complicated:

1. What do you want to accomplish?
2. What's most likely the best way of getting that accomplished?

Here, the answer to (1) is make as many people as possible put in as many bets as possible. The answer to (2) depends on where you expect a bet and/or raise to come from and how you expect everyone else to react to the people driving action (you and the preflop raiser).
thanks. NC gives my plausible denial since I don't what I am talking aboutost of the time.
10-21-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
oh, and

Very attractive same age as my niece
10-21-2009 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty's professor
We should talk, since I mainly sense you've been playing cards for the last year.
The concern here is likely less "you've been playing poker and poker is bad" than "you've been doing nothing this past year and I question your commitment to this field of study."

IMO, be prepared for a serious discussion on what you really want to do (and if you haven't seriously considered the question yourself, do so before you talk to your professor). When I entered graduate school, a lot of people explicitly or implicitly stated that they were doing it because they didn't really know what they wanted. I kid you not, 50% were gone after one semester, 75% by the end of the first year, and the remaining 25% gone by the end of the first two years. Not a single person who had any sort of doubt about doing graduate work survived. You really can't donk around in any sort of post-bachelors study (with the possible exception of doing an MBA). Again, IMO and unsolicited life advice, so take it / leave it as you see fit.
10-21-2009 , 08:00 PM
Are Sweet Child O' Mine and Welcome to the Jungle just to popular for you Doug?
10-21-2009 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
The concern here is likely less "you've been playing poker and poker is bad" than "you've been doing nothing this past year and I question your commitment to this field of study."

IMO, be prepared for a serious discussion on what you really want to do (and if you haven't seriously considered the question yourself, do so before you talk to your professor). When I entered graduate school, a lot of people explicitly or implicitly stated that they were doing it because they didn't really know what they wanted. I kid you not, 50% were gone after one semester, 75% by the end of the first year, and the remaining 25% gone by the end of the first two years. Not a single person who had any sort of doubt about doing graduate work survived. You really can't donk around in any sort of post-bachelors study (with the possible exception of doing an MBA). Again, IMO and unsolicited life advice, so take it / leave it as you see fit.
having talked to him i don't have any concerns about him writing a strong letter of recommendation. he's actually a consultant for a living and bounced around from being a history postdoc to working in software and now is pretty high up at an elite firm, and gave me a long rant a couple of years ago about how i should take a year off after i graduate and go backpack around thailand. if he was an actual professor who was super straightedge about academics i don't think i would have added him on facebook (where he apparently takes some time to look at the HEM graphs i occasionally post).
10-21-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
oh, and

Have you become an avatar whore? Just buy it like decent folk would.
10-21-2009 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
Are Sweet Child O' Mine and Welcome to the Jungle just to popular for you Doug?
I thought the intro to Sweet Child was a bit slow. Not sure how I missed Welcome to the Jungle, tbh.
10-21-2009 , 10:55 PM
But Live and Let Die made the cut? I'd go with Mr. Brownstone and You Could Be Mine over that.
10-22-2009 , 12:03 AM
Sick thread saver itt
10-22-2009 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Have you become an avatar whore? Just buy it like decent folk would.
I just noticed this, and as we scumbags/lawyers say in Court, "Objection, your honor: vague."

I would like clarification on what asmitty should "just buy."

The possible answers tickle me pink.
10-22-2009 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by asmitty
if he was an actual professor who was super straightedge about academics i don't think i would have added him on facebook (where he apparently takes some time to look at the HEM graphs i occasionally post).
lol So what you're saying is that he actually has a life.
10-22-2009 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
But Live and Let Die made the cut? I'd go with Mr. Brownstone and You Could Be Mine over that.
You Could be Mine is There.

I thought Mr. Brownstone was there. It is now.
10-22-2009 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by DougL
You Could be Mine is There.

I thought Mr. Brownstone was there. It is now.
Maybe this is where I am going wrong - I have 600+ songs in my playlist and I play them on my iPhone random order. No wonder I lose, I play the wrong music.

Poor Side of Town is my fav and on the top.

"Poor Side of Town" is a song by Johnny Rivers, that reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and on the RPM Canadian Chart on November 1966.

November 1966 was a watershed in my life and I would give anything to return to that time.

Last edited by threeducks; 10-22-2009 at 10:47 AM.
10-22-2009 , 12:31 PM
Two hands same game. I open AA, fish A calls, LP 3!, BB fish calls 3 cold, I cap all call.

K72r. I'm not even kidding.

I bet, fish a and BB call. 3-bettor mucks at 18:1 immediate lol nice.


bb checks I bet fish raises. BB fish says "fish, what do you have?". I'm in the hand so I can answer. "he has two pair, and one of them is 5s. It's probably king 5". Fish shoots daggers at me (we are actually very friendly) and says "I couldn't be slow playing a big hand?" and I respond simply "kings and fives". Bb calls anyway! I call. River blank fish bets BB calls I lol overcall. Fish has K5o. BB has K3o.

Hand 2

batman raises In EP and gets 6 way action.

K72r. I'm not even kidding. Sb c/r/4 bets and leads the T turn. Batman raises so now I know he has 77 minimum. Sb 3 bets and batman caps. River 2 SB check calls. Batman has KK. SB is from commerce apparently and rolls AK.

This basically sums up the last 5 months.
10-22-2009 , 01:01 PM
Apparently last night was the LAG convention at the Oaks.

This was my table:
Seat 1: 80/30 preflop, called any pair to showdown for any number of bets
Seat 2: 60/40 preflop, kept flopping the nuts
Seat 3: me
Seat 4: 100/0 preflop, called ATC to showdown for 1 bet on each street (but would fold to a raise)
Seat 5: 50/20 preflop, bluff check-raised the turn every single hand
Seat 6: 50/20 preflop, decent postflop but was a huge luckbox
Seat 7: 90/50 preflop, ******
Seat 8: 30/10 preflop but coldcalled "like it was his job"
Seat 9: decent reg but tilting for unknown reason
Seat 10: 40/0 preflop and only raised the river
10-22-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
You Could be Mine is There.
I thought Mr. Brownstone was there. It is now.
How come there's nothing from Chinese Democracy?
10-22-2009 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Man of Means
How come there's nothing from Chinese Democracy?
Isn't everything good from Chinese Democracy there? I'm not sure.

The real question is "why isn't Mama Kin" on the list?"
