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New and Improved LC Thread:  Now with 25% More! New and Improved LC Thread:  Now with 25% More!

06-30-2008 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by mwette
Filip, I think I played a few hands against you this weekend. Do you have same avatar on PS and did you play $0.25/$0.50? I was playing 15 min shots between sessions of chipping 300sq ft of tile out of my house; nasty work.
Played a nice 8h session on saturday and not so great 2h one on sunday. Pretty sure it was limits 1/2

Hows the back after all that chipping?
06-30-2008 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
If you come out here for JavaOne be sure to let the forum know. As you can tell the bay area has a weeeeee bit of limit poker available from time to time.
Will do!

I might just skip the conventions all together and simply go for a nice vacation.
06-30-2008 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Filip
Hows the back after all that chipping?
Back's OK. But my arms are a little sore and I have about 20 blisters on my hands from the chipper (jackhammer w/ chipper blade). Tile contractor was a bit surprised that we actually did the demo job.
07-01-2008 , 02:17 AM
Did you wear gloves and goggles? I did that in our bathroom and even though the hammer does the work for you it is still pretty brutal for us musician types.

Still workig on getting a home game going for some of us here. I'll let you know if I make any progress.
07-01-2008 , 08:12 AM
i played absolutely horribly last night. i kept calling BS on people in all the wrong spots. my hero calls came up empty time after time. ugh. i hate NL.
07-01-2008 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by James.
i hate NL.
Is the Prodigal Son returning to the LHE family?
07-01-2008 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Is the Prodigal Son returning to the LHE family?
hell no. i just hate poker right now.
07-01-2008 , 11:23 AM
...and I've just slaughtered the fatted calf. You'll at least join us for the bbq, right?
07-01-2008 , 11:51 AM
Going to Vancouver BC some time in August. Anyone here who is up that way? White Night you around these days? Anyone else drop me a line.

James-PLO it man!
07-01-2008 , 01:34 PM
Looks like I'm going to be at Commerce on Saturday the 5th until Sunday the 6th. Anybody who is around PM me and I'll shoot you my cell number.
07-01-2008 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Frond
James-PLO it man!
nope, hate omaha too.

in all seriousness, i go through phases. frond, i may have mentioned these in pm's past.

when it comes to poker, i get to where i play alot, enjoy it, then get burned out a bit but still play and then my next downswing hits and i take a break.

see guys, i play a very high variance style that is not for the faint of heart. as a result, my standard deviation is higher on average than it is for any other player i know. when you play alot of hands, you get put in a lot of marginal spots which causes tremendous fluctuations. when you are in alot of 54/45 spots, it doesn't take many flips going against you to hit a downswing.
07-01-2008 , 02:49 PM
hi SSL,

i'm a pretty good cook so id like to share this dish i made a few days ago for the first time which was pretty freakin good.

you need:

1 1/2 lb raw shrimp peeled
vine of cherry tomatoes
okra (1 lb) - defrosted from frozen bag is fine
8 oz clam juice
3 teaspoons cajun spice
1/2 teaspoon allspice
5-6 slices bacon
a few green onions
1/2 cup flour

1) coat shrimp with half of the cajun spice
2) cook bacon in pan til crispy. remove bacon to dry. KEEP DRIPPINGS!
3) dump flour in the bacon drippings (in the pan) and cook it for about 5 mins til it turns dark brown. this is called a "roux" and is important for flavor
4) put in tomatoes, okra, and clam juice in the roux along with remaining cajun spice and cook for 1 minute at hi
5) put in shrimp and allspice and cook on hi for five minutes til the shrimp's cooked
6) put in green onions and bacon and heat for 1 minute and then its done!

serve over dirty rice/cajun rice/whatever rice you can find
07-01-2008 , 05:03 PM
in all seriousness, i go through phases. frond, i may have mentioned these in pm's past.
I recall that. Ya know what cheers me up when I'
m feeling depressed, Atlantic City, tourists and stacks of checks a mile......

Kit-That sounds freakin good. Fishyak here is also a cook extraordinaire. Sometimes at a table he starts describing how he cooks a certain item and I swear you'd think you are talking to one of those dudes on the food network.

Here's our dinner I made last night.

Pan fried fresh Dorado(mahi mahi) i caught in Mexico, rolled in egg & bread crumbs
Boiled white corn on the cobb
Salad that included cherry tomatoes we grew in our garden with bleu cheese dressing
Baked pita chips with hummus for an appetizer.

Something in da food. Ate, made myself a manahattan with Makers and then won 2 of 3 PLO SNG's. Aiyah!
07-01-2008 , 05:33 PM
I know this question has been asked a million times, but didn't see it in the sticky. If I normally play 8-16 to 20-40 live and feel I'm a winning player at those stakes (no matter what my spreadsheet says this year) what would be a good limit to start playing online again that would be comparable?

Right now I'm at .50/1 on PokerStars and it seems a bit tight...
07-01-2008 , 05:35 PM
Oh and I'm not planning on firing up pokertracker, just using my "reads". Any adjustments I should make from a live game?
07-01-2008 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Oh and I'm not planning on firing up pokertracker, just using my "reads". Any adjustments I should make from a live game?
I am pretty sure I am a winning 20/40 live player and I can't beat .50/1 on full tilt. Comparing the games is like comparing apples to oranges, imo, as a vastly different style of play is required.
07-01-2008 , 05:58 PM
Apparently any pair is worth a three bet against an EP raiser. And they'll call you down with 88 or 66 on an AQJ flop just to find out if you are bluffing.
07-01-2008 , 06:02 PM
My favorite hand. Folded to me on button so I decide to steal with Q5s. SB flat calls, BB folds. Flop Qd5d3d. Check, bet, he calls. Turn 5x. Check, I bet, he raises, I reraise, he caps. River 7d. He checks. I bet. He raises. I three, he caps. At this point I'm thinking it sucks he smooth called me with queens, but no, he shows AcAd.
07-01-2008 , 06:22 PM
Seek that guy out wherever he plays and you'll be good right? This was a good question as I'm looking to get into online LHE as well.

I'm about a break even 8/16 player live.(CP) At least from about 20 sessions.
07-01-2008 , 06:38 PM
I play 8/16 live games, and online I multitable 2/4 to 3/6 on stars. I'm down a bit at limits lower than that, but I don't play in them very often. I can never put anybody on a hand because they play so bad. It really throws off my value bets. The 2/4 and 3/6 games have some tight players that you can steal from, but quite a few calling stations giving their money away, too.
07-01-2008 , 06:44 PM
In my area, the 10/20 games have pretty much completely been taken over by 8/16. It seems like the 8/16 games play much looser, similar to how 3/6 and 4/8 games usually do. Most 10/20 that I used to see played a lot tighter.

My thought is that since you play with $2 chips in 8/16 it feels just like 4/8 so weak players aren't intimidated and tighten up. They just play their normal loose-passive style. Also, the pots look bigger, since there are more chips out to be one, even though there is actually less money than red chips in a 10/20 game, and people chase to win pots that seem bigger.

Anybody else notice this difference between the games (I know every games is different, I mean on average)? Also, is it a common trend in other cities to shift from 10/20 to 8/16?
07-01-2008 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
I am pretty sure I am a winning 20/40 live player and I can't beat .50/1 on full tilt. Comparing the games is like comparing apples to oranges, imo, as a vastly different style of play is required.
Oh. You just made me feel SO much better. I used to play a LOTTT online, and was doing well at the .50/1 and 1/2 level. And then all of a sudden in the last year I've been stuck and my BR has just not gone anywhere, with all that time invested. But live is still going nicely for me, and I didn't get what was wrong with me. I used to always think that the 1/2 game on Pokerstars played similar to a 4/8 live game. But I've since changed my mind, and I find the games so much harder online.

The thing with people who play online, I decided, is that they are likely going to be more than your typical recreational player. It takes some effort to deposit online so I find that people who go to those efforts take it more seriously - plus they are playing at home, so it's less of a 'go out and socialize' type thing too. Plus you get the pros who are multi tabling low limits.

So yeah. Hard to compare is what I'm saying. Just in lots of words.
07-01-2008 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Homerphobe
In my area, the 10/20 games have pretty much completely been taken over by 8/16. It seems like the 8/16 games play much looser, similar to how 3/6 and 4/8 games usually do. Most 10/20 that I used to see played a lot tighter.

My thought is that since you play with $2 chips in 8/16 it feels just like 4/8 so weak players aren't intimidated and tighten up. They just play their normal loose-passive style. Also, the pots look bigger, since there are more chips out to be one, even though there is actually less money than red chips in a 10/20 game, and people chase to win pots that seem bigger.

Anybody else notice this difference between the games (I know every games is different, I mean on average)? Also, is it a common trend in other cities to shift from 10/20 to 8/16?
Every 10/20 game I have ever seen or played in has sucked and been full of rocky regs.
07-01-2008 , 06:54 PM
An game played with 4 chips and 8 chips is always going to get more action than a 2 chip 4 chip game for the reasons that you mentioned. In my home town game, they always had a tuff time getting a 10-20 game going and even the 6-12 was often a problem but when they started offering the 8-16, the 3-6 and 4-8 (both are spread) players started coming into the game. These were guys that would not move up to 6-12. The only reason that I can see is that the appearance of the pots makes their mouths water. You also get more aggressive players in these games which magnifies the above. Ya gotta love it.
07-01-2008 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Every 10/20 game I have ever seen or played in has sucked and been full of rocky regs.

The 10/20 games in AC are great. Where are they bad?
