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March Directly to Showdown.  (NC/LC) March Directly to Showdown.  (NC/LC)

03-04-2010 , 08:39 PM
Well we have 3 so far (me, Frond, and probably Jesse), anyone else in LA want to meet somewhere (I'm guessing around Commerce)?
03-04-2010 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
B^3, you still down in LALA land?
yes today last day then i go bay area
03-04-2010 , 10:01 PM
I open KK UTG. Deaf old man (Dom) calls utg+1, fatman calls someone else calls Persian steamer calls otb SB suicide raises all in for 10 chips I "cap it" to 3.5 bets all call.


dom raise/caps me. Persian continues the fight farman drops after cold calling the first time.


I check Dom bets Persian folds QQ face up. I fold Dom has JJ at showdown. So for the record I got cold called by JJ and QQ and still got it capped which is kinda the morale of the story.
03-04-2010 , 11:52 PM
brag 1: In the last three days, I've been in some of the best games I've seen ol in the past six months.

brag 2: I've been able to get the jesus seat about 50% of the time in those games.

beat 1: AA held up once. I had it in the bb and all folded to me. KK won me a pot, too. All fold to me otb, I open, blinds fold.

beat 2: I flopped a set when I opened 77 otb and both blinds called. Flop was 467, i bet both call. Turn 3. sb donks, bb folds, I raise. River 5. I cry call sb's donk who shows A8o.

drum roll pleeeze for the final beat: down 127BBs in the most awesomest games I can remember in a while. fml.
03-05-2010 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by BigBadBabar
yes today last day then i go bay area
Best action of the year at Bay 101 starts this weekend for a week as the WPT comes to town.
03-05-2010 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
brag 1: In the last three days, I've been in some of the best games I've seen ol in the past six months.

brag 2: I've been able to get the jesus seat about 50% of the time in those games.

beat 1: AA held up once. I had it in the bb and all folded to me. KK won me a pot, too. All fold to me otb, I open, blinds fold.

beat 2: I flopped a set when I opened 77 otb and both blinds called. Flop was 467, i bet both call. Turn 3. sb donks, bb folds, I raise. River 5. I cry call sb's donk who shows A8o.

drum roll pleeeze for the final beat: down 127BBs in the most awesomest games I can remember in a while. fml.
Leo thats like a bad day at online poker. Edges are small and people generally play ok at those stakes so when you run bad it hurts. But it's really just a drop in the bucket.
03-05-2010 , 05:47 AM
03-05-2010 , 05:48 AM
But seriously I think when I start whining and posting beats and thinking about hands I should've won is when bigger downswings come. When I brush it off and continue to make good decisions, somehow I win again. So I'm not trying to be a douche because trust me I've been there and I know you're just posting some beats to cool off from a bad run, but I think it's actually counter productive to one's game. In summary, do as I say not as I do.
03-05-2010 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by DosXX
But seriously I think when I start whining and posting beats and thinking about hands I should've won is when bigger downswings come. When I brush it off and continue to make good decisions, somehow I win again. So I'm not trying to be a douche because trust me I've been there and I know you're just posting some beats to cool off from a bad run, but I think it's actually counter productive to one's game. In summary, do as I say not as I do.
Actually, I just posted the specific hands to provide an element of detail. What I was really tryin' to say is that it sucks to be in great games and get a downswong like that. Being card dead doesn't help much either.

Besides, I've posted enuf here that I'm entitled to the occasional whine.
03-05-2010 , 10:39 AM
Maybe this'll make you feel better leo.

03-05-2010 , 10:40 AM
Poker is a tough game.
03-05-2010 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Nchabazam
Maybe this'll make you feel better leo.

Misery always loves company.
03-05-2010 , 12:22 PM
Awesome games: confirm
Set no good: confirm
Players generally ok: not so much.
03-05-2010 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by mntndrew
Awesome games: confirm
Set no good: confirm
Players generally ok: not so much.
Seems as tho we've been missing each other. The 5/10 games have been starting late the past few days. Since I play a lot more in the mornings, most of my downswing has mercifully occured in the 3/6.

I reckon I need to get back to 5/10 where my 3-bets get a lil respect.
03-05-2010 , 01:34 PM
last night's session was brutal..LOL

Ran 99 into 66 on a T6867 board.... Oooops, Drawing dead and getting there LOL. Oh, and lets not forget that 66 3-bet me PF from MP
Ran QQ into KK AND AA on a T high board, but at least I folded the turn
Ran AK in J6 (LOL) who took 3bets to the face on a AJ5KJ board (that one hurt!!!)

The list goes on.. .. ..

Like everyone else has said, the games seem to be extra juicy-good, now someone just needs to open up a family pack of run good and pass it around! Do you think Costco has any?

Last edited by bravos1; 03-05-2010 at 01:44 PM.
03-05-2010 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by BigBadBabar
yes today last day then i go bay area
you have my contact info... hit me up when you get here.
03-05-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Best action of the year at Bay 101 starts this weekend for a week as the WPT comes to town.
[x] action good
[x] even at the 20
[ ] room to breath

During the Shooting Star tourney, all of the cash games are moved to the rest/banquet area and they jam them in there. Hmmm, kinda feels like playing at Bellagio..LOL
03-05-2010 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
[x] action good
[x] even at the 20
[ ] room to breath

During the Shooting Star tourney, all of the cash games are moved to the rest/banquet area and they jam them in there. Hmmm, kinda feels like playing at Bellagio..LOL
Just the low and mid-limits, you rabble. The high limit game often goes in the Gold Room.
03-05-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
kinda feels like playing at Bellagio..LOL
I remember the days when you had to ask like 10 people to move out of the way when you went to the bathroom. The 4/8 games got the worst of it, packed into the little alcove.
03-05-2010 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
Like everyone else has said, the games seem to be extra juicy-good, now someone just needs to open up a family pack of run good and pass it around!
I love you guys and all, but I'd rather open up my own can of "Whip Ass" and gulp it down.
03-05-2010 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
I love you guys and all, but I'd rather open up my own can of "Whip Ass" and gulp it down.
yeah.. but "whip ass" and "run bad" are a bad combo!!!

Kinda like Pabst Blue Ribbon and redbull! LOL

Also, last night, one of the Bay 101 20 games looked like the following:

Seat 1: reasonable white dude
Seat 2: unknown white dude
Seat 3: Old nitty white dude
Seat 4: Bad white dude
Seat 5: Bad white dude
Seat 6: Bad, but aggro white dude
Seat 7: Torello (yeah, he's white)
Seat 8: Jessie - female asian prop
Seat 9: semi-solid white dude

What is wrong with this table? Torello joked with me about table changing with Jessie. I quickly turned it down knowing that if I had, the city of San Jose may just well implode!!!!
03-05-2010 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Just the low and mid-limits, you rabble. The high limit game often goes in the Gold Room.
LOL.. so they move ONE table into the gold room...

Still doesn't help the fact that they cram 35+ tables into a space that could hold ~25 comfortably.
03-05-2010 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
Seat 1: reasonable white dude
Seat 2: unknown white dude
Seat 3: Old nitty white dude
Seat 4: Bad white dude
Seat 5: Bad white dude
Seat 6: Bad, but aggro white dude
Seat 7: Torello (yeah, he's white)
Seat 8: Jessie - female asian prop
Seat 9: semi-solid white dude

What is wrong with this table?
Were they filming a porno or something?
03-05-2010 , 06:28 PM
Confirmed games are juicy at Bay101.

Guy limps in CO, I raise OTB, BB calls.

Flop: KT5
Limper c/c's with Q8

Admittedly he outplayed me by turning an 8 and calling down my triple barrel. So maybe he was a 3rd-degree ninja or something.
03-05-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Were they filming a porno or something?
I spilled my drink... thanks. ^_^
