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Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh...

07-14-2008 , 01:00 PM
5th time in a row I've had the Cowboys now (live) and they've held up 0 out of 5 times. When will the madness end...

Oh well..
Anyways... here's the hand:

UTG+1 open raises, one cold caller, and I 3-ball my gorillas (KK) from CO. All fold back to UTG+1 who calls, and limper calls.

Flop (3 players; 10 sb):

Check, Check, I bet. Call, Call.

Turn (3 players; 6.5 bb):

Check, limper tanks for a second then checks, I bet again. Call, call.

River (3 players; 9.5 bb):

Donk, call, Hero...?

UTG+1 is a poker dealer who, while not always playing the best cards, seems to think about what he's doing in the hand post flop, and tries to play correctly.

Limper was a semi-loose passive reg who wouldn't surprise me if he was holding a 9 on the turn and slow played it. Kinda guy who only raises with a strong made hand, but can't seem to get away from mediocre ones.

I had a read on UTG+1 for the A on the turn when he called. I knew when he donk'ed I was pretty much smoked, but I had to see it.

I just wanted to post this to get some feedback and some other perspectives about the hand in general:

1.) Is this an insta-fold for some of you considering my general read on UTG+1 (not my read in the hand particularly)?
2.) How bad is a call here, really?
3.) If he donks, the limper folds, and it's HU on the river?

4.) What if UTG+1 checks, limper checks and it's on me? B/F, or check it through?

Last edited by Hamking; 07-14-2008 at 01:25 PM. Reason: sp...
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:10 PM
Hero calls. You're honestly not thinkin' about folding, right? Right?
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:11 PM
you seriously considered folding? you're giving them way too much credit, and if they both check, you bet.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Hamking

1.) Is this an insta-fold for some of you considering my general read on UTG+1 (not my read in the hand particularly)?
2.) How bad is a call here, really?
3.) If he donks, the limper folds, and it's HE on the river?

4.) What if UTG+1 checks, limper checks and it's on me? B/F, or check it through?
1) no. 11.5:1 I'd probably call here.
2) see 1) answer.
3) I think the limper is irrelevent here...or close to it. The only real concern is that he may be calling with the Q/J of hearts so UTG+1 is less likely to hold those.
4) Value bet for sure.

FWIW from UTG+1's perspective I'm betting the river with the Q or with the A.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:18 PM
If you want decent advice don't post results.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by bisonbison
If you want decent advice don't post results.
Noted, but what results did I post? All I said was that I read him for the A... not that he actually had it.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:23 PM
Insta-call for me getting 11.5:1. UTG could easily have lottsa hands with a big, but not Ace, of hearts (QhQx, JhJx, ThTx, AxQh, AxJh, etc.).
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Hero calls. You're honestly not thinkin' about folding, right? Right?
I was thinking about thinking about folding...
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:30 PM
Well, you can't raise and you can't fold.

So my vote is call.

This is really, really straight forward.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Hamking
Noted, but what results did I post? All I said was that I read him for the A... not that he actually had it.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... 5th time in a row I've had the Cowboys now (live) and they've held up 0 out of 5 times. When will the madness end...
I'm not kidding by the way. If you want honest feedback about your play (this call isn't close), you should pitch your hand histories as straightforward as possible. You can do this dry or funny or whatever, but these are the basics:

Title: Flopped a flush draw with kings, river decision.
- Site / Stakes
- Relevant pre-hand player reads
- Relevant take on your own table image
- Action, with as much commentary as you care to give, but not results oriented.
- Stop the action at the first point where you have a major question about your next move.
- End with open questions you'd like people to focus on.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 01:40 PM

Just pulling your HAMstrings dude. Just call the river.

5th time in a row I've had the Cowboys now (live) and they've held up 0 out of 5 times. When will the madness end...
Well you did sort of say it didn't hold up again here.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Frond

Just pulling your HAMstrings dude. Just call the river.

Well you did sort of say it didn't hold up again here.
ya ya ya... you guys are right. I'm half working, half re-reading what I posted trying to figure out what you're talking about. (duh, how could I lose that hand if he didn't have the A? a FH on the river? 93o ftw?? lol... )

Thanks BB for the pointers.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 02:31 PM
It sounds like calling is the consensus here. This was more of a sanity check than anything. I did think calling was the best play I could make at the time, even though I was 99% certain he had the A. I guess sometimes you just have to take your lumps.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 02:57 PM
I'm guessing the action at question here is the leading bet on the river. I don't see this as 90% chance that the bettor has A. From the point of view of someone with Q half the time the cards are dealt no one will have a A or K. You bet the turn, which is not a flush draw move. And if someone has A a flop bet or raise would have been a likely action.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
07-14-2008 , 03:50 PM
Call on the river. With odds that good you can't be folding a king high flush. If you do fold the one time that your kings held up, you might go on some serious tilt.
Live 6/12: 0-5 with KK... ugh... Quote
