limit robot or is it possible ?
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 82
I had a bad period of poker and decided to play a little 0.5-1.0 at party.
This guy TA1986 is 9 tabling about 10 hours a day. I have 102000 hands on him. (datamining).
And I did not find one hand where he played to loose. Is this possible or is he a robot. (did some different filters in pokertracker 3)
You dont need to be a world class poker to beat his abc tag style. But I would like to play other players than him at this low limit.
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 13
I saw that there were two players the other day 19-tabling on Stars, between 5-10 and 2-4 LHE...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 21,682
yes, bots exist. contact your poker site's support if you want them to check someone out.