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10-19-2009 , 05:51 PM
6/12 LAG game.

Hero is MP1 with K T

Preflop: 1 fold, UTG+1 calls, 1 fold, hero calls, MP2 calls, HJ folds, CO calls, BTN and SB complete, BB checks.

Flop: (6 sb) 9 8 7 (7 players)

SB checks, LAG BB bets, UTG+1 calls, hero does what and why?

If you want or need my thoughts just ask. You can try to teach me interactively over a few days. Hint - why did I limp?
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 05:58 PM
the flop is a slam dunk raise/cap; you have 15 good outs and sometimes as many as 21. the only situation in which you don't have a boatload of equity is if someone has a set and another person has AX, and if this is the case i agree that you run bad .

i also raise preflop but i think that is a far closer decision and understand the rationale for limping to draw more people into the pot with a hand that benefits from multiway action.
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
the flop is a slam dunk raise/cap; you have 15 good outs and sometimes as many as 21. the only situation in which you don't have a boatload of equity is if someone has a set and another person has AX, and if this is the case i agree that you run bad .

i also raise preflop but i think that is a far closer decision and understand the rationale for limping to draw more people into the pot with a hand that benefits from multiway action.
Thanks - I considered raising - if the T was a J then I would have raised.

I put in all the money that I could on flop and turn by raising.
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 06:14 PM
Give me 2 limpers or LP and I'm probably auto-raising this; in EPish with only 1 limper, I don't mind limping and perhaps even going for a limp/re-raise with hands like this. I'm guessing so long as we don't fold that either limping/raising can't be horrible.

For me this is an easy flop raise. We have a hugenormous draw; if all our outs are good we're probably sucking up over 50% of the equity and we already have 2 players trapped in the hand. I'm shovelling as much money into this flop as possible.

KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by threeducks
I put in all the money that I could on flop and turn.
Do you still only have a draw on the turn in a multiway pot? If so, you probably shouldn't be shovelling money in on the turn and instead only be check/calling... if you're getting called/raised in multiple places on the turn then we probably don't have nearly the maximum equity we think we do (which at best is probably only slightly above break-even).
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Do you still only have a draw on the turn in a multiway pot? If so, you probably shouldn't be shovelling money in on the turn and instead only be check/calling... if you're getting called/raised in multiple places on the turn then we probably don't have nearly the maximum equity we think we do (which at best is probably only slightly above break-even).
b/c I played this stronger on the flop than normal (this is after I was told to be more agressive with lots of outs, like 12) they checked to me on the turn and I bet.

I usually don't play my draws strong MP.

They thought that I had J T
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
has AX, and if this is the case i agree that you run bad .
The point of the thread was to see if raising the flop was good and I am pleased that people agree.

CO had A 8
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by threeducks

Flop: (6 sb) 9 8 7 (7 players)
Originally Posted by threeducks

CO had A 8
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by aK13
Flop was 9 8 7 since JTo won and dead to A 8

sorry about that.

Last edited by threeducks; 10-19-2009 at 07:11 PM.
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by asmitty
the flop is a slam dunk raise/cap; you have 15 good outs and sometimes as many as 21. the only situation in which you don't have a boatload of equity is if someone has a set and another person has AX, and if this is the case i agree that you run bad .

also agree that pf is real close. KJs should be a raise whereas K9s should be an overlimp, so either choice is ok.
KTs Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:16 PM
raise pre, raise/jam flop
KTs Quote
10-20-2009 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by threeducks
b/c I played this stronger on the flop than normal (this is after I was told to be more agressive with lots of outs, like 12) they checked to me on the turn and I bet.
The turn is dependent on how the flop action went, how many villains came with us to the turn and their chances of all folding the turn.

If there was crazy action on the flop and we're still like 4+ ways on the turn, then betting is pointless, IMO, because (a) we ain't gonna fold everyone and (b) if everyone calls I doubt we have the maximum equity we think we do. I'd just happily check behind and take our free card.

If like only one or maybe two players weakly called our flop raise and look like they are on the verge of folding, then I think you could argue for a turn semi-bluff.

KTs Quote
10-20-2009 , 11:37 AM
raise pf, raise the flop.
KTs Quote
10-20-2009 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
The turn is dependent on how the flop action went, how many villains came with us to the turn and their chances of all folding the turn.

If there was crazy action on the flop and we're still like 4+ ways on the turn, then betting is pointless, IMO, because (a) we ain't gonna fold everyone and (b) if everyone calls I doubt we have the maximum equity we think we do. I'd just happily check behind and take our free card.

If like only one or maybe two players weakly called our flop raise and look like they are on the verge of folding, then I think you could argue for a turn semi-bluff.


I like the way I played the flop since I raised. The turn is so-so and I might have screwed it up. The blinds checked to me and there were 3 players behind me and I bet and the BTN raised, we called. The turn I figured that there were 5 other players and my hand will come in 1 in 4 so I though that I had a slight overlay.

I probably should have just checked the turn - no one is ever folding. Semi-bluffs do not work on this table - no fold equity.
KTs Quote
10-20-2009 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
raise pre, raise/jam flop
Ding ding ding....
KTs Quote
10-20-2009 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Grease
Ding ding ding....
I understand that players think that I should raise preflop here with KTs and I will take that under advisement and give it serious consideration.

I have raised preflop with this hand in the past.

Thanks for the reminder.
KTs Quote
