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jesse8888 - The Well jesse8888 - The Well

03-04-2011 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by SadDonkey
What is the most terrible thing you've seen someone do to a dealer?

Most ridiculous angleshot?

I will assume these answers shall involve the Commerce.
This has to be close. However once at Garden City on my prop shift a customer asked a dealer to go outside and the dealer actually stood up and took a step.

OK guys it's past my bedtime...I'll pick up in the morning and hopefully my alltime most amazing angleshoot story will just come to me because right now I'm blanking....keep 'em coming.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 03:49 AM
BTW, 2 of the beers on your list are not like the others (any more than one way)
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 03:54 AM
Also.. if you were the coach of our softball team instead of, well coach , what would our batting order look like and why?
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:10 AM
How did you get started at poker?
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:26 AM
I played in the 20 game at the Commerce last Wed the 23rd and the 20 at Hawaiian Gardens on Friday the 25th. Any chance I played with you?

Oops, I guess not if you actually went north as indicated in your blog.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:44 AM
Hey Jesse, I'm an ex web dev turned aspiring pro... Just wanted to say I follow your blog and wish you all the best. Thanks for everything.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:49 AM
I am an idiot and did not read the thread before posting my first question. Disregard it, I suck *****.

1. How did you meet Captain R? At the tables, on 2p2, or outside of poker? Because of or in spite of pwnage?

2. How did the AJs 15/30 compare with the Bay 20/40? Was there collusion going on at AJs?

3. What was / is your best stroke at swimming? Best times for a 100 m at that stroke?

4. What's the thing you're proudest of in your life? The most ashamed of?
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:49 AM
Congrats on your Well Jesse. Enjoy your posts and blog.
Lot's of talk on you taking on the 40 but what about longer term goals, poker and life?
Where do you want to be in 5 years, 10 years, 25 years? What are the biggest steps you see needing to take to get there? Obv attaining LeoDoc level of ballerismo is the 25 but the others?
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 09:45 AM
Grats on your well Jesse!

Do you plan on having kids someday? in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? Never?

How come things you have no control over set you off so much (e.g. LA traffic)?

Why haven't you played much HUHU?

One of the things of live poker is that after playing for 2-3 days in a row for extended times, I would begin to loathe the people sitting with me at the table and it didn't become fun. Any advice how to go to the live tables day in day out without going crazy about seeing and playing with the same despicable people? Or maybe I'm just anti-social in general? ;-)

Describe Bellatrix' game (whatever you've seen online)!
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 11:09 AM
Which power would you rather have:

[ ] The ability to see your opponents' hole cards for one week (on-line and live, any limits and nl and fl); or

[ ] A one hour session today on the internet that exists on March 4, 2012.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by leo doc
[ ] A one hour session today on the internet that exists on March 4, 2012.
What does this mean?
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
I am an idiot and did not read the thread before posting my first question. Disregard it, I suck *****.
Yeah, +1 for me too.

Other than going busto or poker drying up, what would it take for you to give up poker as a profession and return to something like your old job?
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 12:29 PM
I must admit that when i see bright young guys like yourself playing poker as a career I feel a bit downtrodden. Any chance of you going back into your former career in some form?

Then again I'm biased because I've always been against gambling of any sort (even strategy-based) for anything except fun and stress relief.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 12:44 PM
(1) any cool places in cambridge i might not have discovered yet?
(2) what would you say are the defining characteristics of the toughest opponents youve faced?
(3) biggest leaks you see in otherwise tough players?
(4) is being animal a strength or a liability when playing live poker? online? is it stake-dependent?
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by SadDonkey
What is the most terrible thing you've seen someone do to a dealer?

Most ridiculous angleshot?

I will assume these answers shall involve the Commerce.
And we're back. I can't think of a specific angle shoot that I can deem most terrible, but the ones that irritate me the most are:

1. Selective chopping
2. Playing super slowly preflop to intentionally induce action behind you
3. The shady "put chips in slowly and try to determine if you want to raise or call based on the action behind you"
4. Trying to take all your free hands when you table change or are must moved.

Yesterday I saw a guy actually pull a bet back from the pot, in plain view of everyone, arguing that the opponent who had just check/raised him had never checked and therefore he was not going to bet. That was pretty hilarious also.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
Two factors given most consideration are how much I like it (obviously) and how much of it I've drunk.

1. Guinness
2. Young's Double Chocolate Stout
3. BJ's BrewHouse Oatmeal Stout
4. Harpoon Winter Warmer
5. Boddingtons
6. New Castle
7. Bud Light
8. Black Butte Porter
9. HoeGarden
10. Miller Light
wtf with #7 and # 10? Where's Samuel Adams Boston Lager? Not on the list? Try Redhook Double Black Stout, I think you'd like it. Also try Missippi Mud, I think you'd like that one too. As far as light beers, Coors Light is by far the best.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
4. Trying to take all your free hands when you table change or are must moved.
This is an angle? Aren't you supposed to get (nearly) a round of free hands when you are must moved because you might have just paid the blinds?
(With my luck invariably I have just paid the blinds, anyway).
I almost always take it as a chance to go to the bathroom without missing any hands then come in right behind the button; never thought anyone would find anything wrong with that.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by ashley12
jesse. Give me a few reasons why i should support the steelers in random afc games vs say, the colts or jets i wouldnt eitherwise care about.

Also, in your honest opinion, is ashley a girls name or guys name if you had to say one...

Thirdly, what would be your top 5 blogposts in your blog, that you either enjoyed typing or enjoyed playing out at the time

Finally, how many 5 year olds...
The biggest reason I have is Mike Tomlin. He is just such a cool cucumber/badass. After that I would say the Rooneys and Dick LeBeau deserve awesomeness support. The Rooneys basically bought the team with track winnings and LeBeau is in his 70s and held the all time NFL record for interceptions when he 1972. He is apparently still 3rd all time in interception return yardage and has fallen only to 7th on the interception list. If you need a player to root for, Casey Hampton is perhaps a non-conventional working man's favorite, and Ziggy Hood is going to start eating people this year.

Ashley is a girl's name, but so is Jessie. At least mine is spelled differently 5 blog posts is tough. Here we go, in no particular order, and I think I'll end up with more than 5:

The Great WTK Debacle
The Neal Game
Table Change!
Musical Chairs
Does Buddha Have the Nuts?
The Flopping of Sets and the Problem of the Lifetime Heater
The Half-Life of Competence
Poker is Like Golf
Do You Have a Gambling Problem?

In the matter of the 5 year olds....I'm going to go with 400.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pid Koker
Out of every 9 players at your 20, how many do you think are winning players? At the 40?
I postulated this a while ago. At a 6/12 or 8/16 table, only one player wins. At 20/40, typically 2. At 40/80, my guess is going to be 3.

If your question is more based on the number of players in the total population, I think that winning players lot more hours than losing players on average, so I'll go with 25% at 20/40 and maybe 30% at 40/80.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
Damn.. too bad I sold my SNES at my last yard sale. Def gonna kick your ass in wii next time you are up this way tho! lol

A topic I was discussing w/ someone else recently was a comparison between the current Bay props and the recently removed GC props that now flood the Bay games daily. Can you share your input into this matter?
I'm not sure what the question is. GC had like 70 props or something absurd from what I've heard, and I'm not exactly sure who all the current Bay 101 day time props are. If pressed I'd say that the Bay props in general are better than the average GC props in terms of poker skill, but both the best and the worst come from GC. This is including really only the Bay 20 props, and is based on over year old really I dunno.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
Also.. if you were the coach of our softball team instead of, well coach , what would our batting order look like and why?
I don't know who else is on your team now, but I can assure you that Coach would still bat in the leadoff, you'd probably hit 3rd or maybe 4th, and me and Torrello would never see the light of the 7 hole. As to guys play good.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
I'm not sure what the question is. GC had like 70 props or something absurd from what I've heard, and I'm not exactly sure who all the current Bay 101 day time props are. If pressed I'd say that the Bay props in general are better than the average GC props in terms of poker skill, but both the best and the worst come from GC. This is including really only the Bay 20 props, and is based on over year old really I dunno.
This was my position in a nutshell.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
How did you get started at poker?
$5 NLHE Sit 'N Gos with my high school friends. I don't specifically remember the first time I played, but those were definitely the first games, and I was such a nit, always trying to come in 3rd for a $5 profit. I played similar small cash games in college, and then got into playing online (Bugsy's Club was my first online site), then started making the aforementioned trips to foxwoods, then played some in vegas, then moved out here and was pretty casual about it for 2 years just occasionally playing at AJs and mostly doing Sit N Gos and grinding bonuses on Party Poker in the 08 games, then got serious and put in 400 hours of 6/12 and crushed it.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I played in the 20 game at the Commerce last Wed the 23rd and the 20 at Hawaiian Gardens on Friday the 25th. Any chance I played with you?

Oops, I guess not if you actually went north as indicated in your blog.
3rd I was at HG, 25th I did not play a hand of live poker according to my records
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Thisbetom
Hey Jesse, I'm an ex web dev turned aspiring pro... Just wanted to say I follow your blog and wish you all the best. Thanks for everything.
Thanks for the well wishes. Best of luck, and remember to spend as much time trying to improve as you possibly can.
jesse8888 - The Well Quote
