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Jesse Posts a Hand Jesse Posts a Hand

01-30-2014 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jon_locke
Maybee this is just another product of difference between CA/AZ games Because I agree with OTR that bluffing is absurd. Maybee in LA people actually consider b/f AJ, but it's far less common here.
Originally Posted by OnTheRail15
I mean you guys all want to only xr pairs in the 10/20 hu on river thread and bluff raise tp in this thread...
I don't know what the 10/20 hu thread was, but for people trying to play good it's not that uncommon to play a medium ace this way. And even though we have top pair, we are pretty far down in our distribution given Jesse probably just bet/folds underpairs on the flop. I also don't think he should do it on every turn or river, but broadway ones are especially enticing because he gets to extra convince himself he's drawing stone dead.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by DosXX
I don't know what the 10/20 hu thread was, but for people trying to play good it's not that uncommon to play a medium ace this way.
I guess this is where we disagree, as I can think of very few, if any, regs that try to play well that would play A-10 to A-Q this way. Perhaps this is one of them, in which case any advise I would/vs give is fairly irrelevant.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 06:27 PM
You're not wrong. Most people (and that includes everyone decent) wouldn't make this hero fold. We have one poster here who likes super-long posts about "they always have it in this spot, so we must always fold" against whom the line GB and Jesse suggest would be expert. Neither you or I can know if the read is right, so how can we say? I've had people who I've played with for years who I know would love to make this fold. If I had a hand against one of them, I'd totally expect you to say the same things you're saying to Jesse -- either the read is right or it isn't. Back in 1999, it could be that everyone would fold AQo in this spot and call it passing the AQo test on the big street. Man were we all bad at poker. If you're ever coaching one of us, realize that this fold was drummed into our head and we all bragged about making it. Abdul and Izmet talking about the fur coal dilemma was one of first public discussions of how that expert fold might be super-silly. At least in my memory.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 07:19 PM
I have played middle limit holdem in lots of different parts of the country, most recently Arizona. Good chance villain is bluffable in most parts of the country. Almost no chance he is bluffable in Arizona. I lost a lot of money bluffing and semi-bluffing my first few months here before I figured this out. Of course hero's image and other things matter as well, but I do think the regional difference is why the AZ players and others are at odds here.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I have played middle limit holdem in lots of different parts of the country, most recently Arizona. Good chance villain is bluffable in most parts of the country. Almost no chance he is bluffable in Arizona.
Aren't most people in AZ people who moved from CA? It all comes full circle.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Ron
Aren't most people in AZ people who moved from CA? It all comes full circle.
Yes, but I believe that it's pretty standard for people to invest all the money they save on housing in super light calldowns.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by SomeoneElse'sFool
Yes, but I believe that it's pretty standard for people to invest all the money they save on housing in super light calldowns.
(Quoted wrong post) What you likely refer to as a super light call down is probably less of a super light call down and more likely just a call down where 20-40 happens to be the largest limit game in the room.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 09:18 PM
Add me to the "not in favor of bluffing" camp. However, I'm also dubious of a few of the assumptions being used. I would personally always leave room for the possibility that a guy who would CC with KQs might also CC other suited broadways given the PF dynamics. In my experience, even tight old guys show up with some pretty weirdly played stuff from time-to-time. That being said, I don't know this villain and obv Jesse is very capable of developing reads.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-30-2014 , 11:53 PM
The thing is that bet/folding AQ in villain's spot used to be the optimal exploitative play against most of the field. People bluffed way less before online poker was a significant thing. It was a different world. And a guy still stuck in that world is a different kind of animal.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
01-31-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
And we will play along. Game is 60/120 at LA's friendliest. My opponent is a long time regular. He is tight and generally unimaginative and likely views me the same way. He is capable of making big (exploitative) lay downs, and definitely doesn't build his ranges based on the actual board cards.

Borderline maniac opens the HJ, button folds out of turn, I 3-bet A 6 in the CO, villain calls the small blind with an extremely narrow range that is exactly what you'd expect for an old school tag/nit (I'd say something like KQs, ATs, AJs, AQ, and 88-JJ...obviously I don't know this exactly and all other hands are possible but should be heavily discounted. He definitely has a capping range and it'd definitely not wide enough). BB folds, HJ calls, 10 small bets:

A 8 5

They check, I bet, villain raises, hj folds....let's start here. Villain's range is pretty much aces that beat me and KQcc.
Not that I offer much insight into 60, but here goes.

You are drawing against most of Villain's range here. So call the flop raise. If you miss the turn and river, Call and fold the river or x turn and call the river if Villain bets. If you improve, b/r turn or b/r river.

Oh, and get a job.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by bump86
Not that I offer much insight into 60, but here goes.

You are drawing against most of Villain's range here. So call the flop raise. If you miss the turn and river, Call and fold the river or x turn and call the river if Villain bets. If you improve, b/r turn or b/r river.

Oh, and get a job.
[X] has job
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
02-01-2014 , 01:34 AM
So my point in posting this thread is that there are 4 ways to play this hand.

1. Like a fish. Call the raise and call down. Which is the same as

2. By game theory. Call the raise, declare your hand a bluff catcher and call down.

3. Or you can make a small exploitative adjustment and either fold the river or three bet to try and save half a bet vs auto showing down.

4. Or you can make a HUGE exploitative adjustment and turn this pair of ones into a stone bluff.

The truly excellent, focused, thoughtful, fearless and successful live players I know consider **** like 4 all the time.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:45 AM
I don't think raising turn can ever be that bad here, ESP considering villain had a 4! range pf. Although I would rarely expect a fold, I am often surprised -- even in AZ -- and get folds in spots like these. But I think ur raising for free sd/semi with small freeroll to occasionally fold out best hand.
I would never raise turn vs. a vg opponent like otr/Locke/dd/pope.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
02-03-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by OnTheRail15
Bluffing is totally absurd.
I wouldn't say it's totally absurd but I would definitely need a VERY detailed read. I can think of at least one superhero folder that I might try to bluff here.
Jesse Posts a Hand Quote
