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Iso w/ A9o in the HJ Iso w/ A9o in the HJ

02-11-2010 , 06:15 PM
Live 4-8 Kill. No reads on Villain, or on the table. Table is playing somewhat tight. Often a raiser vs BB. Flop bet is often enough to take down a 4-5 way hand.

Kill is on. Hero has A9o in the HJ.

Pre: UTG calls, fold, fold, Hero raises, folded around to UTG, who calls. Headsup.

Flop (2 player, 4 SB after drop): A, K, 10 rainbow. Villain checks, Hero bets, UTG check-raises, Hero calls.

Turn (4 BB): 3 completes the rainbown. Villain bets, Hero calls.

River: (6 BB): 8. Villain bets, Hero calls.

How is the iso raise with A9o from the HJ? On the flop, I figure I'm WA/WB. Not thrilled with my 9 kicker. But ain't layin down top pair. Was WA/WB the right move or should I have pushed top pair harder? 3bet flop, lead turn?
Iso w/ A9o in the HJ Quote
02-11-2010 , 06:24 PM
Oh, I know these tight tables - I often end up spewing bets vs these guys who like to limp/call AJ/AQ/KQ utg - the isolating TAG's kryptonite. If the player is passive type, you should fold the turn. If he's an "active" type then call down the flop c/r. (vs unknown just call down )
The passive type usually has a big ace or better, while the active guy is the type where you can put weaker pair+gutshot hands into their range and profitably call down. I would fold a 99 or worse vs either player though.
Who is the killer in the hand? The iso-raise is OK with the extra dead money...depending on the killer's position and profile.
Iso w/ A9o in the HJ Quote
02-11-2010 , 07:02 PM
Pre-flop is fine. On the flop it makes a difference if you are the kill as UTG will put you on wide range and his C/R then has a wider range. But in any case the rest of the hand is played fine IMO.

[EDIT: Actually I think UTG will put you on wide range if either he or you is kill.]

Last edited by albacorela; 02-11-2010 at 07:09 PM.
Iso w/ A9o in the HJ Quote
02-11-2010 , 08:01 PM
fwiw the position of the limper matters to me quite a bit when executing an iso. Like I wouldn't iso an utg limper with K7s unless I knew utg to be awful and playing the same range everywhere.

I also do not think about this an iso raise. Standard open OTB with 1 limper behind. Not that different than the K9o hand I posted the other day(except limped since muliway… but I’d have popped it just the same here).

As played I think this is fine. KJ, KQ, and JT are all totally plausible hands for an UTG limper to c/r barrel and that's enough for me.
Iso w/ A9o in the HJ Quote
02-11-2010 , 09:12 PM
At this room, the killer doesn't post. So "who is the killer" is irrelevant.

After the drop, it's pretty much my money vs his money. Not much overlay from the blinds ($2).

In these table conditions, this absolutely was an iso raise in a kill pot. Raises weren't getting much action without a kill. I was pretty certain the raise was going to buy me the button (even without great reads to my left).
Iso w/ A9o in the HJ Quote
02-11-2010 , 09:25 PM
hey bump, welcome to the forum

try to post only 1 or 2 threads a day pls and make sure to post in other people's threads too

good luck
Iso w/ A9o in the HJ Quote
