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how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? how to extract the most from flopping the nuts?

01-11-2010 , 01:46 AM
6/12 9-handed live, Bay Friday 10 pm.
This is my 1st hand of the nite so I will describe the players physical characteristics, which normally I don't. I put down my big blind. MP (50 yo Vietnamese guy) limps, CO limps (40 yo Korean guy), button limps (30 yo white guy), I check 64.
F: 666!
I bet, MP raises, CO calls, button mucks, I call wanting to keep folks in.
T: T completes rainbow
I chicken out and bet, and get 2 callers.
R: K
I check figuring someone will bet now, MP bets, CO calls, I raise now...
Fyi no JP in San Jose if that matters.

Thoughts? Did I extract the most or leave money?
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 02:10 AM
We had a couple of similar posts pretty recently.

Betting out or c/r the flop was the right thing IMO.

c/r the turn would have been a poor choice.

As played I bet the river and hope the 'chooping' K raises.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 02:34 AM
If only you got the action I had with my 64

Posted before but shall repeat as hands were almost identical...

64o in the BB, 10/20 live game, usual live suspects (read maniacs, calling stations with 1 or 2 regs)
PF goes limp limp limp etc etc
flop comes 666, person to my right who folded PF makes a gasp sound so I ask him if he folded the 6 PF
In my case I check, someone bets, call, raise, lots of calls, I call figuring Ill let everyone else bet my hand for me, gets 3!'ed calls all round
Turn x (irrelevant)
I check, check, bet, call, raise, call, I figure it's time to make some $ so 3!, gets capped somewhere with calls all around
River x (again irrelevant)
I lead out, gets raised somewhere, lots of calls, I 3!, calls all around

I turn over the nuts, scoop a weeks worth of rent and change and the guy next to me gets chastised by the table for saying he folded the 6 PF (he never actually said that, but in a democratic country who am I to argue with the majority). It would have been impossible the way that hand played not to get the max from it.

Back to the hand in question, I would check the flop and let the pocket pairs bet their "nuts" and see where all the PP's and high cards live. Then either lead out or c/r turn depending on flop action and what card hits. River will play itself based on how the turn went down.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 10:26 AM
Sorry all, I must have missed Denks post before. I'm amazed that we had such similar hands given the infrequency of quads flopping, and the same rank at that. I think Denks is in Australia, so must be some kind of space-time continuum thingee where flopping the ultimate nuts in the Southern Hemisphere must be offset by the same in the North!

Mine was just this past Friday, when was denks?

Anyway, I tried to play the hand exactly as I might have if I was trying to 'steal' it with some random crappy pair or Ace big kicker.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by denks
If only you got the action I had with my 64

Posted before but shall repeat as hands were almost identical...

64o in the BB, 10/20 live game, usual live suspects (read maniacs, calling stations with 1 or 2 regs)
PF goes limp limp limp etc etc
flop comes 666, person to my right who folded PF makes a gasp sound so I ask him if he folded the 6 PF
In my case I check, someone bets, call, raise, lots of calls, I call figuring Ill let everyone else bet my hand for me, gets 3!'ed calls all round
Turn x (irrelevant)
I check, check, bet, call, raise, call, I figure it's time to make some $ so 3!, gets capped somewhere with calls all around
River x (again irrelevant)
I lead out, gets raised somewhere, lots of calls, I 3!, calls all around

I turn over the nuts, scoop a weeks worth of rent and change and the guy next to me gets chastised by the table for saying he folded the 6 PF (he never actually said that, but in a democratic country who am I to argue with the majority). It would have been impossible the way that hand played not to get the max from it.

Back to the hand in question, I would check the flop and let the pocket pairs bet their "nuts" and see where all the PP's and high cards live. Then either lead out or c/r turn depending on flop action and what card hits. River will play itself based on how the turn went down.
Denks, see my other response for my explanation of the antipodal ev ent.

I simply could not slow play the flop for fear of BBB showing the Public Service Announcement!

Lately I've stopped actually Slow Playing and instead am trying to play as I would when I don't have the nutsN but think I can win the pot think. Think AA instead of the actual flopped straight, nut flush, or full house.

At 8/16 in SJ where people try to put you on a hand, it's been working.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 11:22 AM
I don't understand why you think the tunr might check through but somebody will bet the river.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 05:41 PM
It may be horrible, but I thing c/r the turn is great. There is certainly no draws to worry about having gone for the free card play, I put the flop raiser on a pair that he things is certainly good, and will bet turn. Then bet out the river cuz the cat is outs da bag.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 05:49 PM
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Scrumbine
It may be horrible, but I thing c/r the turn is great. There is certainly no draws to worry about having gone for the free card play, I put the flop raiser on a pair that he things is certainly good, and will bet turn. Then bet out the river cuz the cat is outs da bag.
It's a pity the turn didn't totally brick, say a 2, as vil would be putting hero on 2x, as any overcards would keep calling and vil will keep paying heros rent.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by LukeSLTS
I don't understand why you think the tunr might check through but somebody will bet the river.
Me neither, that's why I phrased it as "I chickened out." I was very very tempted to try to check raise, but was even more worried that by not following BBB's PSA and not just betting that I could get nothing. It was one of those times when I have 1 second to decide and my head and hand just put the chips in. I was half hoping the villain might raise me again.

Also in these games generally check raises on the turn are perceived to be very big hands. This might not be the case online, but live it is very common for folks to muck to the turn check raise, not so much the river check raise. Can anyone else with 8/16 experience verify this observation?
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Scrumbine
It may be horrible, but I thing c/r the turn is great. There is certainly no draws to worry about having gone for the free card play, I put the flop raiser on a pair that he things is certainly good, and will bet turn. Then bet out the river cuz the cat is outs da bag.
From my quote above: in these games generally check raises on the turn are perceived to be very big hands. This might not be the case online, but live it is very common for folks to muck to the turn check raise, not so much the river check raise. Can anyone else with 8/16 experience verify this observation?
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 07:56 PM
I agree with that observation, with 2 or 3 opponents a turn c/r becomes a very good bluff / semi-bluff which is highly underutilised by live players as it implies a monster hand.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:27 PM
just bet the river.

flop - it depends on how loose villains play post flop. if they are fit or fold i think betting is pretty bad.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:49 PM
Oxymoron Of The Day:

Originally Posted by Scrumbine
It may be horrible, but I thing c/r the turn is great.
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
01-12-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by KitCloudkicker
just bet the river.

flop - it depends on how loose villains play post flop. if they are fit or fold i think betting is pretty bad.
First hand of the night, no idea of the table, except 8/16 in San Jose is not a fit or fold game!
how to extract the most from flopping the nuts? Quote
