Originally Posted by DougL
I'm a little worried about your b/f frequency.
If they think you bluff a lot on the river and then fold to their raises, that's fine.
You're not one of those people who keeps track of hands at the table, are you?
There are definitely times when I bet the river with nothing, for example correctly betting on the come on the flop and turn with a huge draw and then betting the river hoping to get a better busted draw or low pair to fold. When they call me and I'm out of position, I table my hand. This makes me "worried" that villains will start raising me lighter on the river, and makes it harder for me to fold one pair, especially when the pot is laying me 9-to-1+ odds to call. Is there a possible leak in my game here?
As far as keeping track of hands at the table, a typical session for me is 3 to 5 hours, and there are usually only 2 or 3 spots the whole time where the correct play isn't trivially clear. It's not hard for me to remember 2 or 3 hands where I wasn't sure what the right decision was so I don't bother taking notes.