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First Post- Advice Appreciated First Post- Advice Appreciated

02-14-2012 , 08:21 PM
This is my first post here on 2+2. I want to give a thanks in advance to all the posters here for future advice. I stared taking poker seriously just recently, but have played casually for a few years. My game is live 2/4 or 3/6 holdem. Since i have started playing seriously i have logged only 40 hours, but i am down about 400. which is about -2.5BB/hr in the 2/4 (which is where i usually play). I have read the SSH book about 4 times and am just practicing implementing the strategies the table. Currently i can count the pot, calculate break even drawing odds and effectively use some of the post flop strategies suggested in the book. I play pretty tight, am not afraid to play agressivly when i think i have a shot at winning. I know 40 hours is an incredibly small sample size, and it will be hard to give advice without specific examples. However i was just wondering if being down 400 after 40 hours at 2/4 is something more than variance. My game is nowhere near perfect, but i am afraid that there may be a bankroll draining leak in my game, and i don't know what it is. Any input on whether this is a normal swing or not would be greatly appreciated.
02-14-2012 , 08:49 PM
Welcome to they forum. Read the FAQ.

- You may or may not have huge leaks in your game. We can't tell, and no conclusions can be made from your results.

- Results are meaningless in 40 hrs. Get familiar with the typical swings of LHE, they are huge.

- No one can make money long term in 2/4 and 3/6 unless the rake is around $2 and $3 or less. Use it to learn the basics and have fun, or if making some money is a concern (when you learn to play) move up to where the rake doesn't kill your winnings.
02-15-2012 , 12:14 PM
Welcome to they forum. Read the FAQ.

You might also look through previous threads. This topic has come up a few times already this year.

Post hands where you have questions. Much more often, respond to hands other people have played. Good luck.
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