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Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Do you ever open limp in Early Position?

12-07-2008 , 07:42 PM
Basic question, do you ever open limp under the gun or EP2 or EP3 and what situations would you do it in? I generally limp UTG with 77, 88 or 99 in a game that has frequent multiways pots but is not aggressive preflop because I believe I have more equity in flopping a set than I do in trying to get the pot short handed. Do you believe I am wrong here?
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 07:45 PM
in 10/20 i open limp all pairs <88 in EP as default until its obvious the game sucks at which point i table change

Last edited by KitCloudkicker; 12-07-2008 at 07:58 PM.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by KitCloudkicker
in 10/20 i open limp all pairs <88 in EP as default until its obvious the game sucks at which point i table change
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 08:03 PM
In games where every time I open with a big hand in early position and everyone folds I'll limp (and raise if possible) with AA & KK some times, but not often. I'll also raise with >= 89s early on occasion.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 08:08 PM
depends on the table
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 08:18 PM
It depends on table conditions. If you are at a table where you typically get 5+ players to the flop and not much raising, limping small pocket pairs and some big suited connectors from EP seems ok to me. If the game is tighter or more aggressive, this is probably not a good idea.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 10:26 PM
I don't like open limping under the gun. A raise gives you so more flexibility post flop. Other early positions, I see nothing wrong with open limping small pp and some suited connectors, although I rarely do. Game conditions have to be optimal. and in the 10 games I play, this is rarely, if ever, the case.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 10:34 PM

I tried slowplaying once and the pot got too big
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-07-2008 , 10:35 PM
Yes. I often prefer playing in games where you can limp with a wide range in EP.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by KitCloudkicker
in 10/20 i open limp all pairs <88 in EP as default until its obvious the game sucks at which point i table change
Kit you find the borgata game to generally be that loose and passive preflop? That night when I met you after you left the table was so sickly tight that 9 hands in a row got chopped by the blinds. The dealer wanted to shoot herself. At the Taj the Preflop pre flop raising is aggresive enough sometimes that I get to the point where I can't always bring myself to call in EP w/ 66 or less fearing a raise will make the pot shorthanded. Am I missing something here?

Also you say you table change but isn't the Borgata a must move?
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by sfetaz
Kit you find the borgata game to generally be that loose and passive preflop? That night when I met you after you left the table was so sickly tight that 9 hands in a row got chopped by the blinds. The dealer wanted to shoot herself. At the Taj the Preflop pre flop raising is aggresive enough sometimes that I get to the point where I can't always bring myself to call in EP w/ 66 or less fearing a raise will make the pot shorthanded. Am I missing something here?

Also you say you table change but isn't the Borgata a must move?
On weekend Borg usually has a few main games to choose from (less so now than 6 months ago, but still often). If they have a must move it is one must move into many main games... not like dumbass FW where they have must move into a must move.

Also, Borg 10 games definitely sway to passivity enough to limp UTG with a decent range.

I also find limping to be contagious at Borg 10 games.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 11:20 AM
i love limp reraising little pocket pairs, and i'm starting to add the limp reraise on suited boradways, esp. JTs.

I figure the first prerequisite for playing these hands is a multiway pot. Once that has been established I'll play them for as many bets as I possibly can, but I definitely don't like to open with them and make people fold unless it's to mix up my game.

It's amazing how when you limp UTG and UTG+1 limps behind you, you generally entice damn near the whole table to call.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 11:25 AM
Table conditions rule. I play 8-16 or 15-30 w/o any table change options available and find that sometimes you can limp utg w/any two and will rarely be raised and other times will be regularly punished for for your gross play. Another "It depends" situation.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 01:09 PM
I think it's a pretty rare live game where you couldn't find plenty of spots to OL in EP. Small-Med PPs, Med SCs, suited aces and a few others. The Commerce 40 game is very aggro pre-flop, and I've almost had to cut my OL hands out completely. 20 and below there are still plenty of multi-way hands you can limp.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 01:26 PM
Completely depends on the game. Last time I played I open limped a few hands from EP (22-66, <A7s or so, and some suited connectors that depend on how loose/passive the game is) because it was a very good game. The few times before that the game I was in was much more TAGGY with 3-4 to a lot of flops raised most of the time. Open limping in that situation would be bad with basically any hand I can think of.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by mjk9
It's amazing how when you limp UTG and UTG+1 limps behind you, you generally entice damn near the whole table to call.
I feel very comfortable limping in EP and playing hands out of position because I feel very confident in my hand-reading skills in multi-way limped pots. I want to encourage a limp-fest. A lot of times, I feel better limping with AQo UTG and creating a family pot rather than getting three callers when I raise.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 02:17 PM
I actually Open Limp less in EP than I used to. It was a small leak of mine. In the 8/16 game I play in small and some med pairs obv and some other stuff like was mentioned in other posts.

Like others have said it really does depend on what is happening at the table. But it seems the higher in limits I play the less correct it is to open limp in EP with most hands I am going to play.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 03:15 PM
Talking table conditions - I was playing 4/8 @ Commerce Sat. night (actually I was watching the de la Hoya Paciao fight for free) and my cards were so cold that on the rare PF raise I would get NO action. So I wake up to find my only KK of the night in EP. I limp. The guy on my left (one who cannot STFU!) raises for me. Cause he is a loose goose, he gets 5 cold callers b4 me. I make it six. (Yeah, no 3 bet either.)

Flop is 873r. Checked to me and now I bet. I want my talkative "friend" to do what he does. He raises. Does this thin the field? No. EVERYONE calls cold. Now its a full on fluster cluck. Turn is a 2 and provides a flush draw. My friend on my left bets for me and all call. Turn is a K! Time to c/r! I take a monster pot against a lot of our rules.

A smart Dragon Lady accross the table yells at me: "How come you no raise?" I told her the truth: "Because I no get your money. I raise, you fold!" She scowls. The hand roughly equalled my entire win for the session. This is NOT a recommended line of play for a variety of reasons. But at this table, this time, it worked well. AA, AK and KK are hands that I will limp from EP ONLY if the table has proven that they will fold to my PF raises.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by PokrLikeItsProse
A lot of times, I feel better limping with AQo UTG and creating a family pot rather than getting three callers when I raise.
Please explain if you have time.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 05:39 PM
It's amazing how when you limp UTG and UTG+1 limps behind you, you generally entice damn near the whole table to call.
last year someone here said something to the effect of "Sometimes the table needs to be reminded how to limp"

That said, AQo is too much of a hand to not raise IMO.

AA, AK and KK are hands that I will limp from EP ONLY if the table has proven that they will fold to my PF raises.
If this is the case I just start opening up more with a wider variety of hands.

I limped a big pair one time at 4/8 and regretted it. Yak I know you don't do this all the time cause I have played with you.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by PokrLikeItsProse
I feel very comfortable limping in EP and playing hands out of position because I feel very confident in my hand-reading skills in multi-way limped pots. I want to encourage a limp-fest. A lot of times, I feel better limping with AQo UTG and creating a family pot rather than getting three callers when I raise.
I always raise hands like AQo from EP. With a hand like AQo, I would much rather end up with three opponents in a raised pot that have decent hands than 5 or 6 opponents including some random junk.

I prefer to limp small pocket pairs, that are easier to play post flop in a multi-way pot. I will limit Axs hands in EP, if the game is passive, but not if the game is more aggressive. Some of the larger suite connectors I will also limp when the game is not very aggressive.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by BeakWetter
Please explain if you have time.
Basically HPFAP p175-76. Raising vs. limping with AQo is a topic that comes up and gets debated with usually the same points getting repeated. I will add this, which I don't think anyone has said. I won't attempt to prove it, but my suspicion is that it might be better for a player perceived as tight to limp with AQo and for a player perceived as loose-aggressive to raise UTG with the same hand. As someone who radiates a Harrington-esque image, I probably benefit from underrepping my hand in ways that other players don't. It's probably similar to how I believe that it is better for me to go for a check-raise in spots where a player with a looser image should try to bet/3bet.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-08-2008 , 11:52 PM
AQo should always be an UTG preflop raise, no matter what the table conditions.

Open-limping in EP -- fine IMO up to most live 20/40 games. Most 40/80 games I almost never open-limp in any position.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-09-2008 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by BeakWetter
On weekend Borg usually has a few main games to choose from (less so now than 6 months ago, but still often). If they have a must move it is one must move into many main games... not like dumbass FW where they have must move into a must move.

Also, Borg 10 games definitely sway to passivity enough to limp UTG with a decent range.

I also find limping to be contagious at Borg 10 games.
If a seat opens up in 1 of the 3 main games, does the floor inform the other 2 main games that a seat is open at that table for anyone who wants to take it? If not how do you switch tables?
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
12-09-2008 , 09:18 AM
In online small stakes games, 2-4 -> 5/10, if i ever see someone open limp from any position i stand up and do a victory dance.
Do you ever open limp in Early Position? Quote
