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Did I get severely outplayed here? Did I get severely outplayed here?

08-05-2008 , 03:51 PM
2-4 FR limit on Stars

Hero has QQ on the button. Villain is unknown raises from the HJ. Hero 3 bets, blinds fold villain calls.

Flop A77

Villain donks, Hero calls.

I felt I was WA/WB since villains range certainly has a ton of Ax hands in his range and maybe some 7x hands but also some hands I am ahead that he is bluffing since he was in a spot where his range should be wide

Turn A

Villain checks, Hero bets for value against a hand that gave up or is behind, villain C\R's, Hero calls.

How bad is this bet or call?

River is another A

Villain donks, hero calls out of confusion

Without being results oriented was there a value bet I missed here? If villain had a 7 or lower pair he is calling me here 100% even though I am ahead.

I think we all know what villain turns over.

With my holding and the board should I just get to a cheap showdown from the turn onwards? Should I have just folded the flop (super weak tight)? I felt like the portion of his range I beat (smaller pairs) would be in check call mode on the turn since like me they discounted the possibility of me having an A but didn't want to be donking off while crushed. Obviously the portion I am behind is now a lot happier with their hand. Should I have just folded to the C\R?

QQ is a premium hand and I don't want to play like a pussy heads up especially with a premium holding but I also think the C\R was a pretty strong move on that turn.

I know this is one of those places where I badly overplayed a premium holding but I am not sure where I should have acted differently without giving up value when I am ahead.

I am trying to get better in my heads up play but this type of hand is giving me fits.

Last edited by mknoll1; 08-05-2008 at 04:13 PM. Reason: added limit and site
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-05-2008 , 03:54 PM
I think you should use the position from the 3 bet to fold the flop.
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08-05-2008 , 04:00 PM
In what format is this game being played and at what limit?
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-05-2008 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Hamking
In what format is this game being played and at what limit?
sorry, I guess that is important, 2-4 limit on Stars


So am I folding every pair I 3 bet here to a single over? Am I just folding to an ace? I 3 can bet down to probably 77 here vs a villain who is in my mind stealing.
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-05-2008 , 04:26 PM
The only hands we're really value betting against on the turn are 88-JJ which have 24 combos. He could have KK, and a bunch of Ax combos, as well as a few spazzy 7x combos like 78s, 79s, K7s which have way more combos than the hands we're value betting against. He's probably not calling with king high too often, this is live limit and the very worst hand in your range should be like 4 combos of KQs for a chop (or 3 if he has a king).

So more often than not he's either c/r'ing for value, c/r bluffing, (which should usually result in us folding I think), c/c'ing with a few worse pairs or c/f'ing a hand that has 0-3 outs.

Given that I think we should check the turn. We don't risk much giving a free card here. When he donks the river I think a call is in order. He could still have some Ax combos, and KK, and he could also be value betting worse. But I think you're too optimistic in getting paid off. and that this raise is just too slim. Are you going to pay off a 3bet? I don't think we're good 66% of the time so I just call.

edit: you said this is online, which makes it more likely he's bluffing or he'll pay off lighter, but I don't think it changes the basic analysis of the hand. I still like a check on the turn and a call on the river.
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-05-2008 , 04:46 PM
The turn should be a check for the reasons Nchabazam stated.
There's only 5 cards in the deck that can hurt your hand if you're ahead (3xK, 2x7), and if villain was bluffing the flop, he may bluff the river when it looks like you've given up, too.

Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-05-2008 , 07:13 PM
yea you got pawned
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-05-2008 , 07:55 PM
i agree with meep. i'm less concerned about being behind when the ace comes on the turn, but i'm checking it b/c it's so hard for villain to call with worse.
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-06-2008 , 11:46 AM
I'd also check the turn so that if way ahead he can bluff the river.
When the river hits a third A I am definitely betting/raising. I won't cap though.

I know it is not discussed here, but I like to raise a donk bet on the flop here and if I get 3bet I just fold. I usually get a free turn as well.
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-06-2008 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by pgon
I'd also check the turn so that if way ahead he can bluff the river.
When the river hits a third A I am definitely betting/raising. I won't cap though.

At least from a results standpoint I would have lost the same amount with this line. Doesn't change the fact that I played this like a donkey but at least I lost the same amount.
Did I get severely outplayed here? Quote
08-06-2008 , 12:19 PM
EDIT: I'd also check the turn so that if way ahead* he can bluff the river. I mean If I'm way ahead, not he is. You all got that right I'm sure :-)
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