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Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Did I get max value on this perfect storm?

12-03-2008 , 04:13 AM
I think this hand shows a little more competence than that of my debut post, but I have a couple questions about it. We're 9-handed here, online. I hadn't been in more than a couple rotations when this hand came, so I didn't have much of a read on the other players. Villain #1 was a LAG and found an incredible amount of opportunities to limp-raise in a short time span. Villain #2 was just sort of there.

Preflop: Hero is in CO with Ac-3c.
UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, Villain #1 (MP1) limps, two folds, Hero limps, button folds, Villain #2 (SB) raises, BB folds, four calls.

Flop (11 SB): 9c-7h-4c (5 players)
SB bets, two folds, MP calls, Hero raises, SB re-raises, MP calls, Hero caps, both call.

Turn (11.5 BB): 8c (3 players)
SB bets, MP raises, Hero calls, SB calls.

River (17.5 BB): 6s (3 players)
MP bets and three-bets, allowing me to cap with the nuts and both players calling down, so that's nice.

I hit a perfect storm here, but I wonder if that isn't covering up some errors. Specifically:
- Is it worth it to cap in position after being three-bet on the flop, hoping to get a free turn card and knowing that a third player is coming along?
- Am I getting maximum value by cold-calling the MP's two bets on the turn, hoping the river turns out like it did? Or should I have reraised here?

Thanks for reading.
Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Quote
12-03-2008 , 10:17 AM
What limit was this? Hand converter?

On the flop, how likely were you to hit a winning hand by the river? How many callers did you think you'd have? If you have better than a 2:1 chance to win and you have 2 or more opponents, you are raising for value. If you have > n:1 chance to win and you have n or more opponents, you're raising for value. Otherwise, you aren't. Was this a value raise here?

I suspect that you missed 4 BB by not capping the turn with one of them, some decent % of the time. The cap-cold call line is kind of screwy. Also, if the board pairs, you may have convinced anyone who can read hands that you have a set; this might kill your river action. Also, anyone with the Kc is more likely to put in money on the turn than the river.

Did you really just call the turn hoping that the 4 cards to a straight would come?

I don't love the way you played it, but you made a lot of money. Nice post.

Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Quote
12-03-2008 , 01:21 PM
Yeah, raise the turn. If another club hits and one of your opponents was jamming his 56 he'll slow down. If he had something like K9 he could be playing that fast, but will give up on the river if no club hits. If the board pairs it could slow everyone down and decimate your action.
Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Quote
12-03-2008 , 01:56 PM
I like the flop cap. Not for a free card but for value. You have more in then your odds of making your flush so you get them all to put in as many chips as possible. (Between 2&3:1 making flush / 3+ players = bet, bet, and then bet some more).
Hate the turn play. You got the nuts on a drawey board. Get money in the middle as the river may shut down the action. If a 4th club comes on the river the only action would come from a Kc.

keep the posts coming
Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Quote
12-03-2008 , 03:21 PM
pf fine
flop fine
turn you have a flush, please raise
riv same idea applies
Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Quote
12-03-2008 , 03:25 PM
i like jamming the turn... slowing down with the nuts in limit usually costs money
Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Quote
12-03-2008 , 03:28 PM
Villain #1 was a LAG and found an incredible amount of opportunities to limp-raise in a short time span.
This limp-raising is really catching on. lol

Anyways raise the turn, on the flop 3 ways + with the nut flush draw u have an equity edge so go nuts.
Did I get max value on this perfect storm? Quote
