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Can I / Should I fold this? Can I / Should I fold this?

02-01-2011 , 04:57 PM
Live 20/40, Hero on the Button. V1 is SB- decent TAG I've played with before, V2 is mid position- he is a reg I have seen but not played with. Based on a short history he seems pretty solid, somewhat of a rule nit, but no real read on aggression levels. I'm new at the table and haven't played enough to have an image at this point, although I am a solid player in V1's mind based on past play.

The hand:
Two limpers to me including V2. Hero has AA, raise, SB3!, call call, Hero caps, all call (16sb)

Flop: Q,10,3 rainbow. Checked to Hero- bet, SB c/r, fold, V2 3! .
V1 comments "he must have pocket 3s". V2 then goes nuts and gets very loud about not discussing the hand and pretty much confirming what V1 said and what I was thinking anyways. (My read: QQ or 1010 V2 raises PF, KJ maybe he flats and chases but I didn't feel he pushes the pot with an open ender only. That leaves his range as only 33)

I call based on pot size, V1 calls, (25sb)

Turn: K
V1 check, V2 bet, I did improve somewhat by picking up the Broadway draw- Hero?

1) Given the near certainty I am up against a set, how spewy is the flop call?

2) How many outs did I really pick up on the turn?

3) What if V1 caps it on the flop instead of calling- does it really affect anything afterwards?
Can I / Should I fold this? Quote
02-01-2011 , 05:44 PM
not at all; 4; no
Can I / Should I fold this? Quote
02-02-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by asmitty
not at all; 4; no
I'm not sure I really picked up 4 outs. V1's preflop raise is probably a big pair and not capping the flop or c/r the turn means he didn't hit his set on either street. My 2 outs for my set may now be dirty and I just traded the 2 aces for his remaining jacks.

What is left in SB's range but JJ, AK, AQ and maybe 99?

After thinking about it, almost want V1 to cap the flop at which point maybe I did pick up all 4 outs
Can I / Should I fold this? Quote
