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BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan?
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3 25.00%
9 75.00%

05-14-2016 , 01:49 PM
Maybe suspicious was the wrong word...but I meant that people notice it. Just like you noticed these donk bettors online so you bothered to figure out what their ranges were. When you bet the flop after putting in the last raise preflop, people expect it and therefore don't really think about what it means.
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-14-2016 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by callipygian
Donking isn't bad because it's suspicious, donking is bad because it's difficult to construct a balanced range for it. Online, I used to note what people donked, some ranges were narrow and weak, some narrow and strong, but very few were balanced.

In a massively multiway pot against very passive players, donking is less wrong and maybe even right. I played poker for like 7 years before I executed my first check-raise. It's not as bad as it sounds, in those 2003-2006 years with 9-10 to the flop, 4 to showdown games, just donking away wasn't the mistake that it is now with 5-6 to the flop, 2 to showdown, and people betting without two pair plus.
I believe that correctly identifying unbalanced donking ranges online (and adjusting accordingly) is the most important post flop skill* at the lower limits where you have 3+ seeing the flop.

* After understanding equities, of course.
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-14-2016 , 06:36 PM
aurgh! Congratulations Howard, your set donking has made my eyes bleed again. After 6 months of trying to drill in to you that donking your sets is bad, finally getting you to come around, and now you're telling us you dont even know what donking means?!

Guaaurgh! I swear by all the gods of gambling, new or old, someday we will make you the best, most non-set donkingest, 4-8 player to ever play. Even if I have to drag yo kicking and screaming in to playing well

I won't give up on you. It's not your fault...

It not your fault
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-14-2016 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
aurgh! Congratulations Howard, your set donking has made my eyes bleed again. After 6 months of trying to drill in to you that donking your sets is bad, finally getting you to come around, and now you're telling us you dont even know what donking means?!

Guaaurgh! I swear by all the gods of gambling, new or old, someday we will make you the best, most non-set donkingest, 4-8 player to ever play. Even if I have to drag yo kicking and screaming in to playing well

I won't give up on you. It's not your fault...

It not your fault
On the positive side, it's not even page 2 of his own thread and he finally discovered what the term means. Hopefully with this newfound knowledge, things will finally start to make sense after rereading the 30+ threads dealing with this topic.
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-14-2016 , 07:24 PM
I figured the silver lining was that there was zero chance he accidentally quit "donking" his sets when he three bet out of the SB and flopped a set
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-14-2016 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
8 to the flop. Pretty sure we can expect a bet up front. But also somebody up front could raise if I lead in this game.
In a spot like this in my 4/8 game (8 players to a flop - which does happen), I usually donk this. When you add the condition that you can expect a bet up front, or against better players, then I'd switch to going for a c/r. I've actually seen a flop 8 handed get checked through, which would be awful - there are some very loose, very passive players at the low limits. They are also poor hand readers - any raise is often viewed as the nuts, but a donk could be anything. So they will happily call a donk bet with overcards (a donk could get 5 or 6 callers), but a c/r of a late position bet would get a lot of folds since they are facing 2 bets.

Getting 15-1 preflop, I won't fold anything, so my range is everything I don't 3!. Hands I would donk with are flush draws, 45 for a straight, 2 pair, small overpairs (which is just 77 here since I raise 88+), and maybe some hands with 6 in them.
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-14-2016 , 11:03 PM
Not donking here because PFR is UTG. I'm expecting to get a full field cr in. If PFR was button, I'd consider the donk.

My question is, what do you do in this situation when the SB donks? I'd hate to raise only to have the PFR 3-bet and the downstreamers all fold, but calling and having everyone else just call sucks pretty hard too
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-15-2016 , 01:00 AM
I'm developing a man-crush over ZOMG. If I ever meet you I will buy you a buffet dinner up to a $35 value.

Now let me say this: As much as I play the 8-16 at Talking Stick I can still hardly believe what I see. If I read about it from someone else I'd have to know them personally to be a truthful, non-exagerrating person. It really doesn't matter if I lead, bet, donk, w/e, they don't fold. Some brain scientist ought to hook these ppl up to an MRI, do a study, and win a Nobel. J-3o UTG w/ the leg up button? Limp. 9-6o in MP to an UTG open? No problem! (That one set the guy who'd raised QQ into a tizzy). Any hand, every hand, for any bets, it's unbelievable. I sit there and wait. One asian guy once said to me 'nobody can out-patient you!' and he's right. Won 2 racks today simply by not being insane. There can't be a better game over-all at this stake in the country unless you get unlucky enough to be seated at one of the very few non-action tables.

And I can only play 2 or 2.5 days/wk, jfc, although I will admit that I got in a funk today bec I got to thinking 'this is life? this is it? having to put on the headphones bec of the idiocy?' Major depression today so I spent $35 on a massage. Felt good and I wish they'd get rid of it.
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-15-2016 , 03:03 AM
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-15-2016 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by offTopic

I'd hate to raise only to have the PFR 3-bet and the downstreamers all fold
This may just be sleep deprivation talking but I'm wondering how much this is actually true. SB probably isn't folding anything he donked with so your faced with with the awesome choice of either getting to cap the flop or pull of a sweet c/r on the turn. The 3b is also most likely going to let you clear out all th 4's and 5's in play not in the SB's hand which are basically going to have the pot odds to call the whole way. I'd still rather get to c/r the entire field but you may not lose as much value as you think here.

Someone do a stove with acurrate ranges for all 8 players
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-15-2016 , 11:50 AM
Make those 'ranges' 85+%.

And thanks BobC. I really appreciate it when I've written something that gets a low count poster to make a reply!
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
05-17-2016 , 09:52 AM
So I realize that the PFR is on our direct left, but I also realize this a raised 8-way pot. Personally, I donk a ton here and my success rate at getting 3-4 bets in multiple ways is wildly successful. I really don't mind if the PFR raises my flop bet because the field is generally not folding for two bets on this board anyways. They are still coming with KJs with a BDFD. In my experience, donking in a spot like this has better chance of getting the flop 3-bet or capped than check-raising does, although both lines are pretty comparable here IMO.

I mean seriously.... it's raised and 8 people are in the pot. When I flop a monster I'm just putting my money in because they are rarely folding. SB donks? Raise! They aren't folding. PFR on my left? Bet. They aren't folding.
BB in raised multi-way pot flops top set w/ draw heavy board. What's the plan? Quote
